Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) prążkowany, w prążki; sznurowy;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


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AgriSA, the main farmers' union, recorded 1,541 murders and 10,151 farm attacks between 1994 and last year. "The real problem is President Jacob Zuma," said Bennie van Zyl. "He cannot be trusted. We have been to him five times," he added, handing over a pile of unanswered letters, covering South Africa's failed land redistribution programme, farm killings and cattle rustling. "Zuma is under pressure from the left wing of the government alliance and he does not know how to stand up to people like Malema. He is allowing land to become a political issue, like Mugabe. But farming is about food security, not politics.
Filkins, Finkel and others witness events just as harrowing, and describe them in more explicit detail. Their verbal records of these events became tributes for which they receive the gratitude of the bereaved and maimed. Anyone who was there with a camera and an auto-wind could have taken a picture of the quality of Jacobson's. Only a few supremely gifted â?? and courageous â?? individuals could have recorded the deaths of Miller or Reeves with the skill and power of Filkins or Finkel. They are, to adapt a phrase of Martin Amis, "moral artists."
The ONS said unemployment was down from the 8% rate recorded in the January-March period.
In that case, they weren't asked to leave, but they were asked to take the trousers off (it isn't recorded whether the company believed a thousand football fans in their pants was beneficial to their brand).
Barrett's analysis coincided with an official update to the UN security council yesterday which recorded a dramatic escalation of violence in Afghanistan during the first four months of the year. Roadside bomb attacks rose by 94% compared with the same period in 2009, according to a UN assessment.
It is here, perhaps, that I should declare an interest. During my talks with Figes I tell her that for so many people entering marriage â?? including me, first time round â?? they have no real idea what it truly means. I got married at 27, after six years of happy cohabitation. By the age of 30, I was divorced, scarred by the failure of it all (no children, crucially). My wedding five years ago to the man who is now my husband was my second (37% of the marriages recorded in 2008 were remarriages, a fall of 4% in 10 years). The failure of my first marriage was not enough to put me off doing it again, although second time round I thought long and hard about what it really meant. Today I am very happy, although it is by no means always easy. I think Elizabeth Gilbert gets somewhere close to it when she quotes Kant in his assertion that we humans are so emotionally complex that we go through two puberties in life: the first when our bodies are mature enough for sex, and the second when our minds are. "I do wonder if perhaps our emotional maturity comes to us only through the experiences and lessons of our youthful and romantic failures," she writes. "To ask a 20-year-old girl to somehow automatically know things about life that most 40-year-old women needed decades to understand is expecting an awful lot of wisdom from a very young person. Maybe we must all go through the anguish and errors of a first puberty, in other words, before any of us can ascend to the second one."
Fremont has relatively few immigrants: in a 2008 census, 4.4% of its 25,000 population were recorded as foreign born, compared with the national figure of 12.6%. Most are Hispanics.
The centrepiece of Maids is probably the bus robbery scene â?? a witty, even rather daringly black comic sequence, given that bus robberies are an all too grimly real phenomenon: the film was made one year after a notorious armed robbery and hostage-taking situation in Rio, an event recorded in Jos?© Padilha's documentary Bus 174. What happens in this film is that two guys get on a bus, nerving themselves up to rob the passengers â?? but two of the maids on board recognise these local boys, and effectively bully them into returning everyone's money, a tricky business when it comes to remembering the exact sum each victim handed over, and one which ends in the would-be robbers plaintively asking the passengers for change. I'm surprised that no one in Hollywood has ripped this scene off.
The National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) recorded their presence at more than 80 lawful demonstrations over four years, logging details such as their appearance, and slogans on their T-shirts.
Last year, anti-EDO campaigners held a series of a "anti-war creativity" workshops with music, poetry and artwork. These included an exhibition of art by Catt and others, a fact recorded on the NPOIU database as "including ... the classic drawings of John Catt, veteran anti-war activist".

And nothing behind this corded area's safe.
I nic poza tą strefą nie jest bezpieczne.