swimming; mar.,żegl. sailing
~ po oceanach - ocean sailing
~ po otwartych wodach - open water sailing
~ pod tanią banderą - flying the flag of convenience
~ podwodne - underwater swimming, underwater cruising; swimming under water
~ pod żaglami - cruising under sail
~ w zanurzeniu - submerged sailing
~ wzdłuż wybrzeża - sailing along the coast
1. (the act of swimming
"it was the swimming they enjoyed most"
"they took a short swim in the pool")
swimming, swim
2. (riding in a sailboat)
sailing: :
(w wodzie) swimming
(unoszenie się na wodzie) floatation, flotation
(statkiem) sailing
(na desce surfingowej) surfing, windsurfing
~ stylem bocznym side-stroke
~ stylem dowolnym freestyle
~ stylem grzbietowym backstroke
~ stylem klasycznym (żabka) breaststroke
~ stylem motylkowym butterfly
~ stylem zmiennym medley
~ synchroniczne synchronized swimming
n nt C
1. swimming: ~ synchroniczne synchronized swimming.
2. (naut) sailing
ntr swimming