(Noun) historia długi damski płaszcz do konnej jazdy;
im. Józef
Józef m pr
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
As Packer put it in his recent collection of essays, Interesting Times: "The press redeemed in Baghdad what it had botched in Washington." Reportage, long-form reporting â?? call it what you will â?? has left the novel looking superfluous. The fiction lobby might respond: it's too soon to tell. A decade of literary silence followed the armistice of 1918. It wasn't until 1929 that a novel appeared that made imaginative sense of the first world war. Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front answered an unspoken need and helped to create the conditions in which other war novels might, in the words of the hopeful Richard Aldington "go big". Since then, however, the lag between a given war and the appearance of books about it has shrunk. Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead appeared in 1948. In terms of its timing, Joseph Heller's Catch-22 (1961) was a strange and fortuitous case: a novel about the second world war that seemed to anticipate the absurdity of Vietnam. The defining prose work to come out of that conflict was a book of reportage, Michael Herr's Dispatches (1977), while the first Gulf war received its most memorable prose expression in Jarhead (2003), Anthony Swofford's account of his time in the marines.
The title of the book itself refers to a concept in political science that seems to have resonated with Beck. It was developed by Joseph Overton and describes a "window" of what ideas are deemed acceptable in any given society. By introducing other fringe ideas this "window" can be moved to the left or the right and once unacceptable concepts can become part of the mainstream.
The Ferghana Valley, where Osh and Jalal-Abad are located, once belonged to a single feudal lord, but it was split by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin between Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The Stalinist borders rekindled old rivalries and fomented ethnic tensions.
For food he goes to the Red Cross every Tuesday, where he queues up for Â?10 worth of Morrison's vouchers, usually alongside up to 100 other failed asylum seekers. Volunteers here used to distribute emergency handouts of Â?15, but funding shortages forced them to reduce this to Â?10. The recipients did not protest, says Joseph Nibizi, manager at the destitution clinic; they are desperately grateful for whatever help they can get.
For food he goes to the Red Cross every Tuesday, where he queues up for Â?10 worth of Morrison's vouchers, usually alongside up to 100 other failed asylum seekers. Volunteers here used to distribute emergency handouts of Â?15, but funding shortages forced them to reduce this to Â?10. The recipients did not protest, says Joseph Nibizi, manager at the destitution clinic; they are desperately grateful for whatever help they can get.
The raids centred on the palace of Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, head of the Catholic church in Belgium, on the ancient town's St Rombout's cathedral, and on the residence of the former head of the church in Belgium, Cardinal Danneels.
What Melamed saw in Mozambique was one of the first major exercises in what is now among the most talked-about new ideas in aid, called cash transfers â?? or, as a new book title puts it, "Just give money to the poor", as those donors did to the former soldiers. The authors, Joseph Hanlon, Armando Barrientos and David Hulme, count 45 countries that hand cash to more than 110m families. In Brazil, poor families can collect money from lottery shops. Pick-up trucks drive across Namibia, bearing safes with cash machines welded on the front, used by old ladies to take out their monthly pensions.
Just Give Money to the Poor, by Joseph Hanlon, Armando Barrientos and David Hulme, was published last month by Kumarian Press.
â?? Pavlos Joseph paid an admission of guilt fine yesterdayâ?? Sunday Mirror journalist also accused due in court today
Joseph gave an interview to the Sunday Mirror in which he said he was looking for the toilet at Green Point stadium after the match when a security guard sent him in the direction of the players' tunnel.
Do we have to talk about your test result, Joseph?
Musimy rozmawiać o wynikach tych badań, Joseph?
We wait until Joseph calls and says he has the money.
Czekamy aż zadzwoni Józef i powie że ma pieniądze.
I think you're going to need more than that, Joseph.
Myślę, że będziesz potrzebował czegoś więcej, Joseph.
Joseph, why was it not you who brought me these plans?
Josheph, dlaczego to ty nie przyniosłeś mi tych planów?
Well, you were a little younger than Joseph when it happened.
Byłeś młodszy niż Josef gdy to się stało.
They are the bones of Joseph, to rest in his own land.
To kości Józefa, aby spoczęły w jego własnym kraju.
Joseph, I don't think we need to give them any more champagne.
Józefie, myślę, że nie damy im więcej szampana.
Joseph has no store, but is part of the mall.
Joseph nie ma sklepu, ale jest częścią pasażu.
Samuel himself said that he may be the next joseph.
Sam Samuel powiedział, że może być następnym Josephem.
But why won't you tell me where he is now, this Joseph of yours?
Dlaczego mi więc nie powiesz, gdzie ten twój Józef teraz jest?
Joseph told me that you flipped out on him and his mom.
Joseph powiedział, że naskoczyliście na niego i jego mamę.
Joseph was very upset when I spoke to him about this.
Joseph był bardzo zdenerwowany, gdy mi o tym opowiadał.
Reverend Joseph asked us to tell you how sorry he is for your loss.
Wielebny Joseph poprosił nas, żebyśmy powiedzieli ci jak przykro mu z powodu twojej straty.
Back in our day, Joseph, you couldn't even look at someone without proper permission.
Za naszych czasów, Josephie, nie spojrzałbyś nawet na kogoś bez odpowiedniego pozwolenia.
Shall we have Joseph arrange a little food for us?
Czy Józef może zorganizować nam coś do jedzenia?
One day Joseph told us he was running away.
Pewnego dnia Józef powiedział nam, że ucieka.
My brother joseph and I have had two families.
Ja i mój brat, Joseph, mieliśmy dwie rodziny.
And my son Joseph really took that to heart.
Mój syn Joseph poważnie wziął to do serca.
What have you got me into this time, Joseph?
W co mnie tym razem wpakowałeś, Joseph?
A family is something that joseph and I needed.
Widzicie... rodzina to było coś, czego potrzebowaliśmy z Josephem.
Joseph, is that the way they did it in the Polish navy?
Hej, Joseph, tak to robili w polskiej marynarce?
Oh, Joseph, you've always wanted this so bad, haven't you?
Joseph, chcesz, żeby było aż tak źle?
I don't think they even know who Joseph Smith was.
Oni chyba nawet nie wiedzą, kim był Joseph Smith.
After you left, I found out that Joseph was your brother.
Kiedy wyszłaś dowiedziałam się, że Joseph to Twój brat.
Being a Judge, Joseph, perhaps too much power in one person's hands.
Bycie Sędzią, Joseph... obserwować jak jeden człowiek dzierży ogromną moc w swoich rękach.
He and Joseph are going to the cemetery tomorrow to see your grandparents.
On i Joseph wybierają się jutro na cmentarz na grób twoich dziadków.
Let Joseph, who is to be ordained priest, come forward.
Niech Józef, który ma zostać naszym nowym księdzem, podejdzie
Master Joseph asked us to bring the body to t'castle.
Pan Joseph prosił, by przynieść ciało do zamku.
Sister St. Joseph made them for you herself this morning.
Siostra Józefina przygotowała je dziś rano specjalnie dla was.
Joseph Stalin was known to suddenly stand still and stare at the setting sun.
Józef Stalin zatrzymywał się... i patrzył na zachodzące słońce.
Joseph, you are born American, but at heart you're French.
Joseph, urodziłeś się w ameryce, ale masz serce Francuza.
Well, I'm not a very religious person, but Joseph is.
Nie jestem zbyt religijna, ale Joseph tak.
Joseph Felton, 44 not an employee; no reason to be here.
Joseph Felton, lat 44 nie był pracownikiem; nie miał powodu być tutaj.
Georgette wanted to go for a walk and Joseph makes a fuss.
Georgette chciała się przejść, a Joseph robi sceny.
Joseph was selling our supplies on the black market.
Joseph sprzedawał nasze jedzenie na czarnym rynku.
So, Joseph and Mary were turned away from the inn.
Więc Józef i Maryja zostali wyrzuceni z gospody.
It was interrupted by a phone call from St. Joseph's.
Został przerwany przez telefon od St. Joseph's.
No, Joseph might have to ask Alex for more wine.
Nie, Józef może poprosić Alexa o więcej wina.
It was shot on film, but Joseph transferred it to video.
Było nakręcone na taśmie, ale Joseph przegrał je na kasetę.
You know, Joseph and his wife, Karen, are thinking of having a third kid.
I wiesz, Joseph i jego żona Karen, myślą właśnie o trzecim dziecku.
We don't know if Mickey and Joseph are even alive.
Nie wiemy nawet, czy Mickey i Joseph żyją.
Old Joseph was the last one for me.
Dla mnie Joseph był ostatni.
He found out that Joseph was supplying you, didn't he?
Dowiedział się, że Joseph cię zaopatrywał, prawda?
But your husband Joseph is long dead, right?
Lecz twój mąż, Józef, dawno nie żyje?
And now, my dear Joseph, tell me you killed little Claire.
A teraz, mój drogi Józefie, przyznaj się, że zabiłeś małą Claire.
If John Joseph didn't do it, then the killer's still out there.
Jeśli John Joseph tego nie zrobił, to zabójca wciąż gdzieś tam jest.
Who is the king in this game, Joseph?
Kto jest królem w tej grze?
How long do you think Joseph's been gone?
Od jak dawna nie ma już Josepha?
Maybe John Joseph is coming back from the dead.
Może John Joseph wraca z zaświatów.
I'm in town because of my brother Joseph.
Jestem w tym mieście z powodu mojego brata Josepha.