(wprowadzanie w życie) institution, establishment, creation
(mianowanie) appointment
(wprowadzanie w życie) establishment
(tworzenie) creation
(mianowanie) appointment
(ustalanie) settlement
appointing/instituting, establishing, setting up, nomination, appointment, introduction~ budżetu - establishment of the budget~ drogi koniecznej - establishment of a right of way~ kurateli - establishment of tutelage~ kuratora spadku - appointing of a trustee~ kuratora warunkowo zwolnionego - appointing of a probation officer~ na nim prawa użytkowania - granting the right of usufruct thereon~ normy - setting of a norm~ obrońcy - appointment of a legal defence~ opieki - establishment of guardianship~ pełnomocnika - appointment of an attorney/ a defence counsel~ prawa na - granting the rights on, burdening with the rights~ prokury - appointment of a representation/ proxy/signing clerk~ spadkobiercy - appointment of an heir~ syndyka masy upadłościowej - receiving order appointing a general receiver of the bankruptcy assets~ użytkowania - granting the right of usufruct~ władz spółki - appointment of company bodies~ zakazu obciążania nieruchomości - prohibiting the encumbering of a real property~ zakazu sprzedaży - prohibiting the sale~ zastawu - establishing of a pledge/a lien
laying down