Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
And once again, in Edinburgh with the wonderful African Children's Choir who I simply adore.
Tu jestem w Edynburgu, z chórem African Children's Choir, który kocham.
It's even more difficult in Edinburgh because you have to count all the whisky and the tartan.
Jest to jeszcze trudniejsze w Edynburgu ponieważ trzeba policzyć całą whisky i tartan.
The European Council is held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Posiedzenie Rady Europejskiej w Edynburgu w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Since we're in Edinburgh, I'm a big fan of Conan Doyle.
Skoro jesteśmy w Edynburgu, jestem wielkim fanem Conana Doyle'a.
And I think I'm the only Scotsman here at the Edinburgh TED.
Chyba jestem jedynym Szkotem na tym TEDzie w Edynburgu.
I woke to sharp rays of sun and various insects making friends with my face. At the exact moment I rose from the dirt like a hungover Lazarus, two beautiful girls that I'd met the night before came around the corner on their moped. They stopped to check if I was OK and rode on. The rest of that summer I was known as "the ditch boy". See comedian Josh Howie perform Gran Slam at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe at the Pleasance courtyard â?? The Hut, 4â??29 August. For tickets see edfringe.com
That night I went out in jeans and waistcoat to Pacha and, of course, had to keep wearing the same sunglasses. We went onto Space at 9am to continue the party. At noon I'd had enough and was sober enough to feel my sunburn again. But rather than wait 20 minutes for the next bus from Ibiza Town, I thought, sod that, and walked 17km along busy highways being tooted. When I finally arrived back at the hotel, all my friends were already there, sitting around the pool, even though I had left Space well before them. See comedian Terry Alderton at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe at the The Pleasance â?? Ace Dome from 4â??29 August
The German couple are leading a campaign to get Kennethson more noticed and for institutions to wake up to him. Apart from the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh and Kettle's Yard in Cambridge, no major gallery contains his work.
It would not be far-fetched to suggest we may be on the cusp of an animation revolution, with some of the world's finest film-makers choosing to work in what has traditionally been considered a junior species of cinema. Wes Anderson's move into stop-motion animation last year with Fantastic Mr Fox was well received, and the stop-motion revival continues with the UK release this autumn of the anarchic and celebrated French film A Town Called Panic, populated entirely by plastic toys with immovable expressions. Also from France, but relocated to Edinburgh, is Sylvain Chomet (director of Belleville Rendez-vous), who has attracted ecstatic reviews for The Illusionist, a visually enchanting adaptation of an unfilmed Jacques Tati script, which opened the Edinburgh film festival last month.
Tom Kitchin is chef/patron of Kitchin in Edinburgh and author of From Nature To Plate (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, Â?30). To order a copy for Â?22.99 (including UK mainland p&p), go to guardian.co.uk/bookshop or call 0330 333 6846.
The world's mightiest arts festival is imminent. Our critics pick the must-see Edinburgh shows
Kevin Eldon has been popping up wherever the laughs are for 20 years: Fist of Fun, I'm Alan Partridge, Brass Eye, Nighty Night. Amazingly, he has never had his own Edinburgh show. Promising, despite the title Titting About. The Stand Comedy Club (0131-558 7272), 6-30 August (not 16 or 23).
This York-based company burst on to the Edinburgh scene in 2008 with The Tartuffe. This year, they're bringing eight shows including Antigone, The Odyssey and Metamorphosis. C Soco (0845 260 1234), 4-30 August.
Slow, mysterious and physically extreme, the extraordinary works of Lemi Ponifasio's Mau company draw on the themes of culture, race and environment, mixing Polynesian ritual with modern dance. Edinburgh Playhouse (0844 847 1660), 14-18 August (not 16).
Bausch's death last summer shocked the world of modern dance, but there is consolation in her company's commitment to keeping her work alive. Here they perform Agua, one of her most fantastical pieces. Created after Bausch visited Brazil, it was inspired by the country's colours, exotic wildlife and sexy exuberant heat. Edinburgh Playhouse (0844 847 1660), 27-29 August.
By the time you read this, I will be on my way to Edinburgh.
Gdy będziesz to czytał, będę w drodze do Edynburga.
This part of Edinburgh is very rich in history.
Ta część Edynburga jest bogata w historię.
Hamish, ride ahead to Edinburgh and assemble the council.
Hamish, wyjedź do Edynburga i zbierz radę.
He left the Edinburgh for a reason.
Nie bez powodu wyszedł z Edinburgha.
Listen, I'm going to Edinburgh at the weekend.
W weekend jadę do Edynburga.
Two. But only the Edinburgh received the tainted X.
Dwa, ale tylko Edinburgh otrzymał skażone Ecstasy.
Reminds me of the time I spend in Edinburgh with my mates from Cambridge.
Przypominają mi się czasy spędzony w Edinburgu z moimi kumplami z Cambridge.
Their mother is from Edinburgh.
Ich matka pochodzi z Edynburga.
It's in the museum in Edinburgh.
Są w muzeum w Edynburgu.
We thank thee, Egbert, for thy work in Edinburgh.
Dziękujemy ci, Egbercie, za twą pracę w Edynburgu.
Edinburgh's a very dangerous place, Doctor Knox.
Edynburg to niebezpieczne miejsce, doktorze Knox.
Not so fast, Edinburgh!
Nie tak szybko, Edynburg!
Since we're in Edinburgh, I'm a big fan of ConanDoyle.
Skoro jesteśmy w Edynburgu, jestem wielkim fanem ConanaDoyle'a.
Mary McGregor couldn't negotiate her way across Edinburgh.
Mary McGregor nie mogłaby przez Edynburg.
Didn't sir Arthur Conan Doyle go to school at the University of Edinburgh?
Czy Sir Arthur Conan Doyle nie chodził przypadkiem na uniwersytet w Edynburgu?
Are you Edmund, Duke of Edinburgh?
Czy ty jesteś Edmund, Diuk Edynburga?
Now, we've got branches in Edinburgh, Liverpool, Birmingham, and London.
Mamy oddziały w Edynburgu, Liverpoolu, Birmingham i Londynie.
I am Captain McLintoch, and this is the Edinburgh Militia.
Jestem kapitan McLintoch, a to Edynburska Milicja.
My name is Oliver Lindenbrook of Edinburgh University.
Nazywam się Oliver Lindenbrook z Uniwersytetu w Edynburgu.
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland.
Edynburg Zamek, Szkocja.
The producer suggested we go from Great Yarmouth up the North Sea to Edinburgh.
Producenci zasugerowali, że zaczniemy w Great Yarmouth przez Morze Północne do Edynburga.
And a year later, I met Michael Palin, also in Edinburgh, in Cambridge '64.
Rok później spotkałem Michaela Palina, także w Edynburgu, na Cambridge '64.
Sweet kookaburra of Edinburgh, Professor.
Słodka kookaburra z Edynburga, Profesorze.
This would go on to form part of the conclusions of the Presidency of the Edinburgh European Council, which took place in December 1992.
Stało to się jednym z elementów konkluzji prezydencji Rady Europejskiej obradującej w grudniu 1992 roku w Edynburgu.
The President-in-Office of the European Council (in Edinburgh in December 1992) confirmed these imperatives.
Urzędujący przewodniczący Rady Europejskiej (w Edynburgu w grudniu 1992 r.) potwierdził te wymagania.
I've never been to Glasgow, but I've been to Edinburgh, and London...
Nigdy nie byłem w Glasgow, za to byłem w Edinburgu... i Montrealu, i Londynie.
Bruno Giussani: And now he's in Edinburgh. YvesRossy.
Bruno Giussani: Dziś jest w Edynburgu. Yves Rossy.
Edinburgh City Council, financed by European Social Fund money, conducted a campaign called 'Zero Tolerance' in relation to violence against women.
Rada Miasta Edynburg przeprowadziła finansowaną ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego kampanię "Zero tolerancji” wobec przemocy wobec kobiet.
I have a few newspaper articles with me from recent years: Gaddafi demands billions from the EU. Libya puts pressure on London and Edinburgh.
Mam tu ze sobą kilka artykułów prasowych z ostatnich paru lat: "Kaddafi żąda miliardów od UE.
This move would be similar to the precedent of the Edinburgh Agreement sought by the Danes at the Council meeting in December 1992, which granted Denmark four exemptions to the Maastricht Treaty.
Posunięcie to byłoby zbliżone do precedensu ustanowionego przez porozumienie edynburskie uzyskane przez Duńczyków na posiedzeniu Rady w grudniu 1992 roku, które przyznało Danii cztery wyłączenia spod postanowień traktatu z Maastricht.