Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) religia hinduski; hinduistyczny;

(Noun) religia hindus(ka); hinduista/hinduistka;

Słownik angielsko-polski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

n Hindus
wyznawca hinduizmu.adj hinduski

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

[ [(pl. Hindus)] ] etn. Hindus

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

When Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik â?? an Indian tennis star and Pakistan's cricket hero â?? fell in love, it offended Hindu sensibilities and bolstered Muslim pride
Given the febrile atmosphere that exists between the countries â??which have fought three wars since partition in 1947 and have barely been on speaking terms since 10 gunmen from Pakistan unleashed three days of terror on Mumbai in 2008 â?? it was perhaps a forlorn hope. The story shot to the top of the news agenda and it did not take long for India's voice of rightwing Hindu nationalism, Bal Thackeray, to drip poison all over the coming nuptials.
There were demonstrations in India, and Mirza's picture was burnt on the streets of Bhopal, where activists from the rightwing Hindu nationalist Vishwa Hindu Parishad party vowed to stop her competing at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi later in the year.
While the SAS led British special operations in Iraq â?? where seven were killed and 30 seriously wounded â?? the SBS have taken the lead in Afghanistan ever since their first troops were flown to bases near Kabul soon after the start of the war in November 2001. SBS members were recently reported to have used skis to track down Taliban commanders last winter in the mountains of the Hindu Kush.
Although he wrote some "hasty things" and some "mad things", Scott's books "incarnate a deeply humane vision of the world", said Kelly. "None of his lower-class characters is a caricature. To that extent, he makes Dickens seem regressive. He also creates some of the earliest sympathetic portraits of Jewish and Hindu characters. It should be celebrated as a cosmopolitan, enlightened and humane writer. His Toryism was so close to Fabianism you can't put a credit card between them.
Specialists in the care of the elderly were somewhat more likely to be Hindu or Muslim, while palliative care doctors were somewhat more likely than other doctors to be Christian, white, and agree that they were "religious."
The former home of the Maharajah of Sirohi, this mansion of a townhouse is close to Civil Lines, in the thick of Old Delhi, but only two metro stops from Chandni Chowk (three from Connaught Circus). Beyond the gates, a private drive leads up to a grand entrance. It's big on ornate fireplaces, chandeliers, carved hardwood, bits of Hindu temple (the owner, the amiable Ashok Sahdev, collects antiques). For guests there's a choice of two standard doubles and two suites, all with bathrooms, air-con and cable TV, plus the run of the communal rooms - including a cocktail lounge with bar where you can chat over G&Ts. They serve up sit-down meals, buffets, barbecues, picnics, canap?©s and even room service. And a big plus is the lovely urban garden â?? a world away from the mayhem of the Indian capital.
There is a distinctly religious strand to the first wave, with seven of the 16 having faith affiliations. Among those expected to open next September will be two Jewish schools in London, a Hindu school in Leicester, a Sikh school in Birmingham and three with a Christian ethos.
Among the potential banana skins India must still negotiate are a court verdict due out on Tuesday on the hugely contentious Hindu-Muslim dispute involving the religious site at Ayodhya, in Uttar Pradesh, which has claimed thousands of lives in recent years. Security forces around the country have been placed on alert as a ruling is delivered on whether a Hindu temple or Muslim mosque can be built there.
Khwārizmi was born around 780 and died around 850. His name suggests that he was originally from Khorezm, a province of Uzbekistan. He worked in the House of Wisdom as a mathematician, geographer and astronomer. Together with Kindi, he was instrumental in introducing the Arabs to the Hindu decimal numerals that we use today. But his greatest legacy is his extraordinary book on algebra. Indeed, the word "algebra" is derived from the title of this book: Kitab al-Jebr (The Book of Completion) in which he lays out for the first time the rules and steps of solving algebraic equations.

But when the line was drawn, Our home fell on the hindu side.
Nie, muzłumaninem. ale kiedy linia została narysowana, nasz dom przypadł na Hinduską stronę.

They'll say that the Hindu security forces blew it up.
Powiedzą, że zrobiły to hinduskie siły bezpieczeństwa.

In Hindu, they'd have something to say about us eating cows.
Hindusi pewnie mieliby coś do powiedzenia o nas jedzących krowy.

He's one of the highest gods that we have in Hindu culture.
Jest jednym z najwyższych bogów, jakie mamy w kulturze indyjskiej.

From now on, he can talk Hindu for all the good it'il do him.
Od tej pory, może mówić nawet po hindusku, o wszystkim co zrobił.

Well, as a Hindu person, I would ask them politely.
Cóż, jako hinduista, to bym go grzecznie o nie poprosił.

I believe this to be an ancient hindu custom.
To na pewno jakiś starożytny hinduski zwyczaj.

There are 33 million gods in the Hindu religion.
W tej religii jest 33 miliony bóstw.

Manoj wanted him to have a Hindu burial there, by the lake.
Manoj chciał wyprawić mu hinduski pogrzeb, nad jeziorem.

Europe's first line of defence is not at the Hindu Kush.
Pierwsza linia obronna Europy nie leży w Hindukuszu.

To a good Hindu, even her shadow is polluted.
Dla prawego Hindusa nawet jej cień jest nieczysty.

It is an ancient Hindu text quoted by an American.
To starożytny tekst indyjski cytowany przez Amerykanina.

People are taking refuge in the forests, praying for safety from the Hindu fanatics.
Ludzie szukają schronienia w lasach, modląc się o zaprzestanie ataków ze strony hinduskich fanatyków.

And 5,000 Hindu students are marching with them.
hinduskich studentów będzie maszerować z nimi.

As a Hindu, how could I have given permission for this autopsy?
Jako Hinduska, jak mogłam na nią pozwolić?

Hindu or Muslim, everyone wants to live in peace
Hindusi i muzułmanie, wszyscy chcą żyć w spokoju.

Muslim and Hindu are the right and left eye of India.
Muzułmanie i hinduiści są prawym i lewym okiem Indii.

He can talk Hindu for all I care.
Od tej pory, może mówić nawet po hindusku, o wszystkim co zrobił.

In early Hindu reference she was a destructive goddess of Darkness.
Według wzmianek z wczesnego hinduizmu, była niszczycielską boginią ciemności.

Hindu customs might prevent devout muslims From being included.
Hinduskie zwyczaje mogą powstrzymać pobożnych muzłuman przed byciem włączonym.

Went back to the Hindu teacher and said:
Poszedłem do mojego guru i powiedziałem:

I'm reading the ancient Hindu text of wisdom called Upanishads.
Czytam o starożytnym Hiduizmie, tekst z mądrościami zwanymi Upaniszad.

I got no problem with my hindu brothers..
Nie mam problemu z moimi braćmi hindu...

Like countless Hindu men, women and children!
Jak niezliczone rzesze hinduskich mężczyzn, kobiet i dzieci!

This is connected with the murder of a Hindu leader, a crime that the police blame on Maoists.
W Indiach w związku z zabójstwem hinduskiego przywódcy, za które policja obwinia maoistów, pod wpływem fundamentalistów hinduskich odbywają się pogromy chrześcijan.

What compelled you to marry a Hindu?
Co zmusiło cię do poślubienia hinduski?

It's from the mountains of the Hindu Kush where I was born.
To jest od gór Hindu Kush gdzie się urodziłem.

That you're a Muslim and I'm a Hindu makes no difference to me
To, że jesteś muzułmaninem, aa ja Hinduską nie robi mi różnicy

And you're here to take avenge the entire Hindu community...?
A ty przyszedłeś tu wziąść odwet za całą społeczność hinduską...?

If everything our Hindu brethren say is true
Jeśli to, co mówią nasi Hinduscy bracia jest prawdą,

It's a Hindu word for selfless devotional work.
To indyjskie słowo na bezinteresowną, pobożną pracę.

But We can't get married because I'm a Hindu and she is a Muslim.
Ale nie możemy się pobrać ponieważ ja jestem hindu, a ona jest muzułmanką.

Rakhi: Hindu ritual affirming bond between brother and sister.
Hinduski rytułał więzi pomiędzy bratem a siostrą.

A Hindu. How is this marriage possible?
Jak to małżeństwo może być możliwe?

Durga, the mother goddess, the fearless one, created by thepantheon of Hindu gods.
Durga to bogini matka, nieustraszona, powstała przezzjednoczenie hinduskich bogów.

It is hard to see what European interests are actually to be defended in the Hindu Kush.
Ciężko pojąć, jakich interesów europejskich właściwie należy bronić w Hindukuszu.

The Hindu art of love.
Hinduska sztuka miłości.

I am not a Hindu!
Ja nie jestem hinduistą.

It has an intact Hindu culture.
Jest na niej nienaruszona hinduska kultura.

Hah, by crossing the Hindu Kush with the storm blowing?
Poprzez przejście przez góry Hindu Kush razem ze śnieżną zawieją.

I've worked with both Hindu and Muslim.
Pracowałem zarówno z Hindusami jak i Muzułmanami.

The Hindu gods against the entire Union Army?
Hinduscy Bogowie, przeciwko całej armii Unii?

But a monkey being Hindu or Muslim?
Ale małpa będąca Hindusem albo Muzułmaninem?

But you're a Hindu first?
Ale najpierw byłeś hinduistą?

Hindu shops will be open.
Hinduskie będą otwarte.

So now we'll hear Hindu devotional songs echoing in the Mughal fort.
Więc teraz będziemy słyszeć hinduskie pieśni religijne... odbijające się echem po forcie Mogołów. Racja?

But, Sergeant Bickerstaff, you know full well that as a Hindu to work with...
Ale, sierżancie Bickerstaff, dobrze pan wie jako Hindus pracujący ...

Yes Sir, this Hindu here is allah's noble servant
Tak prosze pana, Ten hindus tutaj jest szlachetnym sługą boga

Can I be frank? I've always wanted Avantika to marry a Hindu.
Zawsze chciałem aby Avantika wzięła ślub z hinduskim chłopcem.

That queen jodha is hindu rajput... and my wife!
Że królowa Jodhaa jest Hinduską Rajputanką... i moja żoną!