(changing to a darker color)
synonim: blackening
ściemnianie (się)
Przykłady użycia
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In the white-skied, alabaster-skinned UK, we have taken to artificial methods of darkening our skin with particular vigour. Sunbeds became fashionable in the 1980s, only falling in popularity when their link with cancer was discovered â?? last year they were declared as great a cancer threat as asbestos and cigarettes. More determined tanners are undeterred, and sunbeds are still frequented by an estimated 3 million Britons. Many of us, though, hit the bottle, with the market for the sunless tan growing each rainy summer.
This year, in the first flush of spring, a band that time forgot played the gig of their lives. "It was so special, it was impossible to leave it behind, wasn't it? We had to keep picking at it, didn't we? It was like a scab." The once long-fringed frontman who led the band that launched Britpop â?? albeit against his will, Brett Anderson reminds us â?? sits in a hotel room on a darkening weekday evening, remarkably untouched by both time and excess, recalling Suede's performance at the Royal Albert Hall in March. Next to him, drummer Simon Gilbert and keyboardist Neil Codling are similarly Peter Pan-like; bassist Mat Osman is in New York; while Richard Oakes, the young pup who replaced guitarist Bernard Butler after writing to the band's fanclub, is in the gents.
Sister Kossil. Our world is darkening and I grow weaker.
Siostro Kossil, mrok ogarnia nasz świat, a ja ciągle słabnę.
Well, well, it's family law darkening my halls.
Well, well, to prawo, rodzinne zaciemnia mi pokoj.
Your husband's eyes betray darkening storm.
Oczy Twojego męża zdradzają ciemną burzę.