(Noun) geografia stan Minnesota;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
We drove all the way from Minnetonka, Minnesota just to see New York City.
Przyjechaliśmy do Nowego Jorku aż z Minnetonki w Minnesocie.
There's a young woman named Carrie Rethlefsen in Minnesota.
W Minnesocie mieszka dziewczyna, Kerry Ruffleson która uczy się w miejscowym liceum.
This is a house next to a Philip Johnson house in Minnesota.
To jest dom obok domu Philipa Johnsona w Minnesocie.
Andrew had moved to Detroit from Duluth, Minnesota.
Andrew przeprowadził się do Detroid z Duluth w Minnesocie.
In 1988, at the University of Minnesota, I participated in a small series of whole organ pancreas transplants.
W r. 1988 na Uniwersytecie Minnesoty brałam udział w serii operacji przeszczepów całej trzustki.
As stereotypes go, "Minnesota nice" is not a bad one. It holds that the mid-western residents of Minnesota, with its vast rural landscape and mostly Scandinavian-descended population, are unusually pleasant.
Bachmann, who is campaigning for re-election in November, revealed that she had managed to raise $1.7m in the past three months. For a Minnesota congressional bid, that is a huge amount of money â??far more than the $865,000 Palin raised in the same period and more, too, than was raised by the probable frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, the former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Palin and Romney, of course, do not face the costs of an election this year; but many are now wondering if Bachmann might consider a White House run.
Indeed Bachmann's biography reads like that of a Tea Party member, blending politics, outrage and suburban life. She was born in Iowa and went to law school before moving to Minnesota to work for the US treasury, then left to become a full-time mother. It was a busy job. She and her husband, Marcus, have five children but have fostered 23 more.
Rice posted on Tuesday revealing her distress about a news story in which an American "punk rock ministry" said that "executing gays is 'moral'". "The bottom line is this â?? they [homosexuals] play the victim when they are, in fact, the predator," the Minnesota Independent - linked to by Rice - quoted the frontman of ministry You Can Run But You Cannot Hide as saying. "On average, they molest 117 people before they're found out. How many kids have been destroyed, how many adults have been destroyed because of crimes against nature?"
He wanted to see something other than Minnesota before thinking about college.
Chciał zobaczyć coś innego niż Minnesota, nim zacznie myśleć o college'u.
Did you leave a boyfriend or anything back in Minnesota?
Zostawiłaś w Minnesocie chłopaka albo coś?
I told him that you were the real Minnesota miracle man.
Powiedziałem jego że byłeś prawdziwy człowiek cudu Minnesoty.
I'm from Minnesota, where there's plenty of hot dogs for everyone.
Jestem z Minnesoty, gdzie jest dużo hot-dogów dla wszystkich.
When you get to Minnesota, tell them what a big deal you are!
Gdy już będziesz w Minnesocie, powiedz im jakim ważniak z ciebie!
Why should Dad go to Minnesota while we all stay here?
Dlaczego tata powinien jechać do Minnesoty podczas gdy my zostajemy tu?
This is the same system that created those strong snowfalls in Minnesota.
To właśnie ten prąd był przyczyną silnych opadów śniegu w Minesocie.
Angelo has arranged for you to go to a clinic in Minnesota.
Angelo umówił cię na spotkanie w klinice w Minnesocie.
Ahh. i imagine it'd be like Minnesota, where you're from.
i wyobraża sobie, że to byłoby jak Minnesota, gdzie jesteś od.
No fish from Minnesota should be allowed to swim past the Missouri.
Żadna ryba z Minesoty nie powinna pływać w Missouri.
I can't go to Minnesota for a week.
Nie mogę jechać do Minnesoty na tydzień.
You saw my picture in the paper in Minnesota?
Widziałeś moje zdjęcie w gazecie, w Minnesocie?
I'm from a very, very small town in Minnesota.
Jestem z bardzo, bardzo małego miasta z Minesoty.
A young woman in Minnesota, recently traveled to China.
Młoda kobieta z Minnesoty. Ostatnio podróżująca do Chin.
Highest point in Minnesota, but... it's not really that high.
Najwyższy punkt w Minessocie. Choć wcale nie jest wysoki.
I decided to go to Minnesota to see Marshall.
Postanowiłam pojechać do Minnesoty by zobaczyć się z Marshallem.
Big where my grandfather's from in, uh, northern Minnesota.
Strasznie popularny w północnej Minnesocie, skąd pochdzi mój dziadek.
I was on a serial case in Minnesota.
Zajmowałem się sprawą seryjnego mordercy w Minnesocie.
And it's Minnesota 24 and Miami 21 at the half.
Minnesota 24 i Miami 21 po pierwszej połowie.
You were no minnesota fats, but you could play.
Nigdy nie grałeś jak Minnesota Fast, ale dobrze ci szło.
Next, we could be in Minnesota opening a Waffle House.
Następnym razem będziemy otwierać w Minnesocie Waffle House
We were raised on a farm in Moorhead, Minnesota.
Wychowywaliśmy się na farmie w Moorhead, Minnesota.
One yard stands between us and Minnesota!
Jeden jard stoi między nami i Minnesotą!
I told them you were the Minnesota Miracle Man.
Powiedziałem ich że byłeś Minnesota Cud Człowiek.
I have had my personality inventoried by the Minnesota Multiphasic.
Sprawdzano moją osobowość w Minnesota Multiphasic.
Made from real Minnesota cheese and sausage.
Zrobiona z prawdziwego sera i kiełbasek z Minnesoty.
Oh, here comes the happiest cripple in Minnesota.
Idzie tu, najszczęśliwszy kaleka w Minnesocie.
Tonight, Daisy could tell Leah that she's going back to Minnesota.
Wieczorem Daisy może powiedzieć, że wraca do Minnesoty.
A The events depicted in this film took place in Minnesota in 1987.
Film ukazuje autentyczne wydarzenia, które miały miejsce w stanie Minnesota w 1987 roku.
It's great to be in Minnesota.
To jest wielkie, by być w Minnesocie.
He is in Minnesota... but he's not visiting relatives.
Cary jest w Minesocie, ale nie u krewnych.
You came to play pool with Minnesota Fats?
Przyjechałeś zagrać z Grubasem z Minnesoty?
Minnesota leads Winnipeg by six points, the Leafs by 15.
Minnesota prowadzi przed Winnipeg o 6 punktów, przed Leafs o 15.
Bombay, the Minnesota Miracle Man, has done it again.
Bombaj, Minnesota Człowiek cudu, zrobił to znów.
When the North Stars left Minnesota, he stayed.
Kiedy Na północ Występuje w głównej roli zostawiona Minnesota, on pozostał.
You got that Minnesota blood.
Masz w sobie krew z Minnesoty.
Oh, my God, you are so Minnesota.
O mój Boże, jesteś tak z Minnesoty.
It's the family farm outside of Moorhead, Minnesota.
Rodzinna farma. Na skraju Moorhead Minnesota.
Because I'm still on Minnesota time.
Wciąż jestem nastawiony na czas w Minnesocie.
He's in Minnesota visiting relatives.
Jest w Minnesocie, u krewnych.
There's no way you're going to Columbia. And Mayo's in Minnesota.
Nie możesz jechać do Columbii, a Mayo jest w Minnesocie.
Because we're not in Butthole, Minnesota, that's why.
Bo nie jesteśmy na twoim zadupiu w Minnesocie.
There's nineof us, all in Minnesota.
Jest nas dziewiecioro, wszyscy w Minnesocie.
We got Jesse Keys in a clinic in Minnesota.
Mamy Jesse Keys'a w klinice w Minnesocie.
What, Minnesota Fats is your father?
Minnesota Fats to twój ojciec?
The junior senator from Minnesota, Gray Edwards.
Senator z Minnesoty Gray Edwards.
And the bright clouds over Minnesota and Iowa-
I chmury nad Minnesotą i Iowa
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Johns Hopkins, the University of Minnesota and Columbus Medical Centre.
Johns Hopkins, Uniwersytet Minnesoty i Centrum Medyczne w Columbus.
Minnesota dropped you. Yeah, it's in Hockey News. I'll save it for you.
Minnesota zatopiła was, Będzie w wiadomościach hokejowych, zachowam to dla ciebie