(Adverb) nadmiernie, zbytnio, przesadnie, bez umiaru; wyjątkowo;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Leonard calls upon wider research to argue the sociological and psychological consequences of our all-consuming epidemic, including that of Tim Kasser and Robert Putman. Kasser identified a connection between an excessively materialistic outlook and increased levels of anxiety and depression, while Putman argues we're paying the ultimate price for our consumeristic tendencies with the loss of friendships, neighbourly support and robust communities. Together they suggest we are witnessing nothing short of the collapse of social fabric across society."As the [BBC] Trust prepares its report on the BBC Strategy Review, we are urging it to be more ambitious and to put a stop to this kind of excessively commercial behaviour once and for all."The latest crisis in Bella's emotional and non-sexual life happens to coincide with a terrible situation in Seattle. A grotesque serial killer is reportedly laying waste to the local population: news that Bella's divorced cop dad monitors by idly reading the headlines in the local paper, while perhaps sipping a frosty one from the fridge. We see one empty can on the coffee table, denoting that he is lonely, but not excessively so.Whether or not one agrees with her assessment of Netherland and Remainder, it's hard to quibble with Smith's contention that avant-garde fiction, at least in Britain and America, isn't flourishing. For many, the death of David Foster Wallace in 2008 represented the end point of a project that had become synonymous with obscurantism, pretentiousness and boredom. In Britain, which has its own lively tradition of literary experimentation, ranging from Virginia Woolf's excursions into consciousness to BS Johnson's eccentric games with form (including his notorious 1969 "shuffle" novel, The Unfortunates) there is little sense of mourning for the passing of the avant garde. As Smith noted, a kind of fatalism has entered our literary culture, a sense that all other routes have been tested and found wanting. The well-made realist novel, inherited from the 19th century, is what we are stuck with now, and even if we aren't excessively fond of it, it seems to be pretty much all we have.David Cameron has indicated that he would support localised minimum pricing on alcohol and back councils that want to ban shops and bars from selling excessively cheap alcoholic drinks.Kermode's breadth of reference and extraordinary flexibility of mind helped to fashion a career which was, at every stage, out of step with conventional academic rhythms. A Manxman, of working-class background, he attended a redbrick university, Liverpool, when it was less fashionable to do so than today. He had an excessively boring war, recalled, humorously and sardonically, in his memoir Not Entitled.Similarly, there is no excuse for failing to feel liberal guilt about race and class. The fact is that it is excessively hard for the vast majority of people from ethnic minorities, and from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, to attain the cushy lifestyle that one was born into and takes for granted. One can either react to this fact by pretending that one's good fortune is one's natural right, and by boasting that one has "worked hard" for it (well done, for turning up to banker school, or to that internship your uncle wangled); or one can react with humble awareness that our social world is still packed with injustice â?? an awareness known as liberal guilt.There are few better ways of tasting the minds of a community than reading their local papers. The stories and letters â?? their content, length and order â?? are like revelations from a therapist's notepad: you discover what trips the residents into anger and which of the hundreds of minor conflicts that buzz around a town on any given week they hold to be most important. Back in Jade's kitchen, I browse a couple that happen to be lying on her table as she makes another coffee. The Centralian Advocate leads with a story about an argument that resulted in a shooting. Buried on page two is the startling detail that, prior to the disagreement, the armed men approached the victim happily, saying: "You're [all] right, mate â?? we thought you were blackfellas and we were going to shoot you." Alice Springs News runs with the council's attempts, prompted by complaints from a white gallery owner, to stop Aboriginal artists selling their work on the grass outside a church. This "crackdown on hawkers" is front-page news. On pages two and 11 they have reprinted a lengthy reader's letter concerning the trial of the five killers of Ryder. Its author raged at the "excessively harsh sentences imposed on these boys".So it comes as a bit of a shock to find that in person she is so surprisingly quiet. The rasp to her voice that can make her vitriolic and brassy on stage is softer; she seems gentle and excessively polite, offering coffee from a silver pot before sitting down, primly straight-backed, on a sofa in one of the glamorously formal rooms at the Ritz.It would be excessively kind to say that the chancellor conducted such a rethink, but he has willy-nilly moved the boundary between state provision and individual responsibility in the direction needed for sustainable growth. Clearly, the private sector â?? even not counting the civil institutions the prime minister plans to conjure up in a secular society where churches are not up to the job â?? can be assigned a far larger role than the approximately half of GDP left for it by a government that has increased its own share by 10 percentage points since Margaret Thatcher's days. Even if the government does implement all its cuts, and reap all the savings it seeks, the share of GDP claimed by government will shrink only to about the level prevailing when Gordon Brown turned on the spending spigots.
He was excessively proud, although he had no reason to be.
A on był zadufany w sobie, choć nie miał powodu.
I am excessively preoccupied with a certain lovely young lady.
Jestem zbytnio zaaferowany pewną młodą damą.
This result will benefit patients and significantly cut waiting lists, which are sometimes excessively long.
Ten wynik będzie korzystny dla pacjentów i pozwoli znacznie skrócić listy oczekujących, które czasami są nadmiernie długie.
We need to improve our relationship with other countries besides Russia without becoming excessively independent.
Musimy polepszyć stosunki z innymi krajami poza Rosją, tak, aby nie doprowadzić do nadmiernej niezależności.
She is too excessively exposed to life in its brutal meaninglessness.
Zbyt mocno odkrywa przed nią życie w swoim brutalnym bezsensie.
It would be wrong to take excessively quick and thus wrong decisions.
Źle by się stało, gdyby podejmować zbyt pospieszne i błędne decyzje.
The excessively control-oriented funding system for research results in a waste of resources.
Nadmiernie skupiony na kontroli system finansowania badań naukowych prowadzi do marnowania zasobów.
Are you finding it excessively hot in here?
Czy nie jest panu za gorąco?
Madam President, it would be bad form for me to prolong the debate excessively.
Pani przewodnicząca! Byłoby z mojej strony w złym tonie, gdybym nadmiernie wydłużył debatę.
We reject this package as an excessively abstract and misguided approach.
Odrzucamy ten pakiet, gdyż prezentuje zbyt abstrakcyjne i niewłaściwie ukierunkowane podejście.
She is excessively pretty and only just eighteen.
Jest wyjątkowo ładna i ma tylko osiemnaście lat.
In addition, the crisis must not be used as an opportunity to introduce new, excessively burdensome regulations.
Kryzys nie może także być okazją do wprowadzania nowych, nadmiernie obciążających regulacji.
Such a period is essential, but a full seven years would be an excessively long transitional period.
Tego rodzaju okres jest istotny, lecz pełne siedem lat to byłby zbyt długi okres przejściowy.
Medical treatment, including complicated surgery required by patients with excessively high cholesterol levels, is also more expensive than simple, traditional foods.
Leczenie, w tym skomplikowane operacje wywołane nadmiarem cholesterolu, jest też droższe niż proste, tradycyjne środki żywnościowe.
Markets are nervous, reacting immediately, excessively and negatively to every signal.
Sytuacja na rynkach jest nerwowa: rynki w sposób nadmierny i negatywny natychmiast reagują na każdy sygnał.
Administering the common agricultural policy is often excessively complicated.
Zarządzanie wspólną polityką rolną jest często nadmiernie skomplikowane.
The first bank stress test was manipulated excessively by the national authorities so that a couple of banks would be excluded.
Pierwszy test warunków skrajnych przeprowadzany wśród banków został w nadmiernym stopniu zmanipulowany przez władze krajowe, po to by kilka banków zostało z niego zwolnionych.
Oh, no, I am excessively diverted. It's all so strange.
Och, nie, bardzo się ubawiłam, ale to takie dziwne.
I remember once he had a cat that was drinking excessively and I said:
Pamiętam, że raz miał kota, który nadmiernie pił i powiedziałem:
The new rules should protect workers from the health and safety risks of excessively long working hours and insufficient rest.
Nowe zasady powinny chronić pracowników przed zagrożeniem dla zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa, wynikającym z nazbyt długiego czasu pracy i niewystarczającego odpoczynku.
It was excessively long and duplicative, but it deals with an important subject.
Jest ono nadzwyczaj długie i zawiera powtórzenia, ale zajmuję się ważnym tematem.
Conversely, it makes absolutely no mention of the problems faced in other professions when working time is reduced excessively, as with 35 hours.
Nie ma w nim natomiast ani słowa o problemach napotykanych w innych zawodach, gdzie wymiar pracy został nadmiernie skrócony, na przykład do 35 godzin.
The weak point is the excessively general nature of the report and the absence of accompanying legislation.
Słabym punktem tego sprawozdania jest zbyt ogólny charakter i brak przepisów towarzyszących.
We must think carefully about whether this is not an excessively restrictive regulation, going beyond the framework of proportionality.
Musimy ostrożnie zastanowić się, czy nie jest to przepis zbyt ograniczający, wykraczający poza ramy proporcjonalności.
Restricting the scope of licences to single Member States would be an excessively narrow approach.
Ograniczanie zakresu dopuszczenia do pojedynczego państwa członkowskiego byłoby podejściem nadmiernie restrykcyjnym.
Trying to limit what the report calls the excessively busy schedules of athletes will probably not get them to resist doping.
Próby ograniczenia tego, co sprawozdanie nazywa przeładowanymi programami ćwiczeń dla atletów, prawdopodobnie nie pomoże im oprzeć się pokusie dopingu.
Excessively long tender procedures can delay realisation of Structural Funds.
Zbyt długotrwałe procedury przetargowe mogą opóźnić realizację funduszy strukturalnych.
Actually says you're excessively happy?
Naprawdę napisał, że jesteś nadmiernie szczęśliwy?
It is necessary because excessively high tariffs are raising obstacles preventing the freedom of movement and communication between Europe's citizens.
Jest ono konieczne dlatego, że zbyt wysokie taryfy stanowią coraz większą przeszkodę w swobodnym przemieszczaniu się i komunikacji między obywatelami Europy.
It has reacted excessively harshly, both internally and externally.
Jego reakcja była zbyt ostra zarówno na szczeblu wewnętrznym, jak i zewnętrznym.
It causes excessively long waits at border crossings.
Powoduje ono zbyt długie oczekiwanie na przekroczenie granicy.
Competition and general consumer education also serve to enhance consumer protection, but excessively convoluted rules do not.
Konkurencja i ogólna edukacja konsumentów także powinny wzmocnić ochronę konsumenta, ale nadmiernie zawiłe przepisy nie.
The Commission admitted that the proposals were probably excessively detailed and that the wording needed editing.
Komisja przyznała, że wnioski są prawdopodobnie zbyt szczegółowe, a treść wymaga przeredagowania.
I hope that the mechanisms of solidarity will not permit market distortions or give rise to excessively onerous procedures.
Mam także nadzieję, że mechanizmy solidarności nie pozwolą na zniekształcenie rynku i nie spowodują wprowadzenia nadmiernie uciążliwych procedur.
Well, the Detroit terror attempt made us realise that our security systems are not excessively tight, but are still rather unsatisfactory.
Nieudany zamach terrorystyczny w Detroit uzmysłowił nam, że systemy bezpieczeństwa wcale nie są zbyt rygorystyczne, ale wręcz niewystarczające.
Does it Look excessively bulbous?
To... Czy wygląda na nadmiernie wybrzuszoną?
Not as excessively pious person as him...
Nie tak pobożnym jak on.
It absolutely has to do so before the forthcoming European elections, because otherwise we will be starting off another term, another excessively long period of time.
Musi do tego dojść bezwzględnie przed zbliżającymi się wyborami europejskimi, ponieważ w innym wypadku będzie rozpoczynać się nowa kadencja i upłynie zbyt długi czas.
The resolution reflects the fact that the current system is excessively control-oriented, which results in wasted resources and in low participation.
W rezolucji zwraca się uwagę na fakt, że obecny system nadmiernie skupia się na kontroli, co prowadzi do marnowania zasobów oraz do niższego poziomu uczestnictwa.
So it is no wonder that things went excessively far when people broke through the various fences and walls between Egypt and Gaza.
A zatem nic dziwnego, że sprawy zaszły zbyt daleko, kiedy ludzie przedzierali się przez rozmaite zasieki i mury oddzielające Egipt od Strefy Gazy.
It would be advisable, however, for the feasibility of these measures to avoid, in addition to potential distortions, excessively cumbersome procedures.
W celu ich uruchomienia wskazane byłoby jednak unikanie, oprócz potencjalnych zakłóceń, także niepotrzebnie skomplikowanych procedur.
However, the excessively slow absorption of funds from the new programming period which we have observed in many Member States may threaten their effective utilisation.
Niemniej jednak zbyt powolna absorpcja środków z nowego okresu programowania, obserwowana w licznych państwach członkowskich, może zagrażać skutecznemu wykorzystaniu funduszy.
At the same time, I cannot help but express, to some extent, my astonishment at the Commission's excessively administrative approach to this matter.
Jednocześnie nie mogę się powstrzymać od wyrażenia, pewnego zdziwienia nadmiernie administracyjnym podejściem Komisji do tego zagadnienia.
In the background, there was disagreement on the question of the exchange rate of the yuan, deemed by the euro area to be excessively low.
W rzeczywistości chodziło o różnicę zdań w kwestii kursu wymiany juana, który strefa euro uznała za zbyt niski.
Researchers have already proved that the biggest problem within the EU is the failure to appreciate national differences and the attempt to excessively harmonise.
Naukowcy już dowiedli, że największym problemem w UE jest niedocenienie różnic krajowych i dążenie do nadmiernej harmonizacji.
We consider that both the Council regulation and Parliament's report make excessively detailed and intrusive proposals.
Uważamy, że zarówno rozporządzenie Rady, jak i sprawozdanie Parlamentu zawierają propozycje zbyt szczegółowe i ingerują w życie prywatne.
We must prevent this from imposing unnecessary, excessively bureaucratic requirements while avoiding overlap with burdens which are already imposed under national rules.
Musimy je chronić przed zbędnymi, biurokratycznymi wymogami i unikać dublowania przepisów już obowiązujących zgodnie z prawem krajowym.
When cattle feed manufacturers decide to innovate, they should not be impeded by excessively strict legislation on disclosure.
W przypadku, gdy producenci pasz dla bydła postanawiają wprowadzać innowacyjne rozwiązania, nadmiernie surowe prawodawstwo dotyczące ujawniania nie powinno im utrudniać działania.
We could say that this situation distinguishes and values women, or that it excessively exploits them and is an example of inequality.
Można powiedzieć, że taka sytuacja wyróżnia, docenia kobiety albo że je nadmiernie wykorzystuje, jest przykładem nierówności.
The administrative requirements for admitting third-country citizens to work in the EU are excessively complicated and vague.
Wymogi administracyjne, jakie obywatele krajów trzecich muszą spełnić, aby móc pracować w UE, są nadmiernie skomplikowane i niejasne.