Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) gęsto;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Thirty-seven thousand people live in the Old City, making it one of the most densely populated places on earth. Thousands more come to work, worship and wonder. The sound of the muezzin â?? the Muslim call to prayer â?? mixes with church bells, chants and song. Greek orthodox clerics brush past Catholic nuns; Jews stride through the souks on their way to pray at the Western Wall; Muslims flock to the magnificent mosques at Haram al-Sharif in the south-eastern corner, known to Jews as the Temple Mount.
Guyana intends to use some of its Redd money to pay a property dealer from Florida to build a road and a major hydroelectric plant in some of its most densely forested areas. Indonesia has said it will impose a moratorium on the conversion of its extensive peat forests to palm plantations, but only after 2013, allowing logging companies to ravage its forests until then. Other countries are setting the present rate of deforestation deliberately high or are ignoring all present logging, so that they can be paid to do nothing.
A simple idea, but still a daunting task, particularly as a lack of funding meant that Malek and his handful of staff had to carry out the entire project in their spare time. Carter recorded his finds on more than 3,500 densely written cards, with additional notes by Carter's chemist and conservator Alfred Lucas, and more than 1,000 images taken by his photographer Harry Burton. There are also around 60 maps and plans of the excavation site, plus hundreds of fragile pages from Carter's journals and diaries.
Any potential literary angels, however, may note that they are arriving in a bustling marketplace. Up and down the country, particularly in the previously unfashionable areas of densely populated cities, in the spare spaces of pubs, clubs and restaurants, in arts centres and at micro-festivals, a new breed of literary event is flourishing. Often influenced by trends wafting in from the other side of the Atlantic, for example, celebrated New York storytelling event the Moth, and drawing heavily on the relaxed, interactive ethos of comedy nights and bring-your-ukelele music sessions, they are youthful, energetic, imaginative and defiantly lo-fi â?? and a world away from their rather more strait-laced cousin, the book reading. Just as literary festivals have begun to tend towards the small and to become tailored to their surroundings â?? the inaugural Stoke Newington Literary Festival, this May, was designed by organiser Liz Vater to pay tribute to the north London enclave's history of radical thinking and included a powerful audience with Tony Benn â?? so too have standalone events started to reflect the preference for spontaneity and ad hoc amusement of their audiences.
Aid agencies are warning that 6 million children are at risk of malnutrition, diarrhoea and pneumonia as the polluted waters reach densely populated urban areas in the south, where poverty is worse than in the north.
7 August A million people are evacuated in the south, notably in the densely populated province of Sindh, bringing to 15 million the number affected across the country.
But then, garages have long been celebrated for their alternative uses. In the US, in particular, they have a very noble history, having incubated the origins of Disney, Hewlett Packard, Motown, Apple, Google and many other famous companies. And in this more densely populated country, it has become increasingly difficult to justify 200sq ft of car and tool storage when you might instead create an office, a studio flat, a gym, a playroom, or somewhere else that people actually spend time.
At the other extreme, there's Even This Shall Pass Away: a 19th-century poem set to a clattering syncopated beat and buzzing synthesised bass, Plant's voice entwining with fragments of densely effected guitar. You could, if you squint hard, see the ghost of Led Zeppelin lurking around its sound, yet it feels like a song with its eyes fixed firmly on the future, rather than resting on past glories. Like the rest of Band of Joy, it feels more edifying than a Led Zep reunion, not just for the guy singing on it, but the listener. It's marked by the fresh excitement of mapping out new territory rather than the more craven pleasure of wallowing in nostalgia: an object lesson in the value of not giving people what they want.
Like living penguins, and unlike all other birds, the creature's feathers were radically modified in shape, densely packed and stacked on top of each other to form stiff, narrow flippers.
Brand also co-founded one of the earliest online communities â?? the WELL â?? in 1985. But while he describes himself as an avowed environmentalist, his latest book â?? Whole Earth Discipline â?? is controversial among greens, suggesting civilisation will be saved from global warming by densely populated cities, nuclear energy, genetically modified food and planet-wide geoengineering.

That is how densely packed the animals are at present.
Tak gęsto upycha się obecnie zwierzęta.

Earth has to be the most densely populated planet in the galaxy.
Ziemia jest najbardziej zaludnioną planetą w tej galaktyce.

After all, many nuclear power plants are situated close to national borders, as we know, and also in very densely populated areas.
Muszą one być prowadzone według jednakowych kryteriów w całej Europie. W końcu, jak wiemy, wiele elektrowni jądrowych znajduje się w pobliżu granic państw oraz w terenach bardzo gęsto zaludnionych.

On this densely populated continent, every nuclear power plant has consequences for neighbouring countries.
Na tym gęsto zaludnionym kontynencie każda elektrownia jądrowa powoduje skutki dla krajów sąsiadujących.

It's common sense to avoid densely populated areas.
Zdrowy rozsądek nakazuje unikać gęsto zaludnionych obszarów.

Our Member States, however large or densely populated they may be, have no chance of prosperity without integration.
Nasze państwa członkowskie, niezależnie od ich wielkości czy gęstości zaludnienia, nie mają szans na dobrobyt bez integracji.

Without measures of this kind it becomes impossible to grow plants in densely populated areas where soil use is intensive.
Bez środków tego rodzaju niemożliwa staje się uprawa roślin w gęsto zaludnionych obszarach, gdzie intensywnie użytkuje się glebę.

Turning to the subject of wilderness, Europe is densely populated and only 1-2% of the territory has not been affected by human intervention.
Wracając do tematu stref dzikiej przyrody, chciałabym powiedzieć, że Europa jest gęsto zaludniona i zaledwie na 1-2% jej terytorium nie ma śladów działalności człowieka.

These are essentially densely built-up areas that are deprived socially, economically and in terms of housing.
Są to głównie tereny o gęstej zabudowie, gdzie istnieją złe warunki mieszkaniowe zarówno pod kątem społecznym jak i ekonomicznym.

It would not surprise me if this resulted in more investment in smaller airports in densely populated areas.
Nie byłbym zdziwiony, gdyby skutkiem wdrożenia tego rozwiązania był wzrost inwestycji w mniejsze lotniska, położone na gęsto zaludnionych obszarach.

We must not forget, however, that it was a final response to years of Palestinian attacks on a densely populated area of Israel.
Nie wolno nam jednak zapominać, że była to ostateczna odpowiedź na wieloletnie ataki Palestyńczyków na gęsto zaludnione tereny Izraela.

My own country, Sweden, is the EU's most densely forested country.
Mój kraj, Szwecja, jest najgęściej zalesionym krajem UE.

I am dismayed and angry about the large-scale, disproportionate offensive by the Israeli air force and ground troops in a densely populated area.
Jestem przerażony i rozgniewany z powodu skali tej nieproporcjonalnej ofensywy izraelskich sił lotniczych i wojsk lądowych w gęsto zaludnionym obszarze.

The concentration on road transport will no doubt exacerbate the existing problems in densely populated areas and on the main transport routes.
Koncentracja na transporcie drogowym bez wątpienia pogłębi istniejące problemy w gęsto zaludnionych obszarach i na głównych szlakach transportowych.

My own country of Flanders is the most densely populated country in the whole of the European Union.
Mój kraj, Flandria, to najbardziej zaludniony kraj w całej Unii Europejskiej.

England is one of the most densely populated countries in the world - more densely populated than India, China or Japan.
Anglia to jeden z najbardziej zaludnionych krajów na świecie - bardziej niż Indie, Chiny czy Japonia.

in writing. - (NL) Towns and cities are densely populated, with few open spaces and a lot of traffic travelling relatively short distances.
na piśmie. - (NL) Małe i wielkie miasta są gęsto zaludnione, mają niewiele pustych przestrzeni i duży ruch ludzi przemieszczających się na stosunkowo niewielkie odległości.

Britain is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, and England, taken on its own, is right at the top of the league of densely populated countries.
Wielka Brytania jest jednym z najbardziej zaludnionych krajów na świecie, a Anglia jest na samym szczycie krajów o największej gęstości zaludnienia.

It was a tragedy in which tens of thousands of people lost their lives, hundreds of thousands lost their homes, and the infrastructure in the most densely populated areas of the country was destroyed.
W czasie tej tragedii zginęły dziesiątki tysięcy osób, setki tysięcy utraciło swoje domy, a infrastruktura w najbardziej zaludnionych obszarach kraju została zniszczona.

This is why, in addition to the highest safety standards in the EU, we also need an exit scenario from a risky technology, which we cannot justify using on the densely populated continent of Europe.
Właśnie dlatego, oprócz najwyższych norm bezpieczeństwa w UE, potrzebujemy również scenariusza rezygnacji z ryzykownej technologii, której stosowania nie możemy usprawiedliwić na gęsto zaludnionym kontynencie europejskim.