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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

I'm a public school teacher, and I just want to share a story of my superintendent.
Jestem nauczycielem w publicznej szkole, i chcę się z Wami podzielić historią mojego dyrektora.


And he previously was a superintendent in Charleston, South Carolina and then in Denver, Colorado.
Wcześniej był kierownikiem w Charleston w Południowej Karolinie później w Denver w Kolorado.


So you can think of FOXO as being like a building superintendent.
Możecie więc spojrzeć na FOXO, jak na dozorcę budynku.


He's the assistant superintendent.
Oto pan Perry, asystent kierownika.


And the superintendent walked up and said, "What are you doing?" "Oh, just looking for some header material," waiting for that kudos.
A główny kierownik podszedł i zapytał "Co ty robisz?" "Och, tylko szukam materiału na nadproże" czekając na pochwałę.


18am: Some reports are starting to come through from Theresa May's speech to the Police superintendents' Association.


Police superintendent Dave Cliff said the latest explosion demonstrated the volatility of the mine environment, which has prevented any rescue workers from entering the mine since the first blast.


At the Senate hearing, John Metzler, who was superintendent of Arlington for 19 years, said he accepted "full responsibility" for the problems.


Chief superintendent Chris McKeogh, of West Midlands police, said the Shotspotter had an 85% accuracy rate, telling the BBC: "The soundwaves a bullet produces have a particular 'signature', and that should be recognisable to our force control room officers that have been trained up to listen.
