Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

According to Israel's army radio, the prime minister's office has approached Washington with a deal to continue the moratorium for another three months in return for the release of Jonathan pollard, a former navy intelligence analyst convicted of spying in 1987.


Binyamin Netanyahu, has long pressed for pollard to be freed, but winning his release would help him sell concessions to rightwing members of his cabinet and the settlers.


Danny Dayan, head of the Yesha Council of Jewish settlers, condemned any proposal to swap pollard for an extension of the settlement freeze: "The very idea is an ugly form of blackmail.


At the inquest, coroner John pollard identified 23 separate failings of individuals, organisations and authorities that had contact with Andrea during the critical stages prior to her death, yet ruled that none of the apparent failures had a direct causal link with Andrea's death.


pollard began passing US secrets to Aviem Sella, an Israeli military officer, in 1984 in return for cash and jewellery.


The full extent of the damage done by pollard to US intelligence interests has not been made public but he is known to have given Israel comprehensive details of the US's global electronic surveillance network.


pollard was jailed for life under a plea agreement and his wife sentenced to five years in prison.


Mrs Pollard had to go pull her out of there.
W końcu pani Pollard musiała ją wyciągać z tego bagna.

Mr Pollard said you had a baseball practice or something. No.
Pan Pollard mówił, że masz trening koszykówki czy coś takiego.

I'll talk to you when I get to Sara Pollard apartment.
Porozmawiam z tobą, gdy dotrę do mieszkania Sary Pollard.

I had fun last night, Miss. Pollard.
Doskonale się bawiłem zeszłej nocy, panno Pollard.

First, Red Pollard will remain Seabiscuit's jockey, now and forever.
Po pierwsze, Rudy Pollard pozostanie dżokejem Seabiscuita.

I don't know what you're up to, but it's as crooked as Arianna Pollard.
Nie wiem, co knujesz, ale jest to równie pokręcone, co Arianna Pollard.

Mrs Pollard, I really don't know what to say. Um...
Pani Pollard, naprawdę nie wiem, co powiedzieć.

If folks saw Red Pollard...
Jeśli ludzie zobaczą Rudego Pollarda...