Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Henoch

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Now, ministers tell us, it's the mythical lost tribe of the white working class that requires urgent attention (as opposed to the plain old working class, which would obviously be far too retrograde a term). Now, TV execs say, it's right to give Nick Griffin equal billing with frontbenchers from other parties and allow him an hour on the consecrated ground of Question Time. Enoch Powell may have been drummed out of mainstream politics for warning of rivers of blood, but hey, times have changed.
Among the books on my shelves are Barbara Cartland's Love at the Helm; The Crossroads Cookbook; My Tune by Simon Bates; all four volumes of Katie Price's autobiography; The Duchess of York's Budgie: The Little Helicopter; the autobiographies of Edward Du Cann, Anthea Turner, Norman Fowler, Tim Rice, George Carey, Max Clifford and Peter Purves; Reg Kray's Thoughts, Philosophy and Poetry; The Wit of Prince Philip; Enoch Powell's Collected Poems; My Friends' Secrets by Joan Collins; Inspired and Outspoken: The Collected Speeches of Ann Widdecombe; and Doris Stokes's Voices of Love.
The remark about Alexander, the MP for Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey, was greeted with laughter in the hall. However, it backfired as Harman found herself accused of insulting all Scotland's redheads.
Douglas Alexander called Flight's comments "shameful and revealing" and he's right. Flight may not be some self-styled tsar of eugenics, we may not be in Keith Joseph "our human stock is threatened" territory or witnessing some confused, underclass evocation of Enoch Powell ("rivers of Carlsberg!"), but, in 2010, this is toxic enough.

The Book of Enoch talks about this great judgment for the unrighteous.
Księga Enocha mówi także o tym wielkim sądzie wobec nieprawych ludzi.

I, Enoch, take you, Margaret, for my lawful wife.
Ja, Enoch, biorę ciebie, Margaret, za swoją żonę.

Does Enoch Thompson strike you as a murderer?
Czy Enoch Thompson wygląda ci na mordercę?

It matters that Enoch Thompson goes to jail.
Liczy się tylko to, by Enoch Thompson trafił za kratki.

And maybe Enoch Powell's throwing one up Shirley Bassey.
A może Enoch Powell rzyga na Shirley Bassey.

Enoch Thompson is a man loyal only to himself. ...A sacred covenant before God.
Enoch Thompson jest lojalny wyłącznie sobie. - ...święte przymierze zawarte przed Bogiem.

Grandpa Samuel and Uncle Enoch... ...fell prey to Comancheros.
Dziadek Samuel i wujek Enoch... padli ofiara Komanczeros.