(powołać) to appoint, to establish, to institute, to nominate, to set up
(wprowadzać w życie) to bring into existence, to make effective, to make obligatory, to instruct, to create
ustanawiać adwokata: to appoint a solicitorustanawiać kogoś swoim spadkobiercą: to constitute sb one's heirustanawiać komisję śledczą: to set up an investigation committeeustanawiać kuratelę: to establish a tutorshipustanawiać pełnomocnika: to appoint an attorney, to appoint a plenipotentiaryustanawiać spadkobiercę: to appoint the heir
(wprowadzać w życie) to establish, to institute
(ustalać) to set
(mianować) to appoint
(tworzyć) to form, to create
~ powtórnie to re-establish
~ prawo to legislate
vt to constitute
to enact
to establish
ustanawiać rekord - to set a record
to institute, to establish, to set up, to nominate, to appoint, to introduce, to bring into existence, to make obligatory~ adwokata - to appoint a defence counsel, to instruct a solicitor~ drogę konieczną - to establish a right of way~ hipotekę - to establish/to set up a mortgage~ jurysdykcję - to establish jurisdiction~ kogoś spadkobiercą - to appoint sb. as one’s heir~ komisję śledczą - to set up a committee of investigation/investigative committee~ kontakty - to establish relations~ kuratelę - to establish a tutelage~ kuratora spadku - to appoint a trustee~ kuratora warunkowo zwolnionego - to appoint a probation officer~ limity importowe - to set limits to imports~ normę - to set a norm~ obrońcę - to appoint a defence counsel~ opiekę - to establish guardianship~ organ zgodnie ze swoim prawem - to organise the authority in conformity with its law~ pełnomocnika - to appoint an attorney/ a defence counsel~ prawa - to lay down laws~ prawo - to set down the law, to legislate, to enact a law~ na - to grant the right on, to burden with a right~ użytkowania - to grant the right of usufruct~ precedens - to set a precedent~ prokurę - to appoint a commercial representation/proxy~ przedstawicielstwo - to establish an agency~ regulamin - to set down regulations~ rząd - to establish a government~ spadkobiercę - to appoint/to institute an heir~ system wspólnotowy kontroli eksportu - to set up a Community regime for the control of exports~ ustawę - to pass a law~ władze spółki - to appoint company bodies~ zakaz sprzedaży - to prohibit/to ban the sale~ zasadę - to establish a principle~ zastaw - to establish a pledge/a lien
1. to fix
2. to establish ~ cenę to fix a price ~ hipotekę to write a mortgage
(ustanowić) vt
1. to establish
2. to fix
3. to set ~ adwokata to instruct a solicitor ~ adwokata w sprawie to brief a counsel, to appoint a solicitor ~ cenę to establish a price, to fix a price ~ limity importowe to set limits to imports ~ precedens to set a precedent ~ rynek wewnętrzny to establish the internal market ~ zasady to lay down rules ~ zastępstwo to establish an agency
to establish
to constitute, to bring into existence, to assign, to appoint
to create
to fix, to establish