1. (an article in a newspaper or magazine or journal that represents opinions and ideas and discussion rather than bare facts)
think piece
2. (a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
"he wrote an extended comment on the proposal")
comment, commentary: :
3. (a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information
"from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account"
"we would appreciate input from our users on how we can improve our software")
remark, comment, input: : synonim: uwaga
(na temat) comment (on/upon sth), remark
(uwagi, przypisy) commentary
pozostawić coś bez ~rza no comments
n masc C (sport) commentary
(uwaga) comment
(przypis) note
comments~ do planu kont - guidelines for the chart of accounts~ prasowy - press commentary~ prawny - legal textbook
comment~ do planu kont gloss on chart of accounts
m comment, commentary ~ do kodeksu karnego commentary on the criminal code ~ do planu kont gloss on chart of accounts ~ prawny textbook ~e prasowe press comments odmówić ~a to decline comment, to decline commentation opatrzyć ~ami to furnish with comments, to annotate powstrzymać się od ~y to restrain from comment
comment, commentary
m: bez ~a no comment
commentary (pl. comment aries)