Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
New allegations that a used condom was found in the farmhouse where Terre'blanche was murdered suggest a sexual dimension to the killing is just as likely. But Major-General Van Zyl is unlikely to listen to scurrilous speculation. He now trains white South African farmers in self-defence, deep in the Afrikaner heartland of the former Transvaal. A member of the 6,000-strong Transvaal Agriculture Union (TAU), he was not expecting a drop-off in demand for his expertise.
Workforce, however, was electrifying â?? and another jolting reminder of Stoute's brilliance. "His debut at Goodwood had been full of promise but he had a difficult spring. In his second race, at York, the bit came through his mouth when he straightened up. So we knew he had to show more maturity. An important part of his Derby preparation was a run-out at Lingfield where we got him to rattle down the hill and take that left-handed turn. I felt then he was ready. But none of us were expecting him to win the Derby by seven lengths."
Now she said she was expecting a wave of lost bookings. Looking down the beach at a tractor pulling bundled up bags, she said: "My grandkids are not going to know what a beach is if it continues like this. We are not going to be able to swim here. It's going to destroy our economy."
Economists and central bank policymakers had been expecting some easing in inflation, largely attributing the spike at the start of this year to one-off effects such as high oil prices and the rise in VAT back to 17.5% after a year at 15% during the recession.
It is here, perhaps, that I should declare an interest. During my talks with Figes I tell her that for so many people entering marriage â?? including me, first time round â?? they have no real idea what it truly means. I got married at 27, after six years of happy cohabitation. By the age of 30, I was divorced, scarred by the failure of it all (no children, crucially). My wedding five years ago to the man who is now my husband was my second (37% of the marriages recorded in 2008 were remarriages, a fall of 4% in 10 years). The failure of my first marriage was not enough to put me off doing it again, although second time round I thought long and hard about what it really meant. Today I am very happy, although it is by no means always easy. I think Elizabeth Gilbert gets somewhere close to it when she quotes Kant in his assertion that we humans are so emotionally complex that we go through two puberties in life: the first when our bodies are mature enough for sex, and the second when our minds are. "I do wonder if perhaps our emotional maturity comes to us only through the experiences and lessons of our youthful and romantic failures," she writes. "To ask a 20-year-old girl to somehow automatically know things about life that most 40-year-old women needed decades to understand is expecting an awful lot of wisdom from a very young person. Maybe we must all go through the anguish and errors of a first puberty, in other words, before any of us can ascend to the second one."
Meanwhile, there was fresh speculation about the professional future of BP's chief executive after a senior Russian cabinet minister reportedly said he was expecting Tony Hayward to introduce a successor during a scheduled meeting in Moscow.
"If people are expecting this institution [the bank] to exist with a range of products which might lower the cost of capital, they'll wait until it does," he added.
Expecting mothers who consumed more than 4.5 alcoholic drinks a week were more likely to have sons with lower sperm counts than those who drank little or none at all, their study suggests.
Unpublished estimates of the impact of the biggest squeeze on public spending since the second world war show that the government is expecting between 500,000 and 600,000 jobs to go in the public sector and between 600,000 and 700,000 to disappear in the private sector by 2015.
He added that Osborne was expecting a similar rise in employment over the next five years to that seen during 13 years of the last Labour government, when around a third of the employment growth came from the public sector. "This is a slower growth environment and there will be no contribution from the public sector."
People all over the world are expecting us to do so.
Ludność całego świata tego od nas oczekuje.
I am expecting the list to be ready within the next few days.
Oczekuję, że lista będzie gotowa w najbliższych dniach.
I was expecting you in my office 20 minutes ago.
Miałeś być w moim biurze 20 minut temu.
I wasn't expecting to have to meet any guy so soon.
Nie spodziewałem się, że w ogóle spotkamy kogoś tak szybko.
And then he can stop expecting us to be together.
A wtedy nie bedzie się spodziewał widywać nas razem.
I just don't think he was expecting to go home again.
Tylko nie sądzę że spodziewał się jeszcze kiedyś wrócić do domu.
I came home expecting to find him running around the house, but that just didn't happen'.
Przyjechałam myśląc, że zobaczę, jak biega wokół domu, ale to się nie zdarzyło.”
You're expecting me to let them get away with this?
Mam pozwolić, żeby mu to uszło na sucho?
I might be a few years older than you're expecting.
Mogę być nieco starszy niż się spodziewasz.
She's changed quite a bit recently, so I was expecting her to.
Ostatnio bardzo się zmieniła, więc myślałem, że to zrobi.
I'm expecting someone and i don't know if they're coming alone or not.
Spodziewam się kogoś i nie wiem, czy będzie sam.
I would therefore like to state very clearly what we are expecting.
Chciałbym zatem bardzo wyraźnie powiedzieć, czego oczekujemy.
The last thing they'll be expecting is that we hit another bank.
Ostatnia rzecz jakiej się spodziewają to nasz kolejny napad.
We're not expecting much from you, but there is a certain amount of risk.
Nie oczekujemy od Ciebie zbyt wielu rzeczy, ale istnieje pewne ryzyko.
Hey, those people are expecting us to come back with something great.
Hej, ci ludzie oczekują że wrócimy z czymś wielkim
That is what we are expecting from the Commission today.
Tego właśnie dziś oczekujemy od Komisji.
She wasn't expecting anyone else to be listening to it.
Nie wiedziała, ze inni będą tego słuchać.
I'm sure the crowd is expecting a lot more than that.
Jestem pewna ze tłum oczekuje czegoś więcej. To nie jest pokaz.
Well, daddy’s parents are expecting us, so we have to go.
Rodzice taty czekają na nas, więc musimy jechać.
I'm expecting the fourth, but father said that is by our blood.
Oczekuję czwartego, ale ojciec mówi, że to przez naszą krew.
The country needs democratic reforms to continue and the people are expecting nothing less.
Kraj ten potrzebuje kontynuacji reform demokratycznych, a jego mieszkańcy właśnie tego oczekują.
I have to say we were not expecting this change. No such proposal has been made.
Powiem, że ta zmiana jest dla nas nieoczekiwana, nie było takiej propozycji.
He's expecting you to tell him who raped his daughter.
Czeka aż powiesz mu, kto zgwałcił jego córkę.
Oh, we are expecting soon, another brother of my wife's.
Oh, wkrótce spodziewamy się, drugiego brata mej żony.
You know, I wasn't expecting it to go in that direction.
Wiesz, Nie spodziewam się by iść w tym kierunku.
And she doesn't want me to, now that she's expecting.
I ona nie chce też, teraz kiedy oczekuję dziecka.
I wasn't expecting another deposit until the end of the month.
Nie spodziewałem się następnego depozytu do końca miesiąca.
Oh wow, I was not expecting you both to still be up.
O rany, nie spodziewałam się, że jeszcze będziecie na nogach.
Well, these are certainly not the reactions I was expecting.
To z pewnością nie są reakcje, których się spodziewałam.
On the other hand, we must be aware that there are a number of questions expecting an answer.
Z drugiej strony, musimy mieć świadomość, że istnieje szereg pytań, które wciąż oczekują odpowiedzi.
He won't be expecting it, and I'd get back the 100.
Nie będzie się tego spodziewał, a ja odzyskam stówę.
We are expecting strong proposals from you on that point.
Oczekujemy od pana zdecydowanych propozycji w tej sprawie.
When Joe answered the phone, he was expecting someone else.
Gdy odebrał, spodziewał się kogoś innego.
I am expecting to see these reflected in the Commission's future activities.
Oczekuję, że znajdą one odzwierciedlenie w przyszłych działaniach Komisji.
Maybe because I was expecting you in surgery at 8:00 this morning.
A ja spodziewałem się ciebie na sali operacyjnej o 8:00 rano.
My beloved wife and I were expecting our first child that very night.
Moja ukochana żona i ja spodziewaliśmy się naszego pierwszego dziecka.
We have to go where they're not expecting us,starting with the concrete wall.
Musimy zaatakować tam, gdzie się nas nie spodziewają. Zaczniemy od betonowej ściany.
I'm not expecting miracles, just do what you have too.
Nie oczekuję cudów, po prostu robcie co musicie.
Guys, we weren't expecting you, but you're right on time.
Nie spodziewaliśmy się was, ale jesteście w samą porę.
I was expecting a little more gratitude, but this is good too.
Oczekiwałem odrobinę więcej wdzięczności, ale tak też może być.
I'm expecting my fourth. Father says it's because of the blood.
Oczekuję czwartego, ale ojciec mówi, że to przez naszą krew.
It’s funny the stuff you find when you're not expecting it.
Dziwne rzeczy można znależć, kiedy się ich nie szuka.
Well, look, I'm not expecting you to start dating me again.
Spójrz, nie oczekuję od ciebie, że do mnie wrócisz.
Your parents have been notified, and they're expecting you at home.
Wasi rodzice zostali powiadomieni i oczekują was w domu.
I am expecting specific - and fast - measures from the G20.
Oczekuję od grupy G-20 podjęcia konkretnych oraz szybkich działań.
There's a guy on his way expecting all that coke to be here.
Zbliża się pewien gość. Spodziewa się, że będzie tu cała koka.
Papa, she says I'm the father of the baby she's expecting.
Tato, ona mówi, że jestem ojcem dziecka, którego się spodziewa.
The Commission - we have just heard - is expecting a negative impact on growth.
Jak przed chwilą usłyszeliśmy Komisja oczekuje negatywnych skutków dla wzrostu.
Some guy is expecting to marry this woman on Saturday.
Jakiś facet czeka na sobotni ślub z tą kobietą.
The cartel is expecting all of them in two days.
Kartel spodziewa się jej za dwa dni. Czaję!