Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) opatrzony nagłówkiem; biologia zwinięty w główkę;
be headed up - biznes piąć się w górę, iść w górę;
headed notepaper - (Noun) druk firmowy;
be headed - być zatytułowanym;
two-headed - (Adjective) dwugłowy;
headed paper - druk papier firmowy;
headed paper - druk papier firmowy;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Something had been festering in the American undergrowth. Calling themselves a militia, gatherings of extremely right-wing men (and some women) were crawling around the backwoods in camouflage fatigues playing war games against a loosely termed "federal government". Absurd, certainly, but the movement had a seriously dangerous core. Back then I explored this group and some of its more (preposterous) propositions: there should be an uprising against "The New World Order", of which the US government was a puppet; there was a site in Nevada where the militias believed a crashed UFO had been taken, the government plotting with aliens. The movement's leadership in Indiana were apparently preparing for armed insurrection, and a training compound in Arizona was headed by a man Timothy McVeigh knew, William Cooper, who threatened me when I tried to visit. In Cooper's 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse, he insisted that the prison transfer centre in Oklahoma City was a "concentration camp" for those resisting the New World Order of the Antichrist. In November 1994, on his radio station, Cooper issued a call to arms: the militias should be ready, he said, to "fight a war" within six months. Closer to hand, at another compound called Elouhim City â?? visited by McVeigh â?? the leader of the Oklahoma militia, Robert Millar, urged his followers to "take whatever action necessary against the US government". A few weeks later, McVeigh and Nichols parked a rented Ryder truck packed with 2.15 tonnes of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil outside the Murrah Building, lit a fuse and walked away.
But the internet isn't the problem: it's the people on it. In other words, me. I spend so much time on my laptop that my wife's taken to calling it my "square-headed girlfriend".
â?  53 were press releases that could conceivably have been of relevance to my job (and, as I work on an entertainment title, I'm including one headed "Danny Dyer fancies Ginger Nicola from Girls Aloud!")
The PPS, headed by Sir Alasdair Fraser, will make the decision on prosecutions because the killings occurred in its jurisdiction, rather than the Crown Prosecution Service in London. Fraser will have to take into account the public interest in a prosecution, and the likelihood of securing a conviction.
Hewitt's victory, which arrived via a clipped net-cord at match point in front of a stunned gathering in Germany, overshadowed Querrey's two-set win over Fish, his friend and neighbour in California. The players, who share a coach and live not far from each other, watched Saturday night's 1-1 draw at their respective accommodation in Wimbledon. Their own moment was not the prettiest but it drew the best out of them in less than ideal conditions. "It was the windiest day of the week," said Querrey, who won 7-6, 7-5 in an hour and 24 minutes. "I tried to stay level-headed and keep my composure. I got through it."
The OBR, headed by the former Treasury mandarin Sir Alan Budd, said Darling had overestimated the ability of the economy to bounce back from its most severe postwar recession. Growth next year would be 2.6% rather than the 3% to 3.5% Labour was assuming, with weaker expansion in future years as well.
10.29am: North Korea's official KCNA news agency has praised coach Kim Jong-hun's side after their 2-1 defeat against Brazil last night. "From the outset of the match the two teams fought a seesaw battle," it reported. "The DPRK footballers created good shooting chances, not losing their confidence even after losing two goals. At about the 88th minute of the match Jong Tae-se headed the ball before passing it to Ji Yun-nam who powerfully kicked it into the rival's goalmouth, scoring a goal."
Discovering that the site had been built over in 1956, the team headed for the town's municipal cemetery to where the bones had been shifted, turning up nine potential sets.
For around 60,000 years the planet had shivered as ice sheets fluctuated over large parts of the northern and southern hemisphere â?? including Britain, then a peninsula of northern Europe, which supported a small population of humans for much of this time. However, around 24,000 years ago, the weather worsened drastically. Britain's last inhabitants either died out or headed southwards for some continental warmth in refuges in northern Spain and central France.
In those days, humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers: strong, relatively well-nourished individuals who followed the herds of wild horses that then roamed Europe. These animals provided men, women and children with their main source of protein. "The weather suddenly got warm, the horses headed north and men and women followed them," said Higham. "It would have been a very rapid business."

So where are you headed if everything goes to plan?
Dokąd się wybierasz jeśli wszystko pójdzie zgodnie z planem?

Where the two who don't have a place to go are headed is death.
Ci dwoje, którzy nie mają gdzie iść, zmierzają ku śmierci.

You might not want the company, but I'm headed home.
Może nie masz ochoty na towarzystwo, ale wracam do domu.

No, but I think we both understand where this is all headed.
Nie, ale myślę, że oboje rozumiemy, gdzie to wszystko prowadzi.

Yeah, he was seen in a group a couple days ago, headed this way.
Parę dni temu widziano go w grupie, która zmierzała w tę stronę.

Because you have no idea where society is headed, okay?
Bo nie masz żadnego pojęcia o tym dokąd zmierza społeczeństwo, ok?

We wanted you to meet him before he headed to the hotel.
Chcieliśmy abyście spotkali się zanim pojedzie do hotelu.

They changed direction once again, they're headed to another area.
Dzieci zmieniły kierunek, biegną w inne miejsce.

Last time I saw her, that's where she was headed.
Kiedy ostatni raz ją widziałam, to się tam wybierała.

Could you please tell us in which direction you're headed?
Mógłbyś powiedzieć nam, w którym kierunku jedziesz?

Hell is where you're headed if you question me again.
Zrobię ci piekło, jeśli znów mnie zakwestionujesz.

Especially when we can see the dark storm that's headed their way.
Szczególnie, gdy widzimy ciemną chmurę, zmierzającą w ich stronę.

Well, whatever they are, someone just released them and they're headed your way.
Czymkolwiek są, ktoś właśnie je wypuścił i zmierzają prosto w twoją stronę.

What are you doing? We're headed for the other boat!
Larry, co ty robisz? Płyniemy na tą łódź.

Now look for any vehicle headed north on a fire road.
Szukajcie wszelkich pojazdów jadących na północ drogą pożarową.

This is not a good path you're headed down here.
To nie jest dobra droga, na którą zeszłaś.

I am afraid we are headed that way fast at the moment.
Obawiam się, że jak na razie zmierzamy prosto w tym kierunku.

Only 3% of these companies have boards headed by a woman.
Tylko w przypadku 3 % przedsiębiorstw na czele zarządu stoi kobieta.

Right now they should be somewhere here headed for Mexico.
W tym momencie powinien być gdzieś tutaj, zmierzając do Meksyku.

The news said there's a big storm headed this way.
W wiadomościach mówili, że będzie potężna burza.

After a good night's sleep, I headed back to police headquarters.
Po tym, jak dobrze się wyspałem, postanowiłem wrócić na komendę.

Those boys headed south, so they weren't the ones that jumped me.
Tamci chłopcy zmierzali na południe. To nie ci, co wyskoczyli na mnie.

We're headed over to see the minister To talk about the wedding.
Wybieraliśmy się do pastora, żeby porozmawiać o ślubie.

Um, I was just headed home to see my dad.
Właśnie szedłem do domu zobaczyć się z tatą

I like to guess where folks are headed based on the luggage.
Lubię zgadywać, gdzie jeżdżą ludzie na podstawie ich bagażu.

You have any idea where she and Shane might be headed?
Masz jakiś pomysł dokąd ona i Shane mogą zmierzać?

The giant that killed his family is headed toward the wrong village.
Gigant który zabił jego rodzinę, kieruje się do złej wioski.

I was headed over to get a new starter for my truck.
Jechałem po nowy rozrusznik do mojej ciężarówki.

I'm headed east along the main road by the ravine.
Kieruję się na wschód, wzdłuż głównej drogi przy wąwozie.

I'm picking up a third ship headed right for us.
Podniosę trzeciego statek zdążył dobrze dla nas.

I like where you're headed, but for these purposes, let's just keep it professional.
To trochę nieprzyzwoite i wiem, do czego zmierzasz, ale teraz zachowujmy się jak profesjonaliści.

I meant do you have any idea why she's headed to penn station?
Miałem na myśli czy wiesz czemu zmierza do stacji Penn?

It looks like he's out of the car and headed for the baths.
Wygląda na to, że wsiadł do samochodu i jedzie do łaźni.

Now, we need to find a ship that's headed for Sector 12.
A teaz musimy znaleźć statek, który jest w sektorze 12.

Unfortunately, where you're headed there is no first. There's only last.
Niestety tam gdzie się udajemy, nie ma pierwszych, tylko ostatni.

Looks like they’re headed toward that deserted village over the river.
Wygląda na to, że zmierzają w stronę... ...jednej takiej opuszczonej wioski nad rzeką.

If he's headed south, I'd like to make a reservation.
Jeśli biegnie na południe, robię rezerwację.

So not long ago, I packed up my bucket and headed west.
Więc ja też wziąłem swoje wiaderko na forsę i ruszyłem na zachód.

That was the moment I understood they were headed to my homeland.
W tym momencie zrozumiałem, że zmierzali do mojej ojczyzny.

No, I've got a train full of drama headed my way.
Nie, mam cały pociąg pełny dramatu na drodze w mojej głowie.

Do you remember who headed up the World National case?
Pamiętacie, kto zajmował się sprawą

The Mantee car was seen an hour ago headed west.
Samochód Mantee'ego był widziany godzinę temu w drodze na zachód.

Sarah, the Italian minister for trade is headed your way.
Sara, włoski minister handlu zmierza do Ciebie.

We just want to know where the Semtex was headed.
Właśnie chcemy wiedzieć gdzie Semtex był prowadzony.

These guys could be headed their way. Roger that, sheriff.
Pewnie będą się kierować w ich stronę. Przyjąłem, szeryfie.

Does that mean he can see where she's headed?
Czy to znaczy, że on wie dokąd ona zmierza?

It looks to me like you're headed for home.
Jak dla mnie zmierzasz do domu.

Until recently you were an exemplary soldier headed for the top.
Do niedawna byłeś wzorowym żołnierzem, piąłeś się na szczyt.

People shouldn't know too much about where they're headed.
Ludzie nie powinni za wiele wiedzieć o swojej przyszłości.

My life is a speeding train. and I'm not sure where it's headed.
Moje życie to pędzący pociąg i nie jestem pewien, dokąd zmierza.