Wordnet polsko-angielski
1. (an intaglio print produced by gravure)
gravure, photogravure, heliogravure
synonim: heliograwiura
synonim: fotograwiura
2. (a photomechanical printing process that uses a glass plate with a gelatin surface that carries the image to be reproduced
can be used with one or more colors)
collotype, collotype printing, photogelatin process: : synonim: fototypia
synonim: światłodruk
synonim: collotypia
synonim: albertotypia
3. (printing from an intaglio plate prepared by photographic methods)
photogravure: : synonim: heliograwiura
synonim: fotograwiura
Słownik techniczny polsko-angielski
f heliography, sun-printing