~ do spraw wykroczeń - pr.,US police court
~ Szefów Sztabów Sił Zbrojnych - US Armed Forces Staff College
(organ) board of senior officials and experts
(zespół ludzi) collective body
kolegium do spraw wykroczeń: board judging petty offences, misdemeanor courtkolegium doradcze: advisory boardkolegium dyrektorów: directoratekolegium karno-administracyjne: penal administrative boardkolegium orzekające: adjudicative board, body of citizens having jurisdiction over minor offenceskolegium prawnicze: board of justices
1. (a school providing training for a special field or profession)
training college
2. (a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity
"the whole body filed out of the auditorium"
"the student body"
"administrative body")
body: :
(nauczycielskie) college
(sędziowskie) jury
(rada) council
n nt C 1. board; panel; council. 2. (nauczycielskie) college: ~ elektorskie electoral college
ntr sing nieodm. bryt. college (grono) staff
board, committee (sędziowskie) jury
kolegium nauczycielskie - teacher training college
board~ doradcze - advisory board~ d/s wykroczeń - misdemeanor board, board trying transgressions~ elektorów - electoral college~ karno-administracyjne - penal administrative board~ orzekające - board handling minor offences~ redakcyjne - editorial board~ wyborcze - electoral college
1. college
2. committee
3. board
4. body ~ elektorów electoral college Kolegium Europejskie UE College of Europe ~ redakcyjne editorial board ~ wyborcze electoral college
n board
(szkoła) college
police court