(Adjective) boski;
(appropriate to or befitting a god
"the divine strength of Achilles"
"a man of godlike sagacity"
"man must play God for he has acquired certain godlike powers"-R.H.Roveref)
synonim: divine
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Shaheen: When I've worked on site, IT people have a godlike status. I've had factory foreman shouting at staff, telling them what they can and can't do, based on my word and whim, so I've seen the opposite.The question of how much her sons would remember of their father was one of the things that most worried her. McElhone didn't want him to be built into a godlike figure, nor removed from casual reference in daily life. She wondered whether she should radically change her parenting style. At first, she says, she tried to compensate for her husband's absence by mimicking his role in the family. "With Martin I always played the straight man and he was the clown. I thought, ugh, they can't just have straight man, that's so dull. I tried for a while to do clown and straight man, and they got really confused. So I just decided to stick to my role. I decided quite early on that I couldn't be a mother and a father. It was quite a relief.""I think if you keep watching the video, and you witness the supernatural powers we exhibit, then it will become clear how godlike we truly are," suggest Sclavunos, as the kind of very low-rent death-ray special effect you used to get on Tom Baker-era Doctor Who episodes shoots from the eyes of his onscreen counterpart. Later he does a slow-motion hip-swinging dance that reveals Cave drew the long straw when it came to underwear in the video: beneath his tunic, Sclavunos appears to be wearing some kind of posing pouch. As his buttocks fill the screen, the pair dissolve into laughter.
I mean, it's godlike, in a way, cos you can have complete control.
To znaczy, podobna do Boga w pewien sposób, Masz całkowitą kontrole.
Just a regular guy who does godlike things.
Po prostu zwykły gość, który robi boskie rzeczy.
We who are godlike now were once a mass...
My, którzy jesteśmy teraz boscy byliśmy jedną masą...
Who is this man, fused with godlike power?
Kimże jest ten człowiek, obdarzony niemal boską mocą?
However, when these agencies become a monopoly and manage to avoid any form of supervision, then they take on a godlike status and we find them being worshipped.
Kiedy jednak agencje te zdobędą monopol i zdołają uniknąć wszelkich form nadzoru, zyskają boski status i staną się obiektami kultu.
But even schoolchildren know that the comical rulers of Saudi Arabia, consisting mostly of the family of one man, His Most Royal Excellency godlike King Abdullah, are imposing on their people a brutal repression.
Lecz nawet dzieci w szkole wiedzą, że ci zabawni władcy Arabii Saudyjskiej, należący w większości do rodziny jednej osoby, Jego Najwyższej Królewskiej Ekscelencji boskiego króla Abdullaha, stosują wobec swych poddanych brutalne środki represji.