im. Eugeniusz
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Many Afrikaners believe the killing of Eugene Terre'Blanche was part of a plot to unleash a deadly onslaught against white farmersIt was the lesser, fourth charge facing Eugene Terre'Blanche's alleged killers that has caught Chris van Zyl's attention. "They pulled down Mr Terre'Blanche's pants after they killed him. That was an act of humiliation and it is one of the factors that show us that the murder was politically motivated," said the retired major-general.The biggest question mark about this proto-book concerns the way in which it is illustrated. As Packer wrote in the essay quoted earlier, the press may have excelled itself in Baghdad, but "Iraq has not been a photographer's war". Really? When there are so many strong pictures coming out of the current wars by Sean Smith, Michael Kamber, Tim Hetherington and others? (Hetherington was with Junger in Afghanistan and co-directed their forthcoming documentary Restrepo.) Perhaps these are the exceptions that prove the rule, for Packer, it's important to note, is talking about photographers, not photography. In Iraq and Afghanistan we are perhaps glimpsing the end of the era of the combat photographer as a special category of occupation, the twilight of the photographer as novelist in the way that Capa (whose famous photo from the Spanish civil war is now believed to be a fiction) and Eugene Smith were visual novelists. Current photography from the frontline is defined absolutely by what it is of rather than who it is by. No photographer has been able to stamp a visual identity on what he depicted in the way that Capa or Tim Page managed, respectively, on D-Day or in Vietnam. Perhaps photographs are now simply too ubiquitous for that. So ubiquitous that, in a passage of Finkel's book, "photographs" refers not to actual physical records of the kind collected by Wilfred Owen (who carried photos of the dead and injured in his wallet) but a way of seeing, a state of damaged mind. Suffering from post-traumatic breakdown, one of the most heroic of Finkel's soldiers explains that he keeps seeing "photographs . . . Like a picture of Harrelson burning, in flames. I can't get that out of my head . . . It's just a slideshow in my head."Eugene took me to a market before going to the ranch. He bought me lunch â?? rabbit in a spicy sauce. He had the rabbit's head. He said it was the best part, as you get the brain. I didn't bother fighting him for it.I was given a horse called Espanner. It was so well trained it almost second-guessed what I wanted it to do. Eugene gave me a small whip to speed the horse up, but whenever it got a glimpse of the whip it bolted. I wanted to give the whip back to Eugene, but every time I tried, the horse saw it and bolted.After an hour or so of trotting and learning a few tricks, Eugene said the charros would like to celebrate my progress by drinking some tequila. I've never been a fan of it, but I said OK, as I didn't want to be rude. The charros turned up with a huge bottle and poured me a big one â?? with a worm in it!Eugene said I was lucky to get the worm and that I should try it, as it is very tasty. I said I'd eat half if he had half. Before I'd finished saying that, he had eaten his half. Now I was left with half a worm, which in a way is worse than a full one. "Do you chew or do you just swallow?" I asked.Eugene said, "Of course you chew. And you try to figure out the flavour and everythingâ?? You can't imagine how expensive a couple of hundred grams of this is at a restaurant. In the most expensive area of Mexico City they are, like, Â?50 at leastâ?? They are known to be an aphrodisiac."Details of the cost of closing individual quangos, seen by the Guardian, reveal the bill facing the government. The Audit Commission alone, which the communities secretary, Eric Pickles, has axed, is facing nearly Â?500m in liabilities. A letter from the chief executive, Eugene Sullivan, to the permanent secretary in Pickles's department and the National Audit Office warns that the costs include Â?75m in redundancy packages and Â?15m in contracts for rented properties. There is also an estimated Â?400m in pensions liabilities. The letter, seen by the Guardian, warns that it could even be under a legal obligation to raise its fees charged to local authorities to conduct audits to cover the costs of closing down.I put the selection together as an Irish writer â?? which is to say, as one of O'Faol??in's "unreliable tribe". Some of the stories made me close the book with a slam. "Music at Annahullion" by Eugene McCabe, for example, defied me to read anything else that day, or that week, to match it. I found it difficult to finish Maeve Brennan's "An Attack of Hunger", because it came so close to the pain it described (is this a good way to whet the reader's appetite, I wonder.) The world in Claire Keegan's "Men and Women" stayed with me from the day I first encountered it. I looked for stories that had made me pause when I read them the first time around: stories such as Colum McCann's "Everything in this Country Must" that I finished in the knowledge that I could not, in any conceivable universe, have written such a thing myself.
I hope you have the opportunity to see that, Eugene.
Mam nadzieję, że będziesz miał okazję je zobaczyć, Eugene.
Eugene, I think your dad would be proud of you.
Eugene, myślę, że twój tata byłby z ciebie dumny.
Eugene says that you and Johnny stayed up late last night.
Eugene mówi, że ty i Johnny nie spaliście.
Eugene Young down at the hardware store sold it to him.
Są słodkie. Gdzie na świecie je znalazłeś? Eugene Young miał je na magazynie.
That is your shirt with Eugene walker's blood on it.
To twoja koszula z krwią Eugene'a Walkera na niej.
Hey, maybe Eugene has a brother or a friend.
Może Eugene ma brata albo jakiegoś kolegę.
Starik send you round to check up on me, Eugene?
Starik wysłał cię, żebyś sprawdził co u mnie, Eugene?
Eugene gave me his identity while I paid the rent -
Eugene ofiarował mi swą tożsamość, ja natomiast płaciłem czynsz -
Right now, he's probably with Eugene Scott and the infant.
Prawdopodobnie w tej chwili jest z Eugenem Scott'em i noworodkiem.
Eugene holland was sentenced to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking.
Eugene Holland dostał wyrok 20-tu lat więzienia za handel narkotykami.
And what happens to the world then, Eugene?
A co wtedy stanie się ze światem, Eugene ?
Eugene, how could you say something like that?
Eugene, jak mogłeś to powiedzieć?
I got tired of waiting for you, Eugene.
Miałam dość czekania na ciebie.
Eugene knows that he only has two choices now:
Eugene wie, że ma teraz tylko dwa wyjścia:
Eugene is helping me out with my investments.
Eugene mi też pomoże przy moich inwestycjach.
Can anyone tell me which campus building Eugene O'Neill died in?
Czy ktoś może mi powiedzieć który kampus jest najbardziej renomowany? Ktokolwiek?
So why don't you tell me what you did to Eugene Rivera?
Dlaczego nie powiesz mi co zrobiłeś Eugene Rivera?
Eugene, whom I just met, was telling me that at Princeton
Eugene, którego właśnie poznałam, mówił, że w Princeton
Non vcreo that you know to small new Eugene.
Nie sądzę, żebyś znał nowego dzieciaka. Eugene Telenbow, po prostu
Tat always means good to go, right, Eugene?
Tatuaż zawsze oznacza dobra do wzięcia, racja, Eugene?
Eugene mulchandani fled in a flurry of saliva and fear.
Eugene Mulchandani uciekł w strachu i kałuży śliny.
Eugene, don't you worry, I'll talk to him.
Nie martw się, pogadam z nim.
Eugene has been right all along.
Eugene miał cały czas rację.
Couple of things down in Eugene.
Jest parę ofert w Eugene.
I need you to go with Eugene to the Gas 'n' Go.
Musisz iść z Eugene do Gas 'n'Go.
Oh, well, that's awfully kind of you, Eugene.
No cóż, to niezwykle miło z twojej strony, Eugene.
This is a venereal disease, Eugene... and I have thousands of them.
To choroba weneryczna, jedna z wielu, które mam. - Nie.
We went camping last summer in Eugene, Oregon.
Zeszłego lata pojechaliśmy na camping, do Eugene, w Oregonie.
I miss the great game, Eugene.
Brak mi wielkiej gry, Eugene.
What if they have guns, Eugene?
Eugene, a jeśli oni mają broń?
You know, Eugene, if I said my line again, then you could come in...
Wiesz, Eugene, gdybym powiedział mój wiersz jeszcze raz, potem można wejść,
Eugene Schwartz, your patient from yesterday.
Eugene Schwartz, pana wczorajszy pacjent.
I'm just like your brother, Eugene!
Jestem jak twój brat, zupełnie jak on.
The trick to itis it's actually Eugene.
To jest... to taki trik, naprawdę to Eugene.
That is a moral dilemma, Eugene.
To się nazywa dylemat moralny, Eugene.
Eugene has a problem with jealousy.
Eugene ma problem z zazdrością.
I've heard this over 2,000 goddamn times. –Eugene from Eugene. –Oh, yeah, right.
Słyszałem to już z pieprzone 2,000 razy. - Eugene z Eugene. -O, no tak.
Okay, where's Eugene's trapdoor? Under the Dragon, first machine on the left.
Dobra, gdzie Eugene umieścił dostęp? Pod smokiem, pierwsza maszyna po lewej.
Eugene, ready with the leaves?
Eugene, przygotuj liście.
What about your infection phobia, Eugene?
A co ze strachem przed zakażeniem?
Is Eugene our only witness?
Czy Eugene to nasz jedyny świadek?
Okay, so Eugene Greer grew up in some redneck town near Tallahassee.
Dobra, Eugene Greer jest z jakiejś wiochy niedaleko Tallahassee.
If it's okay with you, Eugene.
Jeśli to w porządku z tobą, Eugene.
You guys definitely talked in person... to Prof. Eugene Emory?
Czy na pewno osobiście rozmawialiście... z Prof. Eugenem Emorym?
Eugene never touched me.
Eugene nigdy mnie nie dotknął.
Eugene was always special.
Eugene zawsze był wyjątkowy.
In nevada, there's a guy, eugene disimone.
W Nevadzie, jest gość, Eugene Disimone.
Come on, Eugene, I got an important message--
Daj spokój, Eugene, mam ważną wiadomość...
All right, Eugene, Congressman Long's bill. What is it?
Dobra, Eugene, ustawa kongresmena Longa, co to takiego?
Hit it, Eugene.
Uderz go, Eugene.