im. Wawrzyniec
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Writers are not obliged to deal with current events, but it happens that the big story of our times â?? the al-Qaida attacks on New York and the Pentagon, and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan â?? is being told in some of the greatest books of our time. These books do not, however, take the shape and form often expected: the novel. So Finkel and Junger have their work cut out if their contributions are to squeeze on to a shelf of first-rate books that already includes Steve Coll's Ghost Wars; Lawrence Wright's The Looming Tower; George Packer's The Assassins' Gate; Rajiv Chandrasekaran's Imperial Life in the Emerald City; and Dexter Filkins's The Forever War.What about character and story? The characters are there in the non-fiction accounts, fully realised in flesh and (often awash in) blood, in the way that we expect fictional characters to be. Lawrence Wright has spoken of how, in the process of researching the 9/11 attacks, he came to realise that certain people could serve as "donkeys" who bore the weight of larger historical drives or circumstances. Part of the success of The Looming Tower derives from the way that these donkeys are presented as complex and developing individuals, never simply as beasts of narrative burden. And while their destinies fatefully converge on the twin towers in a way that is almost novelistic, the book's suspense and momentum do not reduce the idea of narrative to page-turning compulsion.It's a potentially great story, and even though Where Men Win Glory reveals Krakauer's limitations as a writer â?? for the historical background, he gulps down hunks of Steve Coll and Lawrence Wright without ever adequately digesting them â?? it remains an interesting failure in unexpected ways. Krakauer sees that the military want Tillman to fit into their own heroic narrative, both specifically (the ambush) and generally (football star sacrifices career to join army and then sacrifices himself). But it is clear that Krakauer has seized on Tillman as the latest incarnation of the ideal of rugged and tragic individualism that made his earlier books Into Thin Air (about a doomed Everest expedition) and Into the Wild (the story of Chris McCandless's death in the Alaskan wilderness) so compelling. Viewed in this light the book compounds the kind of exemplary appropriation that it investigates.It's an extraordinary story, "almost Dickensian", she says. Her father remarried, but then, two years later, he died too. At which point, her stepmother threw her and Lawrence out of their family home and sold it. It still seems hard for her to take in. "Especially since I look at Mylo and Verity and think, 'Oh my God, that was Lawrence and I. We were the age they are now.'"There are a lot of things about this incident that strike me as very Mary Portas. There is a sort of fearlessness to her. That she'll always speak out rather than not speak out. There's also an innate theatricality to the way that she comports herself â?? she won a place at Rada in her teens, but didn't take it up because Lawrence was still at home. Most of all, though, she's possibly the most relentlessly upbeat person I've ever met.At one point, Larkin writes to her about his hero, DH Lawrence (believe it or not, Larkin used to mow his lawn wearing a DH Lawrence T-shirt) and his attitude to women. Monica's response is to the point: "What he's really asking for is a sweet old little dear, who shams yielding wifely stuff and, tough as steel underneath, deceives and manages him for his own good; a Woman's Page person, and he really deserved one." Atta girl.Sir Lawrence Freedman asks whether Britain had unrealistic expectations. Jay says he has thought about this a lot. It's an interesting question whether you would go into any war if you knew what it was going to be like.11.20am: Sir Lawrence Freedman asks about money. Jay has already said there was never enough (see 10.10am). How serious was the problem?11.09am: Sir Lawrence Freedman asks if the reports Jay received from staff in Iraq after the war were accurate.10.58am: Sir Lawrence Freedman asks why the Iraq planning unit (which prepared for the aftermath) was not established until February 2002. Jay says he cannot remember. But it should have been established earlier, he says.
I had seen her 15 years ago on Lawrence road.
Zobaczyłem ją 15 lat temu na Lawrence Road.
Do you think Lawrence is the only one involved in all this?
Myślisz, że tylko Lawrence jest w to zamieszany?
How much do you want to win this season, Lawrence?
Jak bardzo chcesz wygrać w tym sezonie, Lawrence?
I thought you told him you'd teach in Lawrence tonight.
Myślałam, że powiedziałeś mu o swoim dzisiejszym wykładzie w Lawrence.
Lawrence asked me to talk to you on his behalf before I left.
Lawrence prosił mnie, żebym z tobą porozmawiał W jego imieniu, zanim wyjadę.
Lawrence didn't tell us that you were a woman of such strong opinions.
Lawrence, nie powiedziałeś nam, że będziesz w towarzystwie kobiety o tak silnych opiniach.
I'm not going to negotiate with you about departure time, Lawrence.
Czy może to być jutro? Nie będę negocjował z tobą o czasie odejścia, Lawrence.
All he has to do is teleport me to Lawrence.
Musi mnie tylko teleportować do Lawrence w Kansas.
When Lawrence has got what he wants, he will go home.
Jak Lawrence będzie miał co chce, też pojedzie.
Lawrence, these are emotional times for all of us.
Lawrence, to dla nas okres pełen emocji.
She lost her husband and two sons at Lawrence.
Jenny Wenslow. Straciła męża i dwóch synów w Lawrence.
Please make sure that Lawrence gets back to his post by nightfall.
Proszę, upewnij się, że Lawrence wróci na swoje stanowisko przed zmrokiem.
I'm sorry, Lawrence, but you're in the way of my revenge.
Przykro mi, Lawrence, ale stoisz mi na drodze do zemsty.
The work they do at Lawrence is just inspiring.
To co robią w Lawrence, jest wręcz inspirujące.
And that fallout from Lawrence hit them really hard.
Opad radioaktywny z Lawrence doświadczył ich dość mocno.
Professor Lawrence, could that really have been an alien?
Pani profesor, czy to mógł być kosmita?
Even if Lawrence had insulted the girl, he can't justify beating him up.
Nawet, jeśli Lawrence obraził tą dziewczynę, to nic nie usprawiedliwia pobicia.
He had somehow Lawrence from accounting to do that?
Czy Lawrence z księgowości namówił pana do tego?
Lawrence has left his wife and we're going to be together... officially.
Lawrence rozstał się z żoną, więc będziemy razem... oficjalnie.
But Lawrence was not the only victim that died on that summer afternoon.
Ale Lawrence nie był jedyną osobą, która zginęła tego letniego popołudnia.
Why Lawrence spent his last night with me.
Dla czego Lawrence spędził ostatnią noc ze mną.
Lawrence, could you tell us about your book?
Lawrence, czy mógłbyś opowiedzieć nam o swojej książce?
Lawrence, this is the happiest day of my life!
Lawrence, to jest najszczęśliwszy dzień mego życia!
You must be the cavalry Captain Lawrence sent me to find.
Pan musi być tym kapitanem kawalerii wysłanym by mnie znalazł
Lawrence, Alfred engineered that 5 so it can violate the three laws.
Alfred zaprojektował tego tak żeby ten mógł złamać Trzy Prawa.
I don't want to be compared to Lawrence.
Nie chcę być porównywany do Lawrence'a.
Aren't you happy to see your brother, Lawrence?
Nie jesteś szczęśliwy, że widzisz swojego brata, Lawrence?
Tell Lawrence to keep the lunch break short.
Powiedz Lawrence'owi, żeby zrobił krótką przerwę obiadową.
Poor Lawrence, damn you, you'il be good at it too.
Biedny Lawrence, niech cię diabli, sprawdzisz się w tej roli.
Lawrence gave it to us from his store.
Lawrence dał nam ze sklepu.
Lawrence, Mama told me to watch after you.
Lawrence, Mama kazała mi uważać na ciebie.
That's us, man, if we don't get to Lawrence.
To my, chłopie, jeśli nie dojdziemy do Lawrence.
Lawrence and Mike were singing some '60s thing.
To Lawrence i Mike śpiewali jakąś piosenkę z lat 60.
Did Lawrence in Accounting put you up to this?
Czy Lawrence z ksiegowosci namowil pana do tego?
Well, Lawrence is about 50 miles east of Kansas City.
Lawrence jest jakieś 50 mil na wschód od Kansas City.
I didn't think Lawrence or Celliers would do us harm.
Sądziłem, że Lawrence i Celliers nie mogą nam zaszkodzić.
Lawrence says he lost his at poker. Did he?
Lawrence miał taki pistolet, ale mówi, że przegrał go w pokera.
Listen Lawrence, I know I'm asking a lot but this is the only way.
Słuchaj, Lawrence, wiem, że proszę o wiele, ale to jedyna droga.
Anais has been writing a book about Lawrence.
Anais pisze właśnie książkę o Lawrence'ie.
What did you do last night, Lawrence?
Co robiłeś ostatniej nocy, Lawrence?
I don't know what happened in Lawrence.
Nie wiem co się stało w Lawrence.
And you went down and took Lawrence home.
A ty pojechałeś tam, wydostałeś go i odwiozłeś do domu?
If you want to talk to Colonel Lawrence, you do it my way.
Jeśli chcesz porozmawiać z pułkownikiem Lawrencem, zrobisz to tak, jak ja chcę.
But life is far too glorious, Lawrence, especially to the cursed and the damned
Lecz życie jest zbyt wspaniałe, zwłaszcza dla ludzi przeklętych.
What is it, Major Lawrence, that attracts you, personally, to the desert?
Majorze Lawrence, co się panu najbardziej podoba na pustyni?
Lawrence Welk Show is out on in two weeks.
Za dwa tygodnie leci Lawrence Welk Show.
But I had a dream about you, Lawrence.
Ale śniłam o tobie, Lawrence.
I don't think they'il kill you, Lawrence, but they will blame you.
Nie zabiją cię, lecz będą winić.
Ladies and gentlemen. We got Martin Lawrence in the house.
Panie i panowie, na widowni siedzi Martin Lawrence.