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25 times that of Jupiter and orbits a star called HIP13044, a giant near the end of its life that is part of the "Helmi stream".


He added that there are unanswered questions about how the planet, which orbits a star containing very few chemical elements other than hydrogen and helium, was formed when there was seemingly such a small range of material available.


When you think about it, you both circle the Earth in similar orbits.
Kiedy pomyślisz o tym, oboje kręcicie się wokół Ziemi na podobnych orbitach.

So certain orbits in certain years must pass through a denser debris field.
Więc niektóre orbity w niektórych latach muszą przebiegać przez gęstsze pola odłamków.

We can measure their orbits very, very precisely.
Możemy zmierzyć ich orbity bardzo bardzo dokładnie

Two bodies moving in different orbits.
Dwa ciala na innych orbitach.

Even now, it orbits overhead.
W tej chwili krąży nad nami.