Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
"The Lemlem collection has almost sold out at Matches, as it's quite hard to find stylish cover-ups in pure cottons, and the fits and lengths are really on-trend," says Matches buyer Georgina Gainza. "Our customers are interested in the style, primarily, but it's an added bonus that the collection has an ethical approach.""Our secret is being in with the community. It sounds a bit hackneyed, but it really is. We're a comfortable environment for people to come in and talk â?? often by the nature of the books people buy you can end up being like a doctor's surgery. The chains can become a warehouse for books because of their size. At an independent, because of our size we do get to know our customers personally and often they'll become friends. When a new railway book comes out, for example, I know I'll get it because I've got six customers interested in railways. Chains take a different approach."As part of a subscription service, customers can look forward to expanded coverage and the launch of Europe's first HD sports news service," said the Sky Sports managing director, Barney Francis.9.24am: Andy Murray, who made headlines four years ago by saying he'd be supporting 'anyone but England' at the World Cup, has announced that this year he's backing ... Holland, the first team to qualify for the knockout stages. I watched the Holland v Japan game in a Japanese restaurant in Piccadilly yesterday on an extremely fuzzy screen. The Japanese customers didn't seem that impressed with their team's performance whereas Holland look like they are going to get better and better. Of England's chances, Murray said:Fine diners are drinking premier cru wines at plonk prices as a bring-your-own booze revolution gathers pace in Britain's best restaurants. Worried by empty tables as a result of the economic slump, a group of Michelin-starred establishments are letting customers bring their own favourite bottles for no extra charge, or a modest corkage fee, instead of paying often huge mark-ups on the house wine list."There is a new thinking about what BYO is for," said Tom Cannavan, a writer whose wine-pages.com website lists several hundred restaurants which offer free BYO or corkage. "It has been the province of low-end restaurants which didn't have a licence and for customers who want to drink on the cheap. The new movement is for people who are serious about their food and wine, but really resent that restaurants mark their wines up so highly that they can't afford wine to match the quality of the food they are eating."Yet Leigh is among those who have felt the need to encourage BYO. For several years, he has quietly allowed customers to pay Â?15 corkage on their own wines, but now his is among 50 restaurants in the capital to have signed up to the BYO club, which allows customers to pay a Â?99-a-year subscription for free or cheap corkage at most times.The Tom Aikens â?? where most red wines cost more than Â?100 â?? allows club members to bring bottles free of charge for lunch on Monday to Friday, and dinner on Monday and Tuesday. Aitkens denied this was about filling tables because of the economic gloom. "No, its about giving customers the advantage of bringing their own wine to a nice restaurant and enjoying their own wine which could be two to three times the price if they brought it in a restaurant," he said.Miller said Wednesday that transit of Russian gas to European customers has so far continued uninterrupted despite the Belarussian threat.Gazprom has insisted that European customers will not be affected by the shut-off as the company can reroute gas supplies through another transit pipeline crossing Ukraine. About 80% of Russian gas exported to Europe normally goes through Ukraine, while the rest is carried via Belarusian pipelines.
The customers can never figure out where I'm really from.
Klienci nigdy nie potrafią zgadnąć... skąd naprawdę jestem.
Your customers have such nice things to say about you.
Twoi klienci mają wiele dobrego do powiedzenia o tobie.
I've heard great things about her from rather difficult customers.
Wiele o niej słyszałem, ale od raczej trudnych klientów.
You want to know why I don't have any customers?
Chcesz wiedzieć, dlaczego nie mam klientów?
When you get older and you're too old to bring in enough customers?
Gdy podrosną i Jesteś zbyt stary przynieść wystarczająco dużo klientów?
Its services were used by a wide range of customers.
Z jej usług korzystał szeroki krąg konsumentów.
The car industry does not seem to credit its customers with much common sense.
Przemysł motoryzacyjny nie wydaje się uznawać swoich klientów za kierujących się przede wszystkim zdrowym rozsądkiem.
I always tell him serve the customers with the food first.
Zawsze mu powtarzam, żeby najpierw obsługiwał ludzi z jedzeniem.
My guess is these are customers whose cars they were working on.
Zgaduję, że to klienci, samochodów, nad którymi pracują.
I understand you've been asking questions about some of my customers.
Rozumiem, że pytałaś o niektórych moich klientów.
It's not good for the customers to see you like this.
To nie jest dobre dla klienci cię widzieć w takim stanie.
And the guy who runs the best shop has the most customers.
A facet, który prowadzi najlepszy sklep, ma najwięcej klientów.
He always had a few shots while talking to the customers.
Zawsze pił kilka głębszych, gdy rozmawiał z klientami.
We're not allowed to have any outside relationships with the customers.
Nie wolno nam utrzymywać jakichkolwiek związków z klientami. Jeśli masz ochotę.
I treat my customers right, so they keep coming back.
Traktuję moich klientów dobrze, więc zawsze wracają.
You're calling customers who haven't placed an order for a while.
Dzwonisz do konsumentów, którzy od jakiegoś czasu nie złożyli zamówienia.
She don't sit with the customers - You talked to her?
Ona nigdy nie siedzi z klientami. - Rozmawiałeś z nią?
I'm scared the customers will see it in my eyes.
Boję się, klienci zobaczą to w moich oczach.
Whose fault is it if we don't have any customers?
Czyja to wina, że nie mamy żadnych klientów?
We got him locked down there with his family and some customers.
Jest tam zamknięty z rodziną i kilkoma klientami.
You know,we have to deliver the cars to customers quickly.
Wiesz, mamy do wydania samochody klientom szybko.
I do with it for my customers and me a fortune.
Ja i moi klienci zarobimy na tym majątek.
In addition, service providers cannot hold on to customers for longer than 24 months.
Ponadto, dostawcy usług nie mogą wiązać klientów na okresy dłuższe niż 24 miesiące.
This will be necessary, however, to offer customers a comprehensive choice.
Tym niemniej konieczne będzie zapewnienie klientom wszechstronnej oferty.
The ones who could accuse you are all your customers.
Jedynymi ludźmi, którzy mogliby cię oskarżyć, są twoi klienci.
Is it true customers wait half an hour for a cookie?
To prawda, że ludzie czekają po pół godziny na jedno ciasteczko?
But it doesn't make any sense that he'd kill his own paying customers.
Ale to nie ma sensu, po co miałby zabijać własnych klientów, którzy mu płacili.
And since you one of my favorite customers, these fell off the truck.
I od ciebie jednego moich ulubionych klientów, ci spadli poza ciężarówką.
It is not for the Commissioner to do that, but they have to be on terms with their customers.
Nie ma tego robić komisarz, natomiast operatorzy muszą mieć odpowiednie stosunki z klientami.
You people always say to hell with customers and appointments.
Tacy jak ty zawsze mówią, do diabła z klientami i z terminami.
We've grown up here, so we know how to treat customers.
Dorastaliśmy tutaj, więc wiemy jak powinno się traktować gości.
You argue with the customers, and I have to patch everything up.
Kłóciłeś się z klientami, a ja musiałem wszystko naprawić.
Vanessa's grandmother tried to take out one of our customers.
Babcia Vanessy próbowała zabić jednego z naszych klientów.
I don't think he means working with the carpet and customers anymore.
Jemu nie chodziło o pracę z dywanami i klientami.
A slice of pie is too much for some customers.
Kawałek ciasta to za dużo dla niektórych klientów.
You tell the trucking company that we have to service our customers.
Powiedz firmie od ciężarówek, że musimy obsłużyć naszych klientów.
The main objective is to increase competition, which will result in greater choice, lower prices and better quality for end customers.
Głównym celem jest zwiększenie konkurencji, co spowoduje większy wybór, niższe ceny oraz lepszą jakość dla użytkowników końcowych.
There is some doubt about whether the facility will be able to reach and serve all its potential customers.
Istnieją wątpliwości, czy instrument będzie dostępny dla wszystkich i czy będzie służyć wszystkim potencjalnym beneficjentom.
But some days I have no customers at all.
Ale w niektóre dni nie mam klientów w ogóle.
Waiting for the customers Who only come at night.
Czekają na klientów Co tylko nocą przychodzą
Hey, I'll have no customers if you keep barking like this.
Hey, jeśli dalej będziesz się tak zachowywał, nie będę miał żadnych klientów.
As you will surmise, our customers in this department are women.
Jak się pan domyśla, naszymi klientami w tym dziale są kobiety.
It is requested for all our customers to make their marriages.
Każdy z naszych klientów oddałby wszystko, żeby ona zajęła się jego weselem.
He was one of the customers, a young American.
Był jednym z klientów... młody Amerykanin.
Most of my customers have been good to me.
Do tej pory nie była na mnie taka zła.
And placed on display for the amusement of our customers.
I umieścimy was na ekranie, żebyście bawili naszych klientów.
No customers all day and finally one came along.
Przez cały dzień nie miała żadnego klienta. W końcu jeden przyszedł.
You think the customers come in, choose off the menu and cook it themselves?
Myśli pani, że klienci wchodzą, wybierają z menu i sami sobie gotują?
That might be kinda tough to explain to our customers.
To może być trochę trudne do wytłumaczenia naszym klientom.