im. Eli
im. Heli
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
For many who have been penned into Gaza by walls and fences, Israeli gunboats at sea and drones overhead, it has been longed-for opportunity to reconnect with the outside world.Struggling on crutches through the Rafah departure terminal, Nael Natour, is making his journey to Egypt alone. His mother, father and sister were killed in 2006 by the Israeli missile which also took Nael's right leg. The one surviving member of his immediate family, a brother, is staying behind.9.10am: It was "voice from the past" time on the Today programme this morning. Tony Blair was on in his capacity as Middle East peace envoy, talking about Gaza. Sadly he was not asked about the election. (Has he said anything in public about the election, or the coalition? If so, I haven't seen it.) But he had something important to say about Gaza. He said that, from his conversations with the Israeli government, he thought there would soon be a "signficant change" in the way the blockade is enforced. This is from the Press Association.The gathering will be chaired by the EU's foreign affairs head, Britain's Lady Ashton. A draft EU ministers' statement released today described the three-year-old Israeli blockade, which has severely affected living conditions for 1.5 million people in Gaza, as "unacceptable and counter-productive".The Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) called today for the blockade to be lifted, saying it violated the Geneva conventions, adding that Palestinian Hamas militants should release Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier captured nearly four years ago.â?? Liverpool and Chelsea have yet to agree fee â?? Israeli international expected to undergo medical, reports sayThe Israeli cabinet is today expected to agree to a plan to ease off the blockade on Gaza in a deal brokered by Tony Blair, the Middle East envoy.The new arrangements â?? decided upon in a series of meetings between Blair and the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, over the past 10 days â?? would cover three areas:"It will allow us to keep weapons and weapon materials out of Gaza, but on the other hand to help the Palestinian population there," he told the Israeli daily Haaretz. "The policy in Gaza should be to isolate the extremists but to help the people."The Israeli cabinet minister Isaac Herzog told Israel's Army Radio: "We must understand that the blockade implemented until this time is outdated and no longer applicable in the current international and diplomatic climate."
Eli sent me in here to get information from you.
Eli przysłał mnie tu, żebym wyciągnął z was informacje.
You know, we should at least hear what eli has to say.
Powinniśmy przynajmniej posłuchać, co Eli ma do powiedzenia.
From now on there's going to be a whole new Eli.
Od teraz będzie zupełnie nowy Eli.
You didn't just know them, Eli, they were your best friends.
Nie tylko znałeś, Eli. To byli twoi najlepsi przyjaciele.
I want this to be kept private, Eli, just between us.
Chcę, żeby to pozostało tylko między nami, Eli.
All right, my son Eli will bring you some wood.
Mój syn. Eli, przyniesie wam drzewa.
Put him back in the chair, Eli, and find that girl.
Posadź go z powrotem, Eli, i znajdź tę dziewczynę.
With that Eli his ladder for the very last time.
Eli Scruggs wszedł na drabinę po raz ostatni.
Eli will testify against me to save himself the best he can.
Eli będzie zeznawał przeciwko mnie, by ratować siebie samego.
You know, this cat, Eli, does he have anything going on in his eyes?
Ten kot, Eli, czy ma on to coś w swoich oczach?
Eli is teaching there next semester, and he asked me to come.
Eli będzie tam wykładał w przyszłym semestrze i poprosił mnie, bym pojechała z nim.
Did you have a good little chat with uncle eli?
Udała się pogawędka z wujkiem Eli?
Driving down with Eli to manage our foster mother situation.
Jadę z Eliem zająć się naszą przybraną matką.
So, Eli, what's it like to be offered this role?
Więc, Eli, jak to odbierasz, że zaoferowali ci tę role?
Eli, why do you think no one ever came across one of these things?
Eli, czemu myślisz, że nikt się nigdy na coś takiego nie natknął?
Me and Eli, we walked the whole war together.
Ja i Eli... ...przeszliśmy razem całą wojnę.
Eli said I could use his tools and try to fix that bird house.
Eli powiedział, że mogę używać tych narzędzi. Próbuję naprawić domek.
Oh, Eli, that's a very nice tie you have on.
Założyłeś dziś bardzo ładny krawat, Eli.
You thought Eli might've given him the same advice?
Pomyślałaś, że Eli udzielił mu tej samej rady?
By the way, I heard about that letter you sent to Eli.
Tak przy okazji, słyszałam o tym liście, który wysłałeś do Eli'ego.
Eli, find Chalky and place him under arrest, for his own safety.
Eli, umieść Chalky'ego w areszcie, dla jego własnego bezpieczeństwa.
Eli said you make the most amazing chocolate chip cookies.
Eli mówił, że robi pani wspaniałe czekoladowe ciasteczka.
Uh, yeah, me too, but, Eli, you should not be here.
Ja też się cieszą, ale nie powinno cię tu być.
Eli, tell the drivers to make their final preparations.
Eli, powiedz kierowcom, żeby byli gotowi.
Eli was my protector till I burnt down our house.
Eli był moim obrońcą, dopóki nie spaliłam tego domu. Eli James.
Eli: Like when people say excetera instead of et cetera.
Ludzie mówią excetera zamiast et cetera
I really just want to know Eli's okay.
Naprawdę chcę wiedzieć, że z Eliem wszystko dobrze.
So what do you call a win, Eli?
Więc co można nazwać wygraną, Eli?
How come you never asked me out, Eli?
Czemu nigdy nie zaprosiłeś mnie na randkę?
Eli, do those girls go to your school?
Eli? Te dziewczyny chodzą z wami do szkoły?
I thought I told you to go check on Eli.
Mówiłem ci chyba, żebyś zobaczył co z Eli.
Gentlemen... from all accounts, you and Eli left off in a good place.
Panowie... według tego, co ludzie mówią, rozstaliście się z Eli w zgodzie.
I wanted to fix Eli for a change.
Chciałam naprawić coś dla Elia dla odmiany.
Eli, we have a drunk for a son.
Eli, mamy pijaka za syna.
Maybe being a zombie won't be so bad, Eli.
Może bycie zombie wcale nie jest takie złe, Eli?
My father and Eli approached me last fall.
Zeszłej jesieni skontaktowali się ze mną mój ojciec i Eli.
Only you could turn my wedding day into the Eli Wyckoff show.
Tylko ty potrafisz zmienić mój ślub w show Eli Wyckoffa.
Eli checked himself into a rehabilitation hospital in North Dakota.
Eli zapisał się na odwyk w szpitalu w Północnej Dakocie.
Eli wants to be a doctor too, don't you Eli?
Eli też chce być lekarzem, prawda?
Eli, you better get the Crazy Crew to safety.
Eli, zabierz Szaloną Drużynę w bezpieczne miejsce.
Hey, Eli, how come you didn't tell Chloe about these novels?
Hej, Eli, jak mogłeś nie powiedzieć Chloe o tych komiksach?
On the boardwalk, Eli, 100 yards from my suite.
Na promenadzie, Eli. 100 metrów od mojego apartamentu.
All right, Ronney, not to state the obvious or anything, but Eli?
No dobra, Ronney, to nie ostateczność czy coś takiego, a Eli?
I want you to get close to Eli Cohn.
Chcę byś zbliżył się do Eli Cohna.
Could I have some light down here, Eli.
Dostanę tutaj trochę światła, Eli.
Well, Eli was always very special to me,
Eli zawsze był dla mnie kimś wyjątkowym,
Give ol' Doc Eli here a chance, listen to what he's got to say.
Dajcie Dr Eli szanse, posłuchajcie, co ma do powiedzenia,
Who were you and Eli smuggling guns for?
Dla kogo ty i Eli przemycaliście broń?
Eli shouldn't have to pay for it.
Eli nie powinien za to płacić.