Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Kongo;
democratic republic of the congo - (Noun) geografia Demokratyczna Republika Konga;
republic of the congo - (Noun) Kongo, Republika Konga;
the river congo - rzeka Kongo;
democratic republic of congo - Demokratyczna Republika Konga;
democratic republic of congo - Demokratyczna Republika Konga;

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Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski

rzeka Kongo

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and rape as a war crime (debate)
Sytuacja w Demokratycznej Republice Konga i gwałt jako zbrodnia wojenna (debata)


But the Democratic Republic of Congo really was the turning point in my soul.
Ale Demokratyczna Republika Konga była naprawdę punktem zwrotnym dla mojej duszy.


Situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and rape as a war crime (vote)
Sytuacja w Demokratycznej Republice Konga i gwałt jako zbrodnia wojenna (głosowanie)


The next item is the joint debate - Forest law (Cameroon, Republic of Congo)
Kolejnym punktem obrad jest połączona debata - prawo leśne (Kamerun, Republika Konga)


The Congo operation was decided on ten years ago, but nothing much has been achieved.
Operację w Kongu rozpoczęto dziesięć lat temu, ale niczego nie osiągnięto.


Three years ago, the Democratic Republic of Congo seized my being. V-Day, a movement to stop violence against women and girls, was invited to see firsthand the experience of women survivors of sexual violence there. After three weeks at Panzi hospital in Bukavu, where there were more than 200 women patients, many of whom shared their stories of being gang-raped and tortured with me, I was shattered. They told me about the resulting loss of their reproductive organs and the fistulae they got â?? the hole between their vagina and anus or vagina and bladder that no longer allowed them to hold their urine or faeces. I heard about nine-month-old babies, eight-year-old girls, 80-year-old women who had been humiliated and publicly raped.
The atrocities committed against the people of Congo are not arbitrary, like my cancer. They are systematic, strategic and intentional. At the root is a madly greedy world economy, desperate for more minerals robbed from the indigenous Congolese. Sourcing this insatiable hunger are multinational corporations who benefit from these minerals and are willing to turn their backs on the players committing femicide and genocide, as long as their financial needs are met.
I speak fluent French. But a Belgian journalist I spoke to suggested I make calls to the country's local mayors in English to avoid hostility. Back in Merchtem, De Block was showing his lenient side. "Of course, if an immigrant from Congo or Ethiopia comes into the town hall and speaks in English or French, I take them aside and explain to them in English or French that they have to speak Dutch and tell them where they can go to learn. For the first time that's OK. But then they have to make an effort on their own. We're in Flanders. On municipal property, you must speak Dutch."
Convinced that from their point of view there was no purpose in more talks, Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Tanzania signed a "River Nile Basin Co-operative Framework" agreement in May. Kenya followed, and Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo look likely to do so â?? causing alarm and anger in Egypt. When parliaments in six states ratify the deal, a permanent commission to decide on water allocation will be set up â?? without the two states that need the river most.
In fact, this ruling may not have been an altogether bad thing because the Belgian Congo had just erupted into civil war and Kigoma was filled with refuges. "There was nowhere to go so we had to put up our tent in a prison camp. They said that was the safest place for us and wouldn't let us go to Gombe for several weeks."
Documents seen by the Observer show that the Democratic Republic of Congo wants to open up 10 million hectares (25m acres) of new logging concessions as part of its plan. The country, which is ranked as one of the most corrupt in the world, argues that it will reduce emissions by planting more trees elsewhere.
Chad's decision highlights the difficulty faced by the ICC in bringing Bashir to trial. All the court's arrest warrants to date â?? relating to Uganda, Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan â?? concern Africa, which has led to a perception in some parts of the continent that it is being unfairly targeted. The African Union itself has urged its members not to arrest Bashir.
In recent weeks human rights organisations have repeatedly accused the government of dirty tactics and attempts to silence the media and prevent political opponents from competing in the elections. Victoire Ingabire, a politician who recently asked for an acknowledgment of the Hutu sufferings during the genocide, is now under house arrest, charged with denialism, genocide ideology and links with the FDLR, a rebel group based in nearby Congo and made up of former g?©nocidaire troops.
Rwandan and Congolese rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo gang raped nearly 200 women and some baby boys over four days within miles of a UN peacekeepers' base in an eastern mining district, a US aid worker and a Congolese doctor have said.
Will F Cragin, of the International Medical Corps, said aid and UN workers knew rebels had occupied Luvungi town and surrounding villages in eastern Congo the day after the attack began, on 30 July.

The Congo is not like any place you've ever been.
Kongo nie jest takie, jak inne miejsca na Ziemi.

I can't send you back to the Congo with the talk of war.
Nie mogę cię wysłać z powrotem do Kongo gdy plotki mówią o wojnie.

One thing's sure, they won't come up from the Congo.
Mamy problem, proszę Pani. jedno jest pewne, nie przyjdą z Kongo.

However, Congo does not have to be a heart of darkness.
Niemniej Kongo nie musi być jądrem ciemności.

And we put him on a plane of the Congo authorities.
I ładujemy go do samolotu władz Konga.

Now, a short boat trip across the Congo and you're home.
A teraz krótka przejażdżka łodzią przez Kongo i jesteś w domu.

I don't believe that rubbish about your having had in the Congo.
Nie wierzę w te brednie, że miałaś gruźlicę w Kongo.

As things are now, the future of the Congo seems to be without prospects.
W obecnej sytuacji Kongo zdaje się nie mieć żadnej przyszłości.

Congo is a prime example of where great a development potential lies.
Kongo jest koronnym przykładem tego, gdzie leży wielki potencjał rozwoju.

How many times, and now again in the Congo, have we heard about the blood of people being shed?
Ile razy słyszeliśmy o tym, że leje się ludzka krew, tym razem w Kongu?

I'm come from a little village in the northeast of Congo.
Pochodzę z małej wioski na północy Kongo.

Since then the Congo has been a permanent war zone.
Od tego czasu Kongo znajduje się stale w strefie wojny.

It is a regional war which does not just concern eastern Congo.
Jest to wojna regionalna, która nie dotyczy tylko wschodniego Kongo.

The Congo operation was decided on ten years ago, but nothing much has been achieved.
Operację w Kongu rozpoczęto dziesięć lat temu, ale niczego nie osiągnięto.

Even to this select little gathering here in the Congo.
Nawet do tego wybranego małego zgromadzenia tutaj w Kongo.

But you're the only one in the whole Congo I can work with.
Ale jesteś jedyną osobą w całym Kongo, z którą mogę współpracować.

Her work will help to direct the world's gaze towards Congo and its leadership.
Jej praca pomoże zwrócić oczy świata na Kongo i jego przywódców.

In the Congo, you see one of the answers.
W Kongu możemy znaleźć jedną z odpowiedzi.

Egypt was up here in 1960, higher than Congo.
Egipt był tu w 1960, wyżej od Konga,

I therefore feel personally affected by the dramatic events in Congo.
W misjach pokojowych uczestniczyły polskie wojska, także dlatego dramat w Kongo jest mi bliski.

It will be so much easier in the Congo to remember I'm nothing.
Będzie mi znacznie łatwiej w Kongo jeśli będę pamiętała, że jestem nikim.

This could easily mean that she could not return to the Congo.
To mogłoby oznaczać, że nie wróci do Konga.

In Congo, it is perfectly possible to work with cash handouts.
W Kongo można dawać ludziom pieniądze gotówce.

However, Congo is suffering to a far greater extent.
Kongo doświadcza jednak znacznie większych cierpień.

This resolution could send an important message to the authorities and inhabitants of the Congo.
Ta rezolucja możne stanowić ważne przesłanie dla władz i mieszkańców Konga.

Yeah, doing some field work in the Congo.
Tak, robiąc kilka prac polowych w Kongo.

He's being transferred to Congo, where he'il be tried in 10 criminal cases.
Będzie transferowany do Konga, gdzie ma być sądzony w 10 sprawach.

This is really your first time over the Congo, Hod?
To naprawdę twój pierwszy lot do Kongo?

Why is Congo the sum total of everything that can go wrong in Africa?
Dlaczego Kongo jest sumą wszystkiego, co może nie udać się w Afryce?

This would be at least one small element of an overall solution to help develop stability in countries such as the Congo.
Byłby to przynajmniej drobny element ogólnego rozwiązania pozwalającego na rozwój stabilności w krajach takich jak Kongo.

These are both signs of improvement in the situation in eastern Congo.
Są to oznaki poprawy sytuacji we wschodnim Kongu.

The same could now happen in eastern Congo.
To samo może stać się teraz we wschodniej części Konga.

She was a nursing sister in the Congo.
Była siostrą pielęgniarką w Kongo.

So, long-distance love in the Congo -- how's that work?
Miłość na odległość, w Kongo. Jak to działa?

Father Vermeuhlen was one of the first missionaries in the Congo.
Ojciec Vermeuhlen był jednym z pierwszych misjonarzy w Kongo.

In the Congo, Father, they'll be calling me to work I love.
Ojcze, w Kongu będą mnie wzywały do pracy, którą kocham.

He had a security company, With contracts in Iraq and Congo.
On miał przedsiębiorstwo bezpieczeństwa, Z kontraktami w Iraku i Kongu.

So what is being defended in the Congo?
A więc czego bronimy w Kongu?

However, today, 10 years on from that resolution, thousands of women are still being raped in war-torn countries, such as Congo for example.
Tymczasem dziś, 10 lat od przyjęcia rezolucji, tysiące kobiet w krajach targanych wojnami, jak na przykład Kongo, wciąż padają ofiarą gwałtów.

You may never get to the Congo.
Możesz nigdy nie trafić do Kongo.

Sister Pauline, how long were you in the Congo?
Siostro Paulino, jak długo byłaś w Kongo?

Josephine actually went to the Congo last year.
Josephine była w zeszłym roku w Kongo.

Congo started out as a colonial mining project in the poorly accessible interior of Africa.
Początki tego kraju sięgają czasów kolonialnego projektu wydobywczego w trudno dostępnym interiorze Afryki.

It remains to be seen whether a unified solution for an undivided Congo is still on the cards.
Okaże się, czy wspólne rozwiązanie dla niepodzielonego Konga wciąż wchodzi w grę.

Perhaps Reverend Mother feels you are not yet ready for the Congo.
Być może wielebna matka uważa, że nie jesteś jeszcze gotowa na Kongo.

He did that fellow in the Congo?
Zrobił to wszystko ten koleś w Kongo?

This species lives only in the Congo.
Gatunek występuje tylko w Kongo.

When Congo gained its independence nearly 50 years ago, the then warring politicians became household names the world over.
Gdy Kongo stało się niepodległym krajem prawie 50 lat temu, o walczących ze sobą politykach stało się głośno na całym świecie.

The Congo mission simply must not turn into some kind of Vietnam for Europe.
Nie można dopuścić do tego, że misja w Kongu zmieni się po prostu w coś w rodzaju Wietnamu Europy.

Because here, in Congo, there is war.
Bo tu, w Kongu, jest wojna.