(Noun) historia dynastia Lancaster/Lancasterów;
Lancaster, dynastia Lancasterów
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
University of Lancaster
University of Lancaster
For some, though, even more participation is the order of the day. Storyteller Mary J Lockwood, who is about to take her show, Mary's Extraordinary Story Club, to Edinburgh, began the Story Slam in her home town of Lancaster a year ago, subsequently running a regular event in London. One of her first moves was to make contact with Bill Hillmann, who started Chicago's Windy City Story Slam at the beginning of 2008 and has now seen attendances grow from an initial crowd of seven to 900. Recently, Lockwood invited Hillmann to bring a team over for an International Story Slam, in which two teams of five storytellers, one American and one British, would do battle; amusingly enough, they were playing by British rules, which demand that randomly selected members of the public rate each performer by holding up a scorecard, rather than, as in Chicago, simply going by the decibel level. In other words, the vibe is more Strictly Come Dancing than Spartacus: Blood and Sand. For those inspired by what they saw, there was the promise of an open-mic slot to finish.
"This survey represents a significant shift in people's attitudes towards therapy â?? practically a revolution â?? at a time when mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression are far more common than was realised," said the association's president, Cary Cooper, professor of organisational psychology and health at Lancaster University. "Mental health conditions currently affect one in six of the population at an annual cost to England alone of Â?77bn. It's no accident that the growth of the problem has encouraged mass support for more effective treatments," said Cooper.
It looks as if the Theatre Royal York may well have a Railway Children-style hit (by the way, that just extended at London's Waterloo station until after Christmas) with Wind in the Willows, which continues until 21 August. Much Ado and Hercules at Grosvenor Park in Chester sound as if they will be a cut above most picnic theatre and I've heard good reports of Private Lives in Oxford. Peter Pan flies out of Williamson Park in Lancaster after this weekend. The Good Soldier continues at the Ustinov in Bath. Philip Ridley's Vincent River is revived by the excellent Prime Cut in Belfast.
He was born plain Peter Finlay in 1961 to wealthy parents who lived in an old winery in southern Australia. His father, who piloted Lancaster bombers in the second world war and later became a celebrated professor of genetics, took up a research post in Mexico City when Pierre was an infant, and the family moved there to the wealthy Jardines del Pedregal district.
Forced Entertainment continues the British experimental tradition with an evening of vaudevillian capers, Japanese lounge music and tarnished sequins. Nuffield, Lancaster (01524 594151), 12-13 October. Then touring.
At a joint London press conference at Lancaster House, the prime minister stressed that the agreement strengthened British sovereignty by cutting unnecessary defence costs, and would not prevent Britain acting independently.
"The way we 'do' family has changed â?? not only because mothers are more likely to go out to work but also because today both mothers and fathers want close relationships with children as they are growing up," said Dr Caroline Gatrell of the Lancaster University management school, the lead researcher in the two-year project carried out for the charity Working Families.
That is how you intend to get me across to the Lancaster?
Tak mam się dostać do Lancaster?
Mrs. Lancaster, was anybody looking for me here this morning?
Pani Lancaster? Szukał mnie ktoś dziś rano?
Diane Lancaster is the head of acoustic engineering here at
Diane Lancaster jest kierownikiem wydziału inżynierii dźwięku w Global.
Todd Lancaster was meeting with Andrews that night to bring him a contract.
Todd Lancaster miał się spotkać z Andrewsem tamtej nocy By dostarczyć mu umowę.
Yeah, I'd like a car to lancaster, please.
Tak, lubiłbym samochód do Lancasteru, proszę.
Do you know what General Lancaster called me?
Wiesz jak generał Lancaster mnie nazwał?
Let's see if Mr. Lancaster's left any loose ends behind.
Zobaczymy, czy pan Lancaster zostawił jakieś ślady po sobie.
If he's from Lancaster county, he's probably a mennonite.
Jeśli on jest z Lancaster, to pewnie jest menonitą.
Only Todd Lancaster knows the other part.
Drugą część zna jedynie Todd Lancaster.
Burt Lancaster had one, they say.
Ludzie mówią, że Burt Lancaster miał jedną.
Come sit with us, Lancaster.
Chodź, usiądź z nami, Lancaster.
He used the name David Lancaster.
Używał nazwiska David Lancaster.
God brought you here, Lancaster.
Bóg cię tu przywiódł, Lancaster.
And the Lancaster Bank in Denton, Texas, on three different occasions.
oraz o trzykrotny napad na Lancaster Bank w Denton, w stanie Teksas.
Our school nurse, Mrs. Lancaster, is in a coma.
Pani Lancaster, nasza pielęgniarka, wpadła w śpiączkę.
Yeah, he works for Sam Lancaster.
Tak, Pracuje dla Sama Lancastera.
I've spoken to associates of mine in Harrisburg, Lancaster and Hershey.
Rozmawiałem ze wspólnikami w Harrisburgu, Lancaster i Hershey.
He's turning onto Lancaster Square.
Dobra, wjeżdża na Lancaster Square.
Anne Neville is to marry Edward of Lancaster.
Anna Neville ma wyjść za Edwarda Lancastera
There's one in Lancaster next week, there's two in Dover the week after.
W przyszłym tygodniu w Lancaster, dwie kolejne w następnym tygodniu w Dover.
Dr. Lancaster attendedthe pregnant woman.
Dr Lancaster zajmował się ciężarną kobietą.
He's with the Lancaster Gang Unit.
Jest z wydział ds. gangów.
There I saw Burt Lancaster for the first time in the movie Vera Cruz.
Wtedy po raz pierwszy zobaczyłem Burt'a Lancaster'a w filmie Vera Cruz.
What are you talking about? Palmdale and Lancaster are reporting wind speeds in excess...
O czym ty mówisz? Na obszarze Palmdale i Lancaster prędkośc wiatru dochodzi do...
I'm not sure. I'm babysitting at seven-twenty-four Lancaster Road.
Nie jestem pewna. opiekuję się dzieckiem na 724 Road