(Noun) cygaro manilskie; włókno z banana manilskiego do produkcji lin, mat itp.; szary papier; jasnobrązowy kolor;
papier pakowy
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
And all of those products probably end their lives in a dump like this one in Manila.
Wszystkie te produkty pewnie kończą swój żywot na wysypisku podobnym do tego w Manili.
In 2004, as many as 116 people died in an attack on a ferry in Manila Bay.
W zamachu na promie w Zatoce Manilskiej w 2004 roku zginęło aż 116 osób.
So I wrote at the top of the manila folder, and I started looking at the data.
Zapisałam to więc na górze teczki i zaczęłam przeglądać dane.
So I had a manila folder, and I had a Sharpie, and I was like, what am I going to call this research?
No więc miałam papier do pakowania i marker, i zastanawiałam się, jak nazwę te badania.
According to the government in Manila, Abu Sayyaf is collaborating with al-Qaida.
Według władz w Manili Abu Sayyaf współpracuje z Al-Kaidą.
Afterwards, Thibout, Bettencourt's former accountant, stepped forward with further allegations that France's richest woman had given several French politicians wads of cash in manila envelopes after entertaining them at her home in Neuilly-sur-Seine, a chic Paris suburb.
The policeman â?? who was sacked from the Manila force a year ago â?? seized the hostages in an attempt to demand his reinstatement, police said.
Police marksmen surrounded the bus and negotiations to free the remaining hostages were continuing, the deputy director of Manila police, Alex Gutierrez, said.
Mendoza had demanded that he be given back his job a year after being sacked, the Manila police chief, Rodolfo Magtibay, said.
Mendoza hitched a lift from the historic walled city of Intramuros on the bus and then declared he was taking the passengers hostage when it reached Jose Rizal Park, alongside Manila Bay.
Viewers worldwide watch deadly standoff live on TV after former policeman hijacks bus carrying Hong Kong touristsIn pictures: Manila bus siege
An embittered policeman was shot dead by police marksmen in Manila yesterday after killing at least eight tourists he had taken hostage in a fatally ill-conceived plot to get his job back.
Furious about being sacked for misconduct two years ago, Rolando Mendoza, 55, began his mission yesterday morning at the historic walled city of Intramuros. Armed with an M16 automatic rifle, he hitched a lift on a bus carrying visitors from Hong Kong who were on the final day of their tour of the country. When the vehicle reached Jos?© Rizal park, near Manila Bay, he announced that he was taking the 24 passengers hostage until he was guaranteed the return to his job.
Just give me the name of the clinic in Manila.
To daj mi tylko nazwę kliniki w Manili.
And your tickets for the hockey game are in the manila envelope.
A twoje bilety na mecz hokeja są w kopercie.
Registration is $5,000, cash only, in a plain manila envelope.
Rejestracja kosztuje 5.000$ w gotówce. Ma być w czystej, szarej kopercie.
Later on, took a look at manila... through the periscope.
Później rzuciliśmy okiem na Manilę... Przez peryskop.
It's a manila envelope that says in red.
To szara koperta z czerwonym napisem
Go and Manila is there and is very strong.
Wróg jest tam i jest bardzo silny.
My brother was shot down over Manila Bay.
Mój brat został zestrzelony nad zatoką Manila.
I almost hooked up with this girl down in the Philippines, in Manila.
Prawie się związałem z taką dziewczyną na Filipinach. W Manili.
He was in Manila at 10:55 p.m. and then spotted....
Jest na każdym kanale. Był w Manilla o 10:55, a potem zauważono go...
And not Manila your shower!
I nie jestem twoim wrogiem!
In my 5 years in Manila... I sold it all
Przez te moje 5 lat w Manili... sprzedałam wszystko.
In 2004, as many as 116 people died in an attack on a ferry in Manila Bay.
W zamachu na promie w Zatoce Manilskiej w 2004 roku zginęło aż 116 osób.
According to the government in Manila, Abu Sayyaf is collaborating with al-Qaida.
Według władz w Manili Abu Sayyaf współpracuje z Al-Kaidą.
This young Filipino was abducted by armed men in a very busy shopping centre in Manila on 28 April 2007.
Ten młody Filipińczyk został porwany w zatłoczonym centrum handlowym w Manili 28 kwietnia 2007 r.
Passengers arriving on Philippine Airlines flight 118, welcome to Manila International Airport.
Pasażerów podróżujących liniami Philippine Airlines, wita Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy w Manili.
Myrtle in Manila, Honorée in Borneo.
Myrtle z Manili, Honorée z Borneo.
Finally, current priorities of our relationship with the Philippines include the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) negotiations, which started last month in Manila.
Na zakończenie dodam, że obecnie priorytetem w naszych stosunkach z Filipinami są negocjacje w sprawie umowy o partnerstwie i współpracy, rozpoczęte w ubiegłym miesiącu w Manili.