1. (affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit
"bodily needs"
"a corporal defect"
"corporeal suffering"
"a somatic symptom or somatic illness")
bodily, corporal, corporeal, somatic
synonim: somatyczny
2. (having substance or material existence
perceptible to the senses
"a physical manifestation"
"surrounded by tangible objects")
physical: : synonim: namacalny
synonim: materialny
3. (relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy
especially physics
"physical sciences"
"physical laws")
physical: : synonim: fizykalny
4. (characterized by energetic bodily activity
"a very physical dance performance")
physical: :
5. (impelled by physical force especially against resistance
"forcible entry"
"a real cop would get physical"
"strong-arm tactics")
forcible, physical, strong-arm: : synonim: nieumysłowy
6. (involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit
"physical exercise"
"physical suffering"
"was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance")
physical: :
atrakcyjność ~na sex appeal
ćwiczenia ~ne physical exercise
siła ~na brawn
sprawność ~na fitness
pracownik ~ blue-collar
stan ~ constitution
wychowanie ~ne physical education
adj physical
pracownik fizyczny - manual worker
bluecollar worker
wychowanie fizyczne - physical training (education)
physical~ osoba - physical person~ praca - manual work~ pracownik - blue-collar worker~ wada - physical defect
physical adj
adj physical
pracownik ~y manual worker
wychowanie ~e physical training
adj. physical