Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
I was lucky to give birth to my children at home. Lucky because both my pregnancies were normal and therefore ideal for a home birth, and because my two sons were healthy for the duration of their deliveries. But I also know I'm in the majority of women whose pregnancies and labours pass without incident. The difference between me and many of them is that I was encouraged by the NHS (first in Homerton, east London, and later in Brighton) in my decision to deliver at home.
I myself never had any fears beyond being transferred to hospital. I researched home birth thoroughly and had a great deal of trust in midwives, often called "the experts in normal" â?? as opposed to obstetricians who generally get involved when the natural process becomes a medical one. It seems to be a frustration of midwives that because doctors only see the problems, their view of what is a largely undramatic process is distorted. But while I never saw healthy pregnancy as a medical condition, I thanked God the hospital was there if things didn't go as they should. I knew what I wanted, but was open-minded and understood there was only so much I could control. Only a zealot, misogynist or sadist would judge a woman for choosing an epidural during labour, or be prescriptive about her birth plan.No two labours are alike, and I believe that whatever gets you through it is the right way. It's about choice, with nature making the casting vote.
At which point, the legend of the album and the band itself was born. In 1997, B&S's fans were internet-savvy but downloading was still some years off, so email pleas on the fans' Sinister mailing list could only result in handmade labours of love. Tapes were given as declarations of kinship, and the ritual of recording each cassette created the community of devotees that sustains the group to this day. By the time Tigermilk was released on CD in 1999, some considered the band's glory days to be behind them, and my OTMOV was only worth Â?200. But it didn't matter. Thanks to Tigermilk, Belle and Sebastian had made a lot of friends for life. Ian Watson
Consensus is famously rare in these matters, but there's a striking degree of agreement both among the parties themselves and seasoned Washington hands that things have gone badly wrong. A president who was inaugurated amid great hopes â?? generally and for the Middle East in particular â?? has seen his stock tumble in the intervening 21 months. Obama won great credit for making Israeli-Palestinian peace a priority on his very first day in office, declaring it a national security interest of the US, and for appointing the elder statesman of the Northern Ireland effort, George Mitchell, as his special envoy. Since then there have been crockery-throwing rows with the Israelis, and a nice speech in Cairo, but little tangible progress. The most Obama has to show for his labours is an opening round of direct talks between the two sides, currently on hold.
"Women are more frightened of labour and delivery now. Among women there almost seems to be a competition about who has suffered the most during childbirth, talking about 18-hour labours and the like, and that scares other women before they have their babies," said Johnstone.
Winemaking means men and women who live off the fruit of their labours.
Produkcja wina oznacza możliwość utrzymania się dla mężczyzn i kobiet pracujących w tej branży.
Why do you persist in punishing yourself when your labours bear fruit?
Dlaczego tak się zamęczasz, skoro twoja praca przynosi owoce?
I'm not an expert but I've never heard of Love's Labours Won.
Nie jestem ekspertem, ale nigdy nie słyszałam o Zyskanych zachodach miłości.
From my labours in the fields!
Od mojej pracy na polach!
Now, following exactly eleven months of work, the Policy Changes Committee is presenting the fruits of its labours.
Obecnie, dokładnie po jedenastu miesiącach prac, Komisja Zmian Politycznych, przedstawia wyniki swoich działań.
It would make sense to allow countries expressing their national sovereignty by determining their own immigration policy to also reap the fruits of their labours.
Rozsądne byłoby zezwolenie krajom na to, by dały wyraz swej suwerenności państwowej przez określenie własnej polityki imigracyjnej, co pozwoliłoby im także zbierać owoce swojej pracy.
for long before he used horses for his labours... he killed them for meat.
Zanim jeszcze zaprzągł je do pracy... zabijał je dla mięsa.
Before presenting the fruits of its labours to you, I should like to say a word on the facility for rapid response to soaring food prices in developing countries.
Zanim przedstawię państwu owoce jej pracy, chciałbym powiedzieć słowo o instrumencie szybkiego reagowania na gwałtowny wzrost cen żywności w krajach rozwijających się.
When a policy drives farmers to suicide, when it leads men to deliberately destroy the fruits of their labours because that is no worse than what the policy is offering them, it is time to change the policy.
Chwila, gdy w wyniku prowadzonej polityki rolnicy popełniają samobójstwa, gdy ludzie umyślnie niszczą owoce swojej pracy, ponieważ to wcale nie jest gorsze, niż to, co oferuje im polityka, to najwyższy czas na zmianę polityki.
The people affected are not people of great wealth, they are simply people who have used the fruits of their labours to buy a house in this country with its mild climate and good people, a place to live when they retire.
Dotknięci tym problemem ludzie nie są bogaczami, ale po prostu ludźmi, którzy skorzystali z owoców swojej pracy, by kupić dom w kraju o łagodnym klimacie, zamieszkiwanym przez życzliwych ludzi, w miejscu, w którym zamieszkają na emeryturze.