(Adjective) zniechęcony;
adj. zniechęcony
adj. zniechęcony
adj. zniechęcony
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Rylance thinks it unlikely that he will ever run a theatre again and expects to be an infrequent director. "My aim now is to be a leader from the floor, as an acting member of a company. I believe in group creation." Might that not be irritating to directors? "Not to the directors I'd want to work with. I don't believe in directors' theatre in the old-fashioned sense. When I was at the RSC, I felt the older actors were actively discouraged from speaking to the younger actors, in case it broke the line of authority. Or the voice coach would tell you that you were having trouble because of the position your neck was in, and you'd say that the director wanted you to play the scene at that angle. And she'd say, 'I can't get involved.' I hope that kind of autocracy is going."
The sheer size and importance of Carter's haul seems to have discouraged scholars from tackling it. "I often say that the real curse of Tutankhamun is that Egyptologists have tended to shy away from working on the material," says Marianne Eaton-Krauss, an expert who has written three books about objects from the tomb. "These pieces are beautifully made. To study them takes a lot of work, and requires expertise not only on the symbolism, but also the technology."
It was only in the decades after the Russian capital was shifted to Moscow that the Bolshoi overtook the Mariinsky (by then known as the Kirov). But the company's new proximity to power brought new risks. When the 1935 ballet The Bright Stream fell foul of Stalin's cultural diktats (accused by Pravda of aesthetic formalism for its attempt to put collective farm-workers en pointe), its choreographer was sacked, its librettist sent to the gulag, and its composer, Shostakovich, discouraged from ever writing a ballet score again. Their sudden eminence did, however, bring a new injection of money, dancers and choreographers, and from the 1930s onwards, the Bolshoi developed its indomitable powerhouse style: a fusion of athleticism and theatrical exuberance that found its perfect expression in the 1940s Prokofiev-Lavrovsky classic Romeo and Juliet, which pitted the clashing sword play of public violence against tender pas de deux evoking young love.
By the criteria on which the prize was founded, last year's event was an unmitigated disaster. Whatever the musical value of Speech Debelle's Speech Therapy, it's difficult to see how the 2009 Mercurys could have more thoroughly discouraged potential buyers from visiting record shops without sending the judging panel out to squirt superglue through their locks: Speech Therapy sold 10,000 copies and failed to make the top 40.
Britons should go out and spend to help invigorate the UK's economic recovery, the deputy governor of the Bank of England has urged. In unusually unguarded comments for a banker, Charlie Bean yesterday discouraged people from building up cash savings which generate little income due to historically low interest rates.
The prospective new owners of Liverpool could be discouraged from buying the club if next week's court action fails to force the deal through and the club is then placed into administration, incurring a nineâ??point penalty from the Premier League. Sources close to the Liverpool battle said the loss of nine points, which could sink the team into a genuine relegation battle, would mean "the economics of the club are devastated", and New England Sports Ventures might reconsider its position.
Karen was shocked when she saw photos from an August 1973 Lake Tahoe concert where an unflattering outfit accentuated her paunch. She hired a personal trainer, who made visits to her home and recommended a diet low in calories but high in carbohydrates. Instead of slimming down as she had hoped, Karen started to put on muscle and bulk up. Watching the Carpenters on a Bob Hope television special that autumn, she remarked that she had put on some extra weight. Richard agreed she looked a bit heavier. She was discouraged and vowed she was going to "do something about it". She fired her trainer, and immediately set out on a mission to shed the unwanted pounds on her own. She purchased a hip cycle, which she used each morning on her bed, and because it was portable the equipment was packed and taken with her on tour.
Michael Gove, the schools secretary, has denied that students would be discouraged from applying to university after the government allowed higher education institutions to charge up to Â?9,000 a year in tuition fees.
I'm not sure many of us could remember sacked Tory frontbencher and imminent new peer Howard Flight until a few days ago, but then came that illuminating comment on child benefit changes, which he subsequently apologised for. "We're going to have a system where the middle classes are discouraged from breeding because its jolly expensive, but, for those on benefit, there is every incentive. Well, that's not very sensible."
We should not be discouraged if it only moves slowly at first.
Nie powinniśmy się zniechęcać, jeśli początkowo będzie on szedł opornie.
Oh, don't be discouraged, Louis, things are not that bad as you think.
Nie zniechęcaj się, Louis, nie jest tak źle, jak ci się wydaje.
Measures need to be taken to ensure that this practice is discouraged.
Należy podjąć odpowiednie kroki, aby zniechęcać obywateli do takich praktyk.
I hope, however, that you are not discouraged by this and will develop further initiatives in these six months, too.
Mam nadzieję jednakże, iż nie zniechęciło to was, i że dalej będziecie rozwijać kolejne inicjatywy podczas trwania również tych sześciu miesięcy.
I can well imagine that people may be a trifle discouraged.
Mogę sobie wyobrazić, że ludzie ci mogą być nieco zniechęceni.
They just become more problematic for the child, who gets increasingly discouraged and frustrated.
Stają się one jeszcze większym problemem dla dziecka, które zaczyna wykazywać większe zniechęcenie i frustrację.
When she first wanted to become a nurse, I discouraged her
Gdy oznajmiła mi, że zostanie pielęgniarką, zniechęcałem ją do tego.
And now remember, you must not get discouraged.
I pamiętajcie. Nie możecie się zniechęcać.
I look in the mirror and I feel discouraged.
Patrzę w lustro każdego dnia i czuję się zniechęcona.
We were discouraged from taking this idea forward.
Zniechęcano nas do promowania tej koncepcji.
I am a bit discouraged by the delays put forward by the French presidency.
Jestem trochę zaniepokojony opóźnieniami zaproponowanymi przez Francję, przewodniczącą w tym półroczu pracom Rady.
Family savings will be secure and capital flight discouraged.
Oszczędności rodzin będą bezpieczne i zapobiegnie to także ucieczce kapitału.
We must also focus on ensuring that European fisheries are not discouraged from becoming more efficient.
Musimy również skoncentrować się na tym, aby europejskiego rybołówstwa nie zniechęcała perspektywa mniejszej efektywności.
General Lee is in ill health and discouraged.
Generał Lee jest chory i zniechęcony.
The temptation of protectionism has to be strongly discouraged.
Należy zdecydowanie odrzucić pokusę protekcjonizmu.
If companies are thereby discouraged from trading abroad, this represents a real threat to the very functioning of the common market.
Jeśli zniechęca to firmy do prowadzenia handlu z zagranicą, oznacza to realne zagrożenie dla normalnego funkcjonowania wspólnego rynku.
Indeed, the initial report contained a number of inaccuracies and could have discouraged people from having the inoculation.
Faktycznie początkowa wersja sprawozdania zawierała liczne nieścisłości i mogła zniechęcać obywateli do zaszczepienia się.
You must not lose heart, you must not get discouraged.
Nie traćcie serca, nie zniechęcajcie się!
They will not be discouraged by this but will, in fact, provide the hopes, dreams and proximity that we so desperately need.
Wcale ich to nie zniechęci, wręcz przeciwnie, da nam nadzieję, marzenia i bliskość, której tak potrzebujemy.
The second signal is to those thousands of would-be illegal immigrants who will be discouraged by the rigorous employment conditions in Europe.
Drugi sygnał płynie do tych tysięcy niedoszłych nielegalnych imigrantów, których będą zniechęcać rygorystyczne warunki zatrudnienia w Europie.
Look at her sad, discouraged face.
Spójrzcie na jej smutną, zniechęconą twarz.
I was very encouraged by your words, but was very discouraged to notice that only 12 colleagues were here to hear it.
Ucieszyły mnie pańskie słowa, ale zasmucił fakt, że w trakcie, gdy je pan wygłaszał obecnych na sali było zaledwie 12 kolegów.
These are often offset by backward developments and, overall, have not been enough to achieve real improvements, but we must not be discouraged.
Często są one równoważone przez zmiany na gorsze, a przede wszystkim są niewystarczające do osiągnięcia prawdziwej poprawy, ale nie wolno nam się zniechęcać.
You must not be discouraged.
Nie wolno się panu zniechęcać.
Preparing documentation is complicated and owners of micro-enterprises are discouraged from doing business by unjustifiable bureaucracy.
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji jest skomplikowane i do prowadzenia działalności właścicieli mikroprzedsiębiorstw zniechęca nieuzasadniona biurokracja.
This is undoubtedly true, but in that case let us say that some people also discouraged the Georgians from feeling European.
Bez wątpienia jest to prawda, ale w tym przypadku trzeba powiedzieć, że niektórzy ludzie również zniechęcali Gruzję od tego, by czuła się europejska.
Where people voluntarily choose part-time work, in order to better combine work, family and caring responsibilities, this should not be discouraged by Europe.
Europa nie powinna odwodzić ludzi od dobrowolnego decydowania się na pracę w niepełnym wymiarze czasu z uwagi na możliwość lepszego połączenia obowiązków dotyczących pracy, rodziny i opieki.
I'm discouraged, Victor... and disappointed.
Jestem zniechęcony, Victor... i rozczarowany.
A Eurobarometer survey shows that more than 50% of the citizens feel discouraged by the social insecurity they expect following the change of the workplace to another Member State.
Badania opinii publicznej przeprowadzone przez Eurobarometer pokazują, że ponad 50% obywateli czuje się zniechęconych brakiem bezpieczeństwa socjalnego w przypadku zmiany miejsca pracy w innym państwie członkowskim.
I believe that it is vital for European agricultural legislation to be implemented in Member States in such a way that farmers are not discouraged from continuing with farming.
Uważam, że europejskie prawodawstwo w obszarze rolnictwa należy wdrażać w państwach członkowskich tak, aby nie zniechęcać rolników do prowadzenia gospodarstw rolnych.
But, at the same time, we want to encourage innovative, new businesses to come and put products and services onto the market and not to be discouraged by the legal regime they are faced with.
Jednakże jednocześnie chcemy wesprzeć innowacje, wchodzenie na rynek nowych przedsiębiorstw i wprowadzanie przez nie na rynek nowych produktów i usług, i zapewnić, aby nie były one powstrzymywane przez system prawny, w jakim prowadzą działalność.
Mr President, in the 27 countries of the European Union we have a proud tradition, developed over the last decades, of fighting together against discrimination, and of making discrimination illegal and something to be discouraged.
Panie przewodniczący! W 27 państwach członkowskich istnieje godna podziwu tradycja wspólnej walki przeciwko dyskryminacji, jej delegalizacji i zniechęcania do niej, powstała w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach.
Unfortunately, telecommunications markets in many Member States have still not achieved sufficient levels of openness to competition, and consumers and households are therefore discouraged by high prices and do not obtain sufficient digital skills.
Niestety rynki telekomunikacyjne w wielu państwach członkowskich nie osiągnęły jeszcze odpowiedniego poziomu otwartości na konkurencję, a skutkiem tego konsumenci i gospodarstwa domowe zniechęcane są wysokimi cenami i ludzie nie zdobywają odpowiednich umiejętności informatycznych.
All initiatives by the EU side to obscure this fact must be discouraged in order to move towards a peaceful and legitimate resolution of the frozen conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and in the region.
Należy walczyć z wszelkimi inicjatywami ze strony UE mającymi na celu zaciemnienie tego faktu, by rozpocząć pokojowe i legitymizowane rozwiązanie tego zamrożonego konfliktu w Górskim Karabachu i w całym regionie.
Above all, though, do not let yourself be discouraged - I say this frankly, both to you and to Mr Moratinos - by the German Minister for Economic Affairs, who did not hesitate for one second to criticise your proposals.
Ale nade wszystko, niech się pan nie da zniechęcić - mówię to szczerze, zarówno panu, jak i panu Moratinosowi - niemieckiemu ministrowi ds. gospodarczych, który ani przez chwilę nie zawahał się przed skrytykowaniem pańskich propozycji.
A recent European study showed that fewer and fewer young people enter the labour market, because they are discouraged by barriers such as the lack of employment in their chosen field of sudy, the lack of experience and the lack of professional skills.
Ostatnie badanie europejskie pokazało, że coraz mniej młodych ludzi wchodzi na rynek pracy, ponieważ zniechęcają ich bariery, takie jak brak miejsc pracy w wybranej dziedzinie studiów, brak doświadczenia i brak kwalifikacji zawodowych.