Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia stan Michigan w USA;

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Perhaps this is why the Oklahoma bomb is not as centre stage in America's collective memory as it should be. When Al Gore was interviewed about the extreme right by Larry King recently, there was no mention of Oklahoma. Coverage of last month's arrests of militants belonging to an offshoot of the same Michigan militia that McVeigh belonged to omitted to mention the bomb, days away from its 15th anniversary. There is extreme awkwardness around this enemy within, but also current concern about reverberations of McVeigh's cause: war against the American government.
The day of Watkins' interview, nine people appeared in court in Detroit, members of an offshoot of McVeigh's Michigan militia called Hutaree, charged with "seditious conspiracy" to kill a police officer and then bomb the funeral cortege, in order to spark insurrection akin to that sought by McVeigh. The previous week, congresswoman Louise Slaughter, who voted for President Barack Obama's health care reform, received one of many threats of violence to elected representatives, this one pledging that snipers would "kill the children of the members who voted for health care reform". Such language makes the blood run cold in Oklahoma; and the fact that most people in Oklahoma are deeply conservative makes the irony of both the bomb and their disgust at this language all the more cogent.
Enbridge Energy, which is Canadian-owned but based in Houston, said the spill may have reached 1m gallons. Federal government officials in Washington and the state of Michigan were struggling to stop the oil from reaching the Great Lakes.
Enbridge Energy Partners said it hopes to cut out the damaged section of a pipeline that spewed about a million gallons of heavy crude oil into a rural Michigan creek late last month.
A US official identified them as Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al-Soofi and Hezam al-Murisi. Soofi has a Michigan address, but the official said it was not clear where the men were from. US media reports suggested they were of Yemeni origin.
After examining close-up photographs of burns and discolouration around the wound, Werner Spitz, a former chief medical examiner for Michigan and author of a forensic medicine textbook, agreed: "This is a grazing wound fired at contact range."
Catfish chronicles the odd relationship between a young, hip and handsome New York photographer, Nev Schulman, and Abby, an eight-year-old who initially sends him an unsolicited painting of one of his published photographs. She lives, she says, in rural Michigan with her mother and her sister, a horse-riding, guitar-playing beauty who flirts with Nev shamelessly via phone texts and email. It all seems too good to be true and it is, though in ways that are surprising and, at times, affecting.

My wife and child are to join me from Michigan.
Moja żona i dziecko przyjadą do mnie z Michigan.

I'm sorry, but you must get her to go back to Michigan.
Przepraszam, ale musisz zmusić ją, żeby wróciła do Michigan.

I need you to buy my wife a ticket to Michigan.
Kup mojej żonie bilet do Michigan.

Unless you want michigan to become The suicide capital of the world.
Chyba że Michigan ma się stać światową stolicą samobójstw.

He thinks you're staying here and going to Michigan with him.
Myśli, że zostaniesz tutaj i pójdziecie razem do Michigan.

Well, my mom is in Michigan, so you don't have to worry.
Moja mama jest w Michigan, więc nie musisz się martwić.

Okay, well, if he does, it would be in Michigan.
Dobrze, więc jeśli to zrobi, byłoby to w stanie Michigan.

Are you going to stay in Michigan for good?
Czy zostajesz w Michigan na dobre?

Thanks to you looking at us half Michigan, and they keep looking.
Dzięki tobie połowa Michigan nas szuka i nie przestaną.

Miff, remember the job you did for me in Michigan?
Miff, pamietasz robote, która dla mnie wykonales w Michigan?

She came here from michigan To go to school.
Przyjechała tu z Michigan na studia.

Yeah, I may have to spend some more time in Michigan.
Tak, będę musiał spędzić więcej czasu w Michigan.

What am I supposed to do, go to Michigan with you?
Więc mam jechać z tobą do Michigan?.

He was planning on going to Michigan without me.
On zamierza wyjechać do Michigan beze mnie.

So, I get this letter from my friend back in Michigan.
Więc, dostałem ten list od mojego przyjaciela z Michigan.

Yeah, but did you know he was in a group from Michigan...
Ale czy słyszałeś, że był w zespole z Michigan...

The Michigan suffrage committee is here to pick up their bus.
Komitet sufrażystek z Michigan oczekują tu na przyjazd ich autobusu.

Off to Michigan or wherever he wants to go.
Wyjeżdża do Michigan albo gdzieś, gdzie chce.

I'm thinking about taking a little vacation to Michigan.
Myślę nad małymi wakacjami w Michigan.

He's an old college friend of Brian's that now lives in Michigan.
Jest starym kolegą Briana z college'u, teraz mieszka w Michigan.

Did I grow up in illinois or was it Michigan?
Czy dorastałam w Illinois czy w Michigan?

You were born in the suburbs of Michigan, in a school average.
Mieszkasz na przedmieściach Michigan, chodzisz do przeciętnego liceum.

Top of his class at Michigan in med school.
Najlepszy z klasy, w szkole medycznej w Michigan.

We open up against Michigan in two weeks.
Walczymy przeciw Michigan za dwa tygodnie.

Not across the whole country, maybe just Michigan.
Może nie cały kraj, może tylko Michigan.

They got one in Michigan and we got the other one.
Jeden jest w Michigan, a my mamy drugiego

I didn't really think you were gonna be in Michigan this summer.
Nie myślałem, że będziesz w tym roku w Michigan.

On the people of the state of michigan versus jack kevorkian.
Dziś zaczynają się przesłuchania wstępne, w sprawie Stan Michigan kontra Jack Kevorkian.

You ever heard of a Michigan court accepting irresistible impulse as insanity?
Słyszałeś, żeby sąd w Michigan uznał nieodparty impuls za niepoczytalność?

We can get a cab over on Michigan.
Złapiemy taksówkę na Michigan.

But she just got here From michigan.
Ale ona dopiero co przyjechała z Michigan.

I am a police chief from Michigan.
Jestem szefem policji z Michigan.

Pennington and Michigan is a few hours away.
Pennington i Michigan dzieli tylko kilka godzin

It says here that they found Bigfoot hair samples and in Michigan!
Tutaj jest napisane, że znaleźli włos i Wielkiej Stopy, w w Michigan!

So you're going to Michigan next year ?
Idziesz w przyszłym roku do Michigan? - Tak.

Hmm. How do you like the South as opposed to Michigan?
Jak podoba ci się południe jako przeciwieństwo Michigan?

My parents have a house on Lake Michigan.
Moi rodzice mają dom nad jeziorem w Michigan.

That was our own Michigan Militia with their latest chart-topper.
To była nasza Michigan Militia ze swoim najnowszym przebojem.

University of Michigan wants to debate us.
Uniwersytet Michigan chce z nami zrobić debatę.

Cos a man don't do that in Michigan or in California.
Bo mężczyźni tego nie robią ani w Michigan, ani w Kalifornii.

Michigan State is this Saturday, and I want that part to smoke.
Konkurs stanowy jest w Sobotę, i chcę, żeby to solo było super.

Michigan seems like a dream to me now
Michigan wydaje mi się jak sen teraz

Are we or are we not moving to Michigan?
Przenosimy się do Michigan czy nie?

They are two of the many recruiters assigned to Flint, Michigan.
To dwaj z wielu rekruterów przydzielonych do Flint.

Back in Michigan, where I'm from, I was hot shit.
W Michigan, skąd pochodzę, byłam gorącą laską.

What do you want me to do? Go to Michigan with you?
Co mam zrobić, przecież nie mogę jechać z tobą do Michigan?

It lookslike Lake Michigan out there and certainly seems to be affecting both teams.
Boisko wyglada jak jezioro Michigan i z pewnoscia ma to wplyw na mecz.

Lip said we're not moving to Michigan.
Lip powiedział, że nie przenosimy się do Michigan.

Michigan was just one long party.
Michigan, to była wielka, nie kończonca się impreza.