Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Among the less well known to be honoured are James Fitchie, a beef farmer from Newtownards, Northern Ireland, given an MBE for his services to ploughing and to charity, and Susan Gibbs, 58, station announcer at Fenchurch Street, London, also given an MBE."This is the biggest job in club football and I'm honoured to be taking on the role of manager of Britain's most successful football club," said the former Internazionale, Udinese and Switzerland coach. "I look forward to meeting the players and the supporters and getting down to work at Melwood.""I was always proud when we were in government that we always honoured in full the recommendations of the pay review body," he said earlier this week.And the theatre is going to take place in the House of Lords, where Labour's great class warrior John Prescott will be taking his seat at 10.45am. He won't be speaking today, but he will have to perform that time-honoured process whereby the Lords neuters any politician possessing any vestiges of radicalism by forcing them to take part in an archaic ceremony and dress up in a silly costume. Just for fun, someone in the Lords has decided that Prescott should be introduced on the same day as Quentin Davies, the former Tory with the bell tower who defected to Labour.During evidence, Celador accused Disney of a series of "sweetheart deals" between subsidiary companies to blur the profitability of the gameshow. Celador's lawyers argued that the show had produced $515m in licensing revenue during its initial three-year run between 1999 and 2002, plus $70m in revenue from merchandising. Citing independent research, they said the show had drawn in $1.8bn of advertising. Disney argued that there was nothing unusual about the way it accounted for the show, initially hosted by veteran US presenter Regis Philbin and later by daytime star Meredith Vieira. The US company said it honoured its agreement with Celador which included a lump sum when it bought the format. Media experts had suggested that a Celador victory could amount to a challenge to "Hollywood accounting" whereby powerful studios engage in complex financial juggling to blur the true profitability of films, music and television shows.Like the threatened Tate extension, a hoped-for transformation of Piece Hall in Halifax is the kind of public scheme described by Bennetts that may suffer. Last week the people of the Yorkshire town learned that plans to turn one of their most historic buildings into a Â?16m European-style piazza could be scaled back due to lack of funds. In March the local council was awarded Â?239,700 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to draw up blueprints before a further Â?7m was committed. Now there are fears that a promise of an extra Â?3m from Yorkshire Forward, the regional development agency, may not be honoured as the agency is replaced in a government shake-up.He claimed that her depiction of his family was inaccurate and invasive; that she had humiliated and destroyed them, forcing his first wife to move to Canada to live with her brother. The book had also, he said, dishonoured Afghanistan. The man who had risked his life to prevent his library being burned by the communists, the mujahideen and the Taliban insisted that Seierstad's account of him and his family was so slanderous that every copy should be destroyed.I thought I was insanely lucky when I was asked last year to go on Later â?? with Jools Holland. It's an institution. I never expected to be where I am now, let alone go on shows like that. I felt odd, a bit out of place. I was on with Diana Krall, Stereophonics, the Unthanks, Maxwell â?? I felt so honoured to have been there. I thought, "What on earth am I going to do when Jools starts playing piano and everyone joins in," so I started shuffling. It was one of the most nerve-wracking moments of my life. I'm lucky in that I don't go crazy and lose it; I'm quite grounded and laidback. But Later â?? was a worry. It was the start of my career, and suddenly I was on this incredible show with some of the most talented artists, and I had to perform with them.It's no surprise this is an area of outstanding natural beauty, or that the beach has been consistently honoured with European blue flag awards. There's plenty to do on Benone. The waves get better as you head eastwards so that by the time you get to Downhill, long-boarders are staying up for 150m-plus. And while the beach seems to be permanently, deliciously empty, it is well known to those with kayaks, kite buggies and sand yachts.Prominent in literary criticism since the 1950s, Kermode held "virtually every endowed chair worth having in the British Isles", according to his former colleague John Sutherland, from King Edward VII professor of English literature at Cambridge to Lord Northcliffe professor of modern English literature at University College London and professor of poetry at Harvard, along with honorary doctorates from universities around the world. He was knighted in 1991, the first literary critic to be so honoured since William Empson.
I do not understand why you feel so honoured by these things.
Nie rozumiem, dlaczego czujesz się dumny przez te rzeczy.
I'm really honoured to meet a great person like you.
Naprawdę cieszę się, że mogę spotkać kogoś takiego jak ty.
You should be honoured to father the first child born to our community.
Masz zaszczyt być ojcem pierwszego dziecka w naszej społeczności.
El, any man would be honoured to call you his.
El, każdy mężczyzna byłby zaszczycony mogąc być z tobą.
Because, you know, feelings were never honoured in our home.
Bo... uczucia nigdy nie byływażne w naszym domu.
I'm honoured that you would choose to share it with me.
Jestem zaszczycony, że zdecydowałaś się podzielić się nią ze mną.
Welcome. I am honoured you have traveled so far to see me.
Jestem zaszczycony przyjechałeś z tak daleka, żeby się ze mną spotkać.
When someone dies for his country, I believe it should be honoured.
Kiedy ktoś umiera dla jego kraju, Wierzę, że to powinno zostać zaszczycone.
And France is most deeply honoured to be so received.
A Francja jest zaszcycona takim przyjęciem.
They only honoured agreements that didn't conflict with their interests.
Honorowali jedynie porozumienia, które były korzystne dla nich.
Now, as then, we are honoured and grateful to be by your side in the struggles yet to come.
Teraz, podobnie jak wtedy, jesteśmy zaszczyceni i wdzięczni, że w walce, która jeszcze przed nami możemy stać u waszego boku.
I call for the principal of equality to be observed and honoured.
Apeluję o przestrzeganie i poszanowanie zasady równości.
And only a few weeks afterwards your honoured father departed this world as well.
Jedynie kilka tygodni później, twój czcigodny ojciec także opuścił ten świat.
And I would be honoured to be your campaign manager.
I będę zaszczycony, mogąc być kierownikiem twojej kampanii.
Long may he be honoured for his great victory!
Długo winno być honorowane jego wielkie zwycięstwo!
Consider yourself an honoured person because you let them kill you?
Odmówisz? Potwierdzisz, że masz honor bo dasz im się zabić?
I believed that day would be honoured for all time on Chulak.
Sądziłem, że ten dzień będzie czczony po wsze czasy na Chulak.
And we are deeply honoured to introduce our new patron.
I mamy wielki zaszczyt przedstawić naszego nowego patrona!
We went to plenary with agreements that had not been honoured.
Przyszliśmy na posiedzenie plenarne z ustaleniami, które nie są honorowane.
We are honoured that you have agreed to participate in Triad.
Jesteśmy zaszczyceni, że zgodziliście się uczestniczyć w Triad.
New York is proud and honoured to have this heavyweight championship.
To honor dla Nowego Jorku, mieć u siebie mistrzostwa.
I thank the European Commission for having honoured this decision.
Dziękuję Komisji Europejskiej za dotrzymanie słowa.
This added value must now be recognised and honoured.
Tę wartość należy docenić i uszanować.
It is insufficient today, and even the declared amounts are not actually being honoured.
Obecnie nie są one wystarczające, a w rzeczywistości nie przestrzega się nawet zadeklarowanych kwot.
I am embarrassed and honoured that you remember it.
Jestem zawstydzony i zaszczycony, że pan to zapamiętał.
He came as an honoured guest when he was a candidate.
Przybył tutaj jako honorowy gość, kiedy startował w wyborach.
Outlawed in the world of science which previously honoured me as a genius.
Wydalony ze świata nauki... który wcześniej uznawał mnie za geniusza.
This vaccine sample is a gift of life. We are honoured at receiving it.
Ta próbka szczepionki jest darem życia i jesteśmy szczęśliwi mogąc go przyjąć.
The pledge made by the Commission has been honoured.
Obietnica złożona przez Komisję została dotrzymana.
I'm honoured to be invited, and of course I'm coming.
Jestem zaszczycony zaproszeniem i oczywiście przyjadę.
I want you to be my honoured guest. - Give me the menu!
Chcę, byś była moim gościem Daj mi menu!
I'd be honoured to handle personally all your transactions.
Byłbym zaszczycony móc obsługiwać Cię osobiście, wszystkie Twoje tranzakcje.
I feel honoured to have had that opportunity.
Czuję się zaszczycony, że miałem tę możliwość.
Let me say once again, for European economic recovery, in which Spain is so honoured to take part.
Powiem to raz jeszcze: dla naprawy gospodarczej Europy, w której Hiszpania ma tak wielki zaszczyt brać udział.
She is loved and honoured in this country.
Ludzie ją kochają i szanują...
I'm honoured to be worthy of his attention.
Czuję się zaszczycony, że udziela mi swojej uwagi.
The promises made in Thessaloniki must be honoured too.
Obietnice, złożone w Tesalonikach również muszą być honorowane.
The rhetoric of human rights, which so often echoed this Chamber, must now be honoured in word and deed.
Tak często pobrzmiewająca w tej Izbie retoryka praw człowieka powinna zostać teraz wypełniona słowem i czynem.
Your Creamy Coolness has honoured me by speaking my name.
Dreg. Wasza Kremowa Wspaniałość uhonorowała mnie wypowiedzeniem mojego imienia.
Tell Buntaro-sama, in my country a host always toasts his honoured guest.
Powiedz mu, że w moim kraju wznosi się toast na cześć gościa.
Thirdly, deadlines: these must be honoured in this action plan, otherwise it will all come to nothing.
Po trzecie, terminy: w przedmiotowym planie działań musimy ich przestrzegać, gdyż w przeciwnym wypadku nasze starania pójdą na marne.
Russia should feel honoured that election observers have been called in well in advance.
Rosja powinna czuć się zaszczycona, że obserwatorzy wyborów zostali powołani z dużym wyprzedzeniem.
Their most honoured and exalted excellencies, the three good fairies.
Mam zaszczyt przedstawić Najjaśniejsze i najbardziej egzaltowane Trzy Dobre Wróżki.
I am honoured to present to you our esteemed governor and my beloved wife,
Mam zaszczyt przedstawić państwu naszą dostojną panią gubernator i moją ukochaną żonę -
I believe our parliamentary colleagues would be honoured if we undertook joint reflection on this issue.
Wierzę, że nasi koledzy parlamentarzyści byliby zaszczyceni, gdybyśmy podjęli wspólne rozważania w tej sprawie.
We must show sensitivity to bilateral relations but, nonetheless, insist agreements are honoured.
Musimy zachować wstrzemięźliwość w stosunkach dwustronnych, niemniej jednak domagać się respektowania postanowień umów.
Exactly! I an honoured but not surprised.
Dokładnie! ja zaszczycił ale zaskoczony.
I'm honoured by Your Majesty's trust, but there's still a difficulty.
Jestem zaszczycony zaufaniem waszej wysokości, ale jest pewien problem.
I was honoured to serve with him!
Miałem zaszczyt służyć razem z nim!
It is extremely important to me as I work out how to do the role that I have been honoured to be given.
Jest to niezwykle istotne dla mnie, ponieważ pracuję nad tym, w jaki sposób sprawować funkcję, którą zostałam uhonorowana.