im. Kalwin
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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
More good news: shorts will get looser. Dolce did theirs with an effortless neutral breeze while Calvin Klein's were sporty. And trade in your flip-flops â?? this week, sandals have been paired with posh jogging bottoms at Bottega, gone biker-gladiator at Burberry and boasted rope-ankle ties at Dolce. And the season's curveball? Leather trousers may well be the new jeans. Burberry, Armani and Versace (complete with fringing) think so.At the time he stole a lot of expensive clothes for himself. "I'd steal Calvin Klein socks, trousers worth Â?80, boxer shorts worth Â?40, glasses worth Â?200. I'd be wearing all that to college â?? really expensive outfits." But he recalls that extravagant ostentation with some embarrassment. "I want to own a Â?200 pair of glasses, but I want to do it through art or music. Something I've created."Byrd was born Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr on 20 November 20 1917 in North Carolina and was sent to live with relatives in West Virginia after his mother died in the 1918 flu pandemic. His new family renamed him and Byrd grew up desperately poor in the West Virginia coal fields. Unable to afford college, he worked as a meat cutter during the Great Depression and as a welder building ships during the second world war. Byrd married his high school sweetheart, Erma Ora James, in 1936. They had two daughters and six grandchildren.Francisco Costa, designer of Calvin Klein, cast Kristen McMenamy and Stella Tennant for his most recent catwalk show in New York. "I wanted a cast that really represented a customer I design for, and that's not really a 16-year-old," he said after the show. "The woman who puts my clothes on needs a certain level of sophistication. We wanted to acknowledge the women who have always worn our clothes: women who have their own identities, have full lives, have kids."Today, if you took a photograph with the type of bodies Michelangelo used it would look like a [Calvin Klein] Obsession advert, whereas Caravaggio depicted the elderly, the imperfect, even death. You never turn your head away from a Caravaggio piece no matter how brutal it is because there's such a balance of horror, of unsightly bodies and violent scenes, with such great beauty.Today, if you took a photograph with the type of bodies Michelangelo used it would look like a [Calvin Klein] Obsession advert, whereas Caravaggio depicted the elderly, the imperfect, even death. You never turn your head away from a Caravaggio piece no matter how brutal it is because there's such a balance of horror, of unsightly bodies and violent scenes, with such great beauty.His phone rings. "Hello. Hello. Hello, who's speakin'? Oh, what's going on, mate? Long time. I thought you was dead or something. I'm in a restaurant. Ring me back. Right, mate." He puts his phone down. "That was Calvin Harris." Harris is one of many artists Rascal has collaborated with, including Lily Allen, the Arctic Monkeys and Florence Welch. "Everything I do is a collaboration," he says. "Whether it's with the engineer or whoever, I come up with something I couldn't come up with on my own." Has he got a favourite collaborator? "No, the fella I like working with most is [his manager/songwriter] Cage, that's just the most natural. Working with Florence, she's one of the nicest people I've ever met. Working with Lily was quite good as well." Have any collaborations not worked out? He stops to think. "Nah. There's no one I've done a collaboration with where I think, fuck, I'll never do that again, I just want to be round the best and everyone I work with is the best at what they do."When Tom Hollander as a drunk Adam Smallbone shook his booty to Dance Wiv Me by Dizzee Rascal featuring Calvin Harris at a vicars and tarts party in Monday night's episode of the BBC2 sitcom Rev, he joined an elite list of great bad screen dancers.So why, in a market for basics growing by that margin, have sales in American Apparel declined by 16%? Robert Johnston, GQ associate editor, has a theory. "I've bought lots from American Apparel in the past, but now it's mainly their underpants I go back for. They do a lovely Y-front," he says. "My problem with the brand is that it's a one-trick offering: you can't see where they can take it. Calvin Klein has built an empire on pants, but he recreates his image and updates the design."We could go on, with American Apparel's charmless images, Calvin Klein's naked Eva Mendes and semi-naked group orgy - sorry, art - but well, we'd rather not, thanks. Nor can be bring ourselves to dwell on the ads banned for being merely disingenuous, rather than tasteless - like Louis Vuitton's recent campaign or Kate Moss's fake lashes. Instead we will look fondly back to a more innocent age, when this advert for Jordache was banned for featuring a topless woman, covering herself demurely with her arms. We pine for those times.
Calvin was killed in a little over one minute at the beginning of speech.
Calvin zosta³ zabitego w trochê ponad jedn¹ minut¹ na pocz¹tku mowy.
Calvin was trying to help me when Jake killed him.
Calvin próbował mi pomóc kiedy Jake go zabił.
I do what Calvin need me to do every now and then.
Robię to o co poprosi mnie Calvin, teraz i zawsze.
Now all the kids will say, I want to be like Calvin!
Taak, teraz wszystkie dzieci będa mówiły, Chcę być jak Calvin.
I always knew there was something special about Calvin.
Zawsze wiedziałem, że Calvin jest w pewien sposób wyjątkowy.
You don't have to straighten up for me, Calvin, that's all right.
Nie musisz stawać na baczność dla mnie, Calvin, wszystko w porządku.
Calvin, it appears to me you still don't understand.
Calvin, wydaje mi się, że wciąż nie rozumiesz.
Calvin, this is why black business does not succeed.
Calvin, oto powód dlaczego interesy czarnych nigdy nie przynoszą zysków.
He's my fine friend, this brother right here, Calvin.
Oto mój dobry przyjaciel, brat, Calvin.
Hey, can you name all the countries in Africa, Calvin?
Potrafisz wymienić wszystkie państwa w Afryce, Calvin?
The young man in the wheelchair is Calvin's brother.
Ten młody człowiek na wózku jest bratem Calvina.
Calvin's in a ball on the front seat past 11:00 on a school night?
Calvin's na balu, na przednim siedzeniu po jedenastej w szkolny wieczór?
He doesn't look like one of the Calvin Klein men.
Więc wyjaśnię. On nie spogląda jak jeden z ludzi Calvin Klein.
Calvin, your father wouldn't put up with this mess.
Calvin, twój ojciec by do tego nie dopuścił.
You guys want to have Calvin play for the Knights.
Chcecie, żeby Calvin grał dla Rycerzy?
Calvin, tell this man you made the reservation in the honeymoon suite.
Calvin, powiedz temu panu, że zrobiliśmy rezerwację apartamentu.
Calvin was telling me that his people are Navajo.
Calvin mówił mi, że jego ludzie to Navajo.
I've heard so much about you from Calvin.
Calvin dużo mi o tobie opowiadał.
Calvin, I think doctor is a Latin word for thief.
Calvin, myślę, że lekarz to po łacinie złodziej.
My goal is to beat Calvin Murphy's record of 95.8 percent.
Moim celem było pobicie rekordu Calvin'a Murphy'ego. 95.8 % skuteczności.
Well, Calvin, seems like a really great idea.
Cóż, Calvin, Wygląda na to, że to naprawdę świetny pomysł.
You mean Calvin Norburg is the one who took her?
Myślisz, że Calvin Norburg jest osobą która ją zabrała?
I don't even want to think about what Calvin's gonna say.
Nie chcę nawet myśleć o tym co powie Calvin.
Calvin's father's father put me through law school.
Ojciec ojca Calvina umieścił mnie w szkole prawniczej.
Look, this is not like working with Calvin.
Spójrz, to nie jest jak praca z Calvinem.
Calvin Norburg wants me to meet him at 10:00.
Calvin Norburg chce się ze mną spotkać o 10:00.
You can tell him it's about Calvin Norburg, and we need to talk.
Możesz mu powiedzieć, że chodzi o Calvina Norburg, i musimy porozmawiać.
We have a senior associate at the firm named Calvin Tyler.
Mieliśmy starszego współpracownika. Nazywał się Calvin Tyler.
Calvin, can we get back to the presentation?
Calvin, czy możemy powrócić do prezentacji?
Calvin, your father would have hooked me up.
Calvin, twój ojciec by mnie ostrzygł.
This ain't no goddamn school of the blind, Calvin.
To nie jest jakaś cholerna szkoła dla niewidomych, Calvin.
Calvin Klein here comes into my place of business and publicly attacks my character!
Calvin Klein przychodzi do mnie do pracy i publicznie obraża moją osobę!
Just relax, Calvin. You got a big bruise on your head.
Uspokój się Kelvin, masz dużego guza na głowie.
Calvin Cambridge is calling for a bathroom break?
Calvin Cambridge prosi O przerwę na łazienkę?
Calvin, you are a pillar of this fine comunity.
Calvin, jesteś filarem tej świetnej społeczności.
And then, one day, when I was working with Calvin...
A wtedy, pewnego dnia, gdy pracowałam z Calvinem...
Calvin, I like what you said yesterday.
Calvin, podobało mi się to co wczoraj mówiłeś.
Why do you keep calling me Calvin ?
Dlaczego ciągle nazywasz mnie Calvin?
You ain't gotta keep hitting me, Calvin. I'm not your child.
Nie musisz mnie bić, nie jestem twoim dzieckiem.
Why not send Calvin family a letter.
Dlaczego nie wysy3a rodzinie Calvin listu.
And the more you do that, Calvin, the more it becomes this self-fulfilling prophecy.
A im częściej to robisz, Calvin... tym bardziej staje się to samowypełniającą klątwą.
So, Dr. Calvin, what exactly do you do around here?
A więc doktor Calvin.. Co tak właściwie tutaj robisz ?
Calvin, I hooked you up with the alderman.
Calvin, umówiłem cię z radnym.
I-I don't know the name, but Calvin supports the facility with it.
Nie znam nazwy, ale Calvin wspiera z nią tą placówkę.
Are you familiar with Calvin's Barbershop on 79th and Exchange?
Jest pan znajomym tego fryzjera Calvin'a z 79-tej i Exchange?
If that who I think it is- Calvin Wiggs' car.
Jeśli to jest ten, kto myślę... - Samochód Calvina Wiggsa.
Sarah and I and Calvin, we're going boarding this afternoon.
Sarah, ja i Calvin, idziemy na deskę.
Calvin Washington was convicted of capital murder.
Calvin Washington został skazany za morderstwo pierwszegostopnia.
You're looking good on that mat, Calvin.
Jesteś niezły na macie, Calvin.
I thought you worked for Calvin.
Myślałem, że pracowałeś dla Calvina.