(Noun) Izaak;
im. Izak
Izaak m pr
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The Israeli cabinet minister Isaac Herzog told Israel's Army Radio: "We must understand that the blockade implemented until this time is outdated and no longer applicable in the current international and diplomatic climate."The Israeli cabinet minister Isaac Herzog told Israel's army radio: "We must understand that the blockade implemented until this time is outdated and no longer applicable in the current international and diplomatic climate."But in a sign of the growing discord, Uganda stopped supplying the engineer with data two years ago, according to Callist Tindimugaya, its commissioner for water resources regulation. And when Egypt and Sudan refused to sign the agreement in April on "equitable and reasonable" use of the Nile unless it protected their "historic rights" the other states lost patience. Isaac Musumba, Uganda's state minister for regional affairs, and its Nile representative, said: "We were saying: 'This is crazy! You cannot claim these rights without obligations'." Minelik Alemu Getahun, one of Ethiopia's negotiators, said all the upstream states saw the move by Egypt (Sudan has a more passive role) as "tantamount to an insult".Among those smart moves was Miro's showing of the Disasters of War series in 1993, the first solo show by Jake and Dinos Chapman, which she later sold to the Tate. In 2002, her gallery was selected as one of the 18 most important international art galleries by the Royal Academy for its Galleries Show. Miro's keen eye for new talent was highlighted when, in 2004, she hosted the first London show of a recent graduate, Raqib Shaw. The entire show â?? 18 drawings and five paintings â?? sold out. Her stable now includes Doig, Ofili and Perry as well as the film-maker Isaac Julien, the painter Chantal Joffe and the conceptual artist Idris Khan. She also represents one of the world's leading art photographers, William Eggleston.The artist and film-maker Isaac Julien confirms Miro's view and stresses her commitment to her stable. "She is a rare breed in the sense that she has an almost cerebral relationship to the work that comes from a deep passion for art. And maybe that, in turn, comes from once being an artist herself. Her success is refreshing because it runs counter to the completely market-driven world we find ourselves in now."But the second point is that I'm all for a bit less Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, Galileo and Copernicus, if it means a bit more McCoy, Banneker and Carver. It's a question of balance. It's important.What does a goddess on wires have to do with the Chinese cocklepickers who drowned? Film-maker Isaac Julien explains all to Stuart JeffriesIsaac Julien niftily picks up a salmon dumpling with his chopsticks. "What I'm trying to do is effect an epistemological break with a series of artistic strategies," he says. "I'm trying deliberately to frustrate the ontological gaze of the spectator. And I'm breaking with realistic traditions of cinematic narration by suturing different elements together to make a multi-temporal piece."The party's social affairs minister, Isaac Herzog, has also been threatening to quit unless direct talks with the Palestinians are reopened by the end of this month.It's a vast corporate entity and it is therefore all the more impressive that somehow â?? and I have no idea how â?? Mutawa managed to inveigle himself into the heart of it. But according to Isaac Solotaroff, an American film-maker who's spent a large part of the last five years shadowing him for a documentary on The 99 â?? called Wham, Bam, Islam, due to be broadcast on the Public Broadcasting Service network next year â?? Naif could probably sell them their own office furniture.
You know Isaac wants to put me in his studio?
Wiecie, że Isaac zaprosił mnie do studia?
If Isaac was paying me a visit, you couldn't be far behind.
Jeżeli Izaak składał wizytę mnie, nie mógłbyś być daleki z tyłu.
Isaac, run to the store and grab me some ice.
Isaac, zrób coś dla mnie. Skocz do sklepu i kup trochę lodu. - Co?
Isaac's Ideology for whatever reason couldn't support killing in cold blood.
Ideologia Izaaka z jakiegokolwiek powodu nie mógłby poprzeć zabijania z zimną krwią.
If these are Isaac's, he would have given them to me before I left.
Gdyby to należało do lsaaka, dałby mi je zanim wyszedłem od niego.
What can you tell me that Isaac hasn't already told me?
Co możesz mi powiedzieć czego Isaac jeszcze mi nie powiedział?
But where were you when Isaac needed your protection?
Ale gdzie byliście jak Isaac potrzebował ochrony?
But Isaac has been programmed not to reveal anything about his identity.
Ale Izaak był zaprogramowany by nie ujawnić coś o jego tożsamości.
Hi! Isaac has told me so much about you.
Isaac tak dużo mi o tobie opowiadał. Ciągle o tobie mówi.
You're not the only one with special abilities, Isaac.
Nie jesteś jedynym, który ma specjalne umiejętności, Isaac. Są inni.
He said that I have to go to see Isaac the painter.
Mówił, że mam wrócić i zobaczyć się z Isaac'iem, malarzem.
Isaac was the one who left the flower on Irene's pillow tonight.
Isaac był tym, który zostawił kwiatek na poduszce Irene dzisiejszej nocy.
And when you have a son, you will name him Isaac, which means "laughter."
I kiedy już będziesz mieć syna, nazwiesz go Izaak, co znaczy "śmiejący się."
The good news is, Isaac is still performing well beyond the expectations.
Dobra wiadomość jest, Izaak jeszcze występuje dobrze poza oczekiwaniami.
The others were with Isaac out at the cornfield.
Inni byli z Izaakiem na polach kukurydzianych.
Isaac says he doesn't care about my past.
Isaac mówi, że moja przeszłość nie jest ważna.
Either way, someone else has knowledge of Isaac.
Tak czy siak, ktoś inny ma wiedzę Izaaka.
Why do you look at me thus, Isaac?
Dlaczego na mnie tak patrzysz, lsaaku?
I know we had a lot together, Isaac.
Wiem, że dużo razem przeszliśmy, Isaac.
Later the day I watch Isaac follow her to her car.
Później tego dnia widziałam, jak Isaac poszedł za nią do samochodu.
Do you really think it was all Isaac's doing, Jedediah?
Naprawdę myślisz, że Isaac to wszystko wymyślił Jedediah?
Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for him for the last four months.
Peter, Isaac, i ja szukaliśmy go od ostatnich czterech miesięcy.
Isaac Newton, who was perhaps the greatest scientist of all time, once said,
Isaac Newton, który był najprawdopodobniej największym naukowcem wszechczasów, powiedział raz,
Tell Isaac to take that hat off in case Clarence sees him.
Powiedz Isaacowi, żeby zdjął ten kapelusz, gdyby Clarence go zobaczył.
Old Isaac laid on his deathbed, and his whole family was with him.
Stary Isaac leżał na łożu śmierci, cała rodzina stała wokół niego.
This handsome young man is my son Isaac.
Ten przystojny młodzieniec to mój syn, Isaac.
See? Running away is no solution, said isaac.
Zobacz, ucieczka nie jest żadnym rozwiązaniem.
Isaac, I hope you will never forgive me.
Isaac mam nadzieję, iż nigdy mi nie wybaczysz.
Isaac needs to take this journey with me.
Isaac musi odbyć tę podróż razem ze mną.
Isaac believed that all magic was rooted in evil.
Isaac przypuszczał że magia zmieni się w zło.
Please,isaac,i need you to trust me right now.
Proszę, Isaac... Musisz mi teraz zaufać.
And the only other tie we have to him is Isaac Lahey.
A jedyne, co nas z nim wiąże to Isaac Lahey.
Isaac's asked me to look over his sketches.
Isaac poprosił mnie, abym zerknął na jego skecze.
Isaac's bringing her over, but this is wrong.
Isaac zaraz ją tu przywiezie, ale to nie w porządku.
That woman thinks her boy is going to inherit what rightfully belongs to Isaac.
Ta kobieta myśli, że jej chłopak odziedziczy wszystko co prawnie należy do Izaaka.
So you didn't mention anything to Isaac, right?
Właśnie. Więc nie mówiłaś nic lzaakowi?
Because then Isaac's death would mean nothing!
Bo wtedy śmierć Isaaca nie miałaby znaczenia.
Isaac Newton explained his law of energy at the Sorbonne.
Isaac Newton, wyjaśnił... swoją zasadę zachowania energii na Sorbonie.
They know it's you and that Isaac aided.
Już wiedzą, że tu jesteś i że lsaak pomagał.
We thought Isaac was right to fight.
Myśleliśmy, że Isaac ma rację, wybierając walkę.
Ms. Fraser will accompany me to where Isaac was last seen.
Panna Fraser będzie towarzyszyć mnie dokąd Izaak był ostatni zobaczony.
Isaac here just closed a guy for 30,000 shares of Farrow Tech.
Isaac własnie zrobił gościa na 30000 udziałów Farrow Tech.
At that moment Isaac's fate was already sealed.
W tym momencie los Isaaca był przypieczętowany.
I didn't get to go 'cause Dad didn't like Isaac.
Nie poszedłem, bo tata nie lubił Izaaka.
Listen, could you take us to Isaac?
Posłuchaj, zabrałabyś nas do Izaaka?
What you wanna do? Isaac Hayes said he want his head back.
Isaac Hayes powiedział, że chce swoją głowę z powrotem.
Sir Isaac Newton describes something called the arc of descent.
lub coś, co Isaac Newton opisał jako łuk spadku.
Best shirt ever and now look, Isaac.
Moja najlepsza koszulka a spójrz teraz, Isaac.
Sir Isaac Newton taught us why an apple falls down from the sky.
Sir Isaac Newton uczył nas dlaczego jabłko spada na ziemię.
Isaac, before you get wound up, there's something I wanna tell you.
Isaac, zanim się wkurzysz, chcę ci coś powiedzieć.